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Re: Re: Long rambling update (pg/m/c mentioned)

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Hi - I had one of those with my son Noah who is 8 months old now. Mine was

thought to have resolved only to find out that the placenta grew over it and

caused a slight placental abruption at 28 weeks. I did make it to almost 39

weeks and my son is just perfect! Let me know if I can be of further help.

Kathleen, t-shape

Re: Long rambling update (pg/m/c mentioned)

Hi, sorry to hear of your subchorionic bleed, another word for it is

subchorionic hematoma, or SCH. I also had one til 18 wks when it

finally went away. i had severe cramping the whole time. there is a

wonderful group that offers great support, its


Good Luck!



> Hello everyone!


> I have news: I just found out that instead of a bicornuate, I have

a subchrionic bleed (scb). The dark spot that my Dr. thought was an

extra endometrial cavity/horn is actually a portion of the still-

developing placenta that has become detached from my uterus, and

explains the reason I have been spotting on and off for the past 7

weeks. Unfortunately, like with a bicornuate uterus, there is no

clinical prognosis. Many things can happen. The bleed can either

heal on its own and the placenta can successfully grow over the

spot, the bleed can stay and the placenta will grow around it,

putting me at greater - but not absolute - risk for a placental

abruption later in the pregnancy, or the bleed can take over the

placenta get larger and I can miscarry at some point in b/t now and

the second trimester.


> Of course, this is all information I've gleaned from internet

research. I've heard much more neutral/slightly positive

information from the doctors I've talked to. The Dr. who did my

sonography and diagnosed the bleed said that it would 'probably not'

affect my pregnancy since I have made it this far. My OB., the one

who originally thought I had a bicornuate uterus, would not give me

any assurances or warnings and focused on telling me that 'no one

knows why this happens,' but did say that there is no greater

increase in risk of loss. Then, after telling me to keep taking it

easy, she cheerfully noted that my next appointment was to take

place on Halloween, 3 weeks from now. Finally, I had a convo with a

girlfriend of mine who is an OB resident yesterday. I was having a

severe allergy attack and sneezing my ass off , and figured that the

sneezing could not be in line with the 'taking it easy' admonishment

from my Dr. I had a box of Benadryl and wanted to take a few to

calm the

> attack down, but didn't know whether it was safe for the baby (I

didn't want to rely on internet research then). So I asked her what

she thought about the Benadryl (it was 'harmless,' she said) and

mentioned my condition in the process, and she told me that scb's

usually resolve on their own and that most women go on to full

term. I felt good after talking to her b/c I knew she was being

honest with me, so I'm trying to let her words resound in my head.

Apparently, most people's bleeds resolve before 13 weeks and if they

don't by 16 weeks, are referred to a high risk Dr. Although my Dr.

gave me no indication of whether my bleed had progressed or

diminished in comparison to the other 2 sonographs she has done over

the past 4 weeks, I personally feel like the brown spotting I've

been having has not slowed down whatsoever. I feel thankful,

however, that I was not subjected to the heavy, clotty bright red

bleeds I keep reading about that most women with scb's experience,

but I just

> wish the damn thing would go away. In addtition to the what-has-

become-regular-spotting, I recently started to have the most

incredible lower back pain radiating to and from each of my buttocks

and hips, but mostly my left hip. Of course, I'm thinking m/c in

the back of my head, but my Dr. said it's the muscles stretching,

and another SCB sufferer who has made it to the second trimester

said it's the body's way of 'fixing' what is wrong with the

pregnancy (?). The good thing about all this is that I don't have

to go through this again with my next pregnancy - hopefully.


> I hope I can still bond with you guys and that you don't kick me

out b/c I'm not BU :o( . Of course I'm going to try to joing an SCB

group, but I want to keep hearing about all of your victories and

battles, and would love to keep you posted on mine, which I promise

to be more postive about. Let me know if I can still party with

you! Thanks again for your support and referrals/advice.




> 10w 3 days





> ---------------------------------

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