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Re: I survived my lap/hyst yesterday :)

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- Congrats! I'm having mine on Tuesday and reading your tale really

helped to

ease my mind.

How exciting that you will likely be trying again at Thanksgiving! That's NEXT


excited for you.

Keep us posted... of course.

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That is great, ! I was the same way about food after

mine. Take it easy and don't try to do much for awhile. It's

a great opportunity to catch up on your sleep. We'd be

interested in hearing more of the details when you get

more info and feel up to it.



> Hi Ladies,


> First of all, let me say thanks for the many well wishes and kind

> thoughts. I came thru my lap/hyst yesterday w/ few troubles. Just

> the normal nausea, I couldn't keep anything down last night and I'm

> still taking it very easy today. Just a bland diet of clear broth

> and crackers for me. DH is being a good sport and left the house to

> get some " real " food so I wouldn't have to smell it. Especially

> since we usually go out for dinner on Friday nights.


> Well, the doc was right, I " had " blockages in my right tube and a T-

> shaped uterus, pretty substantial from what he said. I guess it

> would be called a resection because from what he described, he put an

> incision along each wall to open me up. Now I get to live with the

> balloon and catheter for the next 11days. I have 2 follow appts next

> week to check the stitches and an ultrasound to check the healing

> process. The balloon and catheter come on out on the 17th. As long

> as the healing process goes well, we should be able to seriously ttc

> by Thanksgiving, after we deal w/ the PCOS that is. One step

> down!!!!


> Thanks again for thinking of me the last couple of days.




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That is so great that things look good. I too have pcos and a t-shape though

mine was only found after I had my first son and had trouble getting pg with #2.

I know mine can accommodate until full term though mine go sunny side up due to

the shape.

Keep us up to date and if I can answer any questions about pcos with a t-shape

let me know.


I survived my lap/hyst yesterday :)

Hi Ladies,

First of all, let me say thanks for the many well wishes and kind

thoughts. I came thru my lap/hyst yesterday w/ few troubles. Just

the normal nausea, I couldn't keep anything down last night and I'm

still taking it very easy today. Just a bland diet of clear broth

and crackers for me. DH is being a good sport and left the house to

get some " real " food so I wouldn't have to smell it. Especially

since we usually go out for dinner on Friday nights.

Well, the doc was right, I " had " blockages in my right tube and a T-

shaped uterus, pretty substantial from what he said. I guess it

would be called a resection because from what he described, he put an

incision along each wall to open me up. Now I get to live with the

balloon and catheter for the next 11days. I have 2 follow appts next

week to check the stitches and an ultrasound to check the healing

process. The balloon and catheter come on out on the 17th. As long

as the healing process goes well, we should be able to seriously ttc

by Thanksgiving, after we deal w/ the PCOS that is. One step


Thanks again for thinking of me the last couple of days.

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hi melissa

i'm so glad you had your lap and it's only one more month before ttc


i hope you can rest during this weekend and the next week and are back

to normal real soon - congrats!


SU - resected 3.9.05 // 8.10.05

1 ds - 7.7.01

2 mc - 6.21.04, 1.10.05 (boy)

Homozygous MTHFR C677T

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congrat melissa now take care of yourself



--- Gabi gabi151@...> wrote:

> hi melissa


> i'm so glad you had your lap and it's only one more

> month before ttc

> again

> i hope you can rest during this weekend and the next

> week and are back

> to normal real soon - congrats!


> gabi,38

> SU - resected 3.9.05 // 8.10.05

> 1 ds - 7.7.01

> 2 mc - 6.21.04, 1.10.05 (boy)

> Homozygous MTHFR C677T





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Hi Gabi,

Thanks again for all your sharing before surgery. I definitely felt

more prepared going in and I can honestly say that there weren't any


I'm a little sore and cramping a bit, but I know that it's normal and

I'm able to manage the pain pretty easily. DH has been great; he

basically doesn't want me getting up for anything besides going to

the bathroom. It's actually difficult for me to stay off my feet so

much; I've a very independent person. I have a new found respect for

every woman who has had to survive bed rest!

I do have one questions though, how much and for how long did you

bleed after your resection? The nurse told me too much would be

soaking thru 6 pads or more in 24hrs but she didn't mention how long

the bleeding would last. Is it the whole time the balloon is in? I

could call the office emergency line but I thought I would try my

luck here first. My 1st post-op appt is on Monday so I can ask then,

but we all know how waiting is ;)

Thanks again!


> hi melissa


> i'm so glad you had your lap and it's only one more month before


> again

> i hope you can rest during this weekend and the next week and are


> to normal real soon - congrats!


> gabi,38

> SU - resected 3.9.05 // 8.10.05

> 1 ds - 7.7.01

> 2 mc - 6.21.04, 1.10.05 (boy)

> Homozygous MTHFR C677T


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you're very welcome - it's nice to know that one's ordeals are

somewhat helpful :)

the 1st time around i didn't bleed too much - i never had a balloon

catheter in place so i don;t know if that makes any difference - a

few days (2 or 3?) after my 1st resection i had AF and it was a

little heavier than usual although it lasted the same 5 days ...

the 2nd time (scar + last bit of septum removal) i bled A LOT - like

a cup of blood + some big clots (sorry if TMI) - a few hours after

the surgery when i was already home - i freaked out cause it was

completely different than the 1st time and called the nurse but she

said it was normal - after that huge 'release' the volume was less

and less and then i bled just a little for like 7 days .....

i remember my instructions to take home and the nurse told me if i

soaked like a pad an hour or more i should definitely call them ....

as for how many days they really didn't tell me - i guess as long as

the volume keeps being less and less every day it would be

normal ....

i'm sure other women here will comment with respect to the

balloon ....

i'm glad you're on the way to recovery :) take advantage of your

husband being so nice and supportive :) and watch lots of good DVD

movies :)

have a great sunday and let us know how it goes in your follow up

appt ...


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