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Re: Twins and Bicornuate uterus or Septated uterus - NEW TO BOARD

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dear jen(?)

many prayers. just try to let yourself be hopeful. i

dont know the negative info you are reading about

identicals???- but in general the web can be a very

discouraging place, i recommend not surfing around if

its causing you stress. you need positive thoughts

surrounding you and encouruagment.

many prayers


--- jenkw4678 jenkw4678@...> wrote:

> I recently found out that I had an extra piece of

> skin on my uterus

> and had a ultrasound done at my doctors office.

> Although they could

> not tell for sure if it was B.U. or S.U., they were

> able to tell me

> that I have twins and it looks like they are

> identical. Everything I

> am reading on the internet about identical twins is

> discouraging, much

> less the fact that I am high risk. Has this ever

> happened to anyone?

> I could really use some encouraging words! I am

> supposed to see a

> specialist soon.





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Dear Jen -

I have 10 month old identical twin girls and have UD. Don't know

what different complications you might face with SU but I had a

pretty smooth pregnancy. I did have a cerclage put in which was very

helpful. Was on bedrest from 32 weeks on and delivered at 36 weeks

(considered full term for twins by many). I also don't know what you

read about identical twins that was negative but would be happy to

chat with you more if you want. Feel free to email me directly.



> > I recently found out that I had an extra piece of

> > skin on my uterus

> > and had a ultrasound done at my doctors office.

> > Although they could

> > not tell for sure if it was B.U. or S.U., they were

> > able to tell me

> > that I have twins and it looks like they are

> > identical. Everything I

> > am reading on the internet about identical twins is

> > discouraging, much

> > less the fact that I am high risk. Has this ever

> > happened to anyone?

> > I could really use some encouraging words! I am

> > supposed to see a

> > specialist soon.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Hi - I was pregnant with identical twins and I have a septate uterus.

Sadly my story isn't encouraging, but I lost my boys because of twin-

twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), not the septum. TTTS is something

that can happen with identicals. My septum was discovered during a

surgery for the TTTS, and they don't think it affected my pregnancy,

although they advised me to have it checked before getting pregnant

again. How far along are you? Congrats on your pregnancy by the

way! Feel free to email me directly (lbh60611@...) if you want

to talk about identical twins. I learned so, so much during the

process and would be happy if there is something from our experience

that could help you be aware of any warning signs. It is really hard

to know when to react to signs during your first pregnancy. That

said, I have a number of friends who have healthy identical twins!

And apparently many women have septums and never know it because it

doesn't affect their pregnancies!

With the septum, I've learned that common challenges during pregnancy

are preterm delivery because sometimes the septum doesn't allow the

uterus to stretch as it should and miscarriage if the placenta crosses

over the septum and doesn't get enough blood supply. If you already

know you have twins and are near the end of the first trimester, then

hopefully your eggs implanted in a good place! The other women can

tell you about the bicornuate uterus as I don't know much about it.

All the best to you - and don't hesitate to reach out for information

on this board! Sometimes the internet information can be

overwhelming, so take a break from it if you feel overwhelmed.



lost twins Goran (20 wks) and Darren (at birth, 27 wks) to TTTS

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