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is doing well. She is 18.5mos actual age and 15mos adjusted.

Developementally her therapist say she is at about a 10/11mos level.

She still has the feeding tube, but she has started eating some

babyfood. So we are hopefully she continues to do well in that area

so maybe within the year we can get her drinking from a cup and off

the feeding tube. She is doing everything but walking. She will

stand and hold on to things, but will not move. She is getting more

daring everyday. Now when you stand her in the crib she will take

one hand off the rail or bounce and laugh.

She is a great kid with a wonderful personality. Thank you for


> Wow Pam, what a story, god bless your daughter..How is she doing

right now? Hope things are going well with you!

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Hi Pam,

Congrats on your daughter. I have a niece that was born 15oz and she

spent 6 months in neonatal icu.

I understand you feel that your doctor did not give you all your

options but in actuality that's not very true. You had one, what

sounds like submucosal fibroid of 2.5cm and you also didn't say

anything about it causing much discomfort. The rule of thumb is, if

you have fibroids and they are not causing you uncomfortable bouts of

anemia, heavy bleeding and pain, you should do nothing.

Your gyn didn't mention UFE(embolization) or myomectomy because

having those prodcedures drastically reduce the chance of you

conceiving much less giving birth to a child. With UFE they(medical

researchers) are still not sure how much it effects fertility, you

have to understand that there's a chance with embolization that the

blood supply is cut off to the fibroid but at the same time there's

no guarantee that that blood supply will be needed for a fetus. A

myomectomy is when they cut the fibroid out and the drawback w/that

is the scarring. Procedures like these weaken the uterus and the

uterine lining. Also it is not uncommon for premature birth.

Fibroids do not hurt a fetus willingness to develop. It does take

some of the blood supply, cause cramps and premature labor. Many

women including my mother whom had me w/a 7cm submucosal fibroid

carried me to term. Now, I'm 26 and have 3 submucosal fibroids no

children and yes, I do have symptoms but I realize that there are

ways around them. My dr is having me do another pelvic u/s on

wednesday and then I'm going to a reproductive encrinologist. My gyn

wants me to do a myomectomy, at this time i told her i'll have to


If u do decide to have either prodecure done, be sure to go to a

specialist. Question him/her as to how many times they've done the

prodecure and what has been the outcome. Also ask what is the

percentage of times the myo/ufe has turned into a hysterectomy due to


Your beautiful daughter is a gift, she may be struggling a little

right now but she's strong.. just like my neice and she will have a

wonderful and normal life.

God Bless and good luck


> Hi everyone,


> I was dx with one fibroid back in 2000. The doctor did an u/s and

> said it was 2.5cm on the inside wall of my uterus. My husband and


> got married in 2001 and decided we wanted to try for children the

> following year. So I did what I was supposed to went to my doctor

> told her what I about to do as in going off the pill, but wanted


> clearance from her. She said everything was fine here are prenatal

> vitamins and if you don't conceive within a year than we will have


> take care of the fibroid.

> OK, well 3mos of ttc we find out we are pregnant. So I decided to

> change doctors to deliver at a closer hospital. As soon as I see

> this doctor he tells me all the risks of having this fibroid and

> being pregnant. Well, don't you know at 23 weeks I start cramping

> and I go to see my doctor who tells me that I'm 10cm dialated.


> three days on bedrest I gave birth to a 1lb 7oz little girl at

> 24weeks. She is doing wonderful, but it's been tough. Three


> in the hospital, in and out of hospital once she came home, she


> from a feeding tube and is blind. All this because someone failed


> give me my options.

> Well, what brings me to this board is that I just had an MRI and

> found out I still have one fibroid measuring 5.6cm. My husband and


> are seeing a specialist next Friday in terms of my options for

> removing it.

> However, I wanted to come here and get some information like what

> procedures all of you have had done and were you able to conceive

> afterwards? How was the surgery? (deathly afraid of general

> anthesia) What can I expect? What questions should I be asking the

> specialist? I recovered quite well after the emergency c-section


> I was concerned with my daughter living or dying not myself. Now

> it's a whole different story.

> Sorry this is so long, but wanted to introduce myself and tell you


> story and what brings me to this board. Thanks for listening.


> Pam

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Glad to hear she is doing well. I work with kids with

extra needs and have seen may start out struggling but

do well later. The key is early help. Do you have a

good program in your area? Did the therapist give you

lots of educational play ideas?

Good Luck and if you need to chat email me at my



--- pjkay720 PJKAY720@...> wrote:

> Hi,


> is doing well. She is 18.5mos actual age and

> 15mos adjusted.

> Developementally her therapist say she is at about a

> 10/11mos level.

> She still has the feeding tube, but she has started

> eating some

> babyfood. So we are hopefully she continues to do

> well in that area

> so maybe within the year we can get her drinking

> from a cup and off

> the feeding tube. She is doing everything but

> walking. She will

> stand and hold on to things, but will not move. She

> is getting more

> daring everyday. Now when you stand her in the crib

> she will take

> one hand off the rail or bounce and laugh.

> She is a great kid with a wonderful personality.

> Thank you for

> asking.


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I am new and have a question also. My dh and I have been trying to concieve

for almost 8 years now. We will see a fertility specialist on Tuesday but I

am beginning to suspect a uternine fibroid. Has anyone had a myomectomy

without first taking Lupron or a drug like it?


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Many of us had myomectomy without taking any drug. I had a myo and did

not take the drug. There are lots of msgs in this group discussing the

pros and cons of Lupron. You may want to search and read these old

msgs. You'll be much more informed when you see your doctor.


-----Original Message-----

From: Amy Maus

I am new and have a question also. My dh and I have been trying to


for almost 8 years now. We will see a fertility specialist on Tuesday

but I

am beginning to suspect a uternine fibroid. Has anyone had a myomectomy

without first taking Lupron or a drug like it?


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  • 1 year later...

Hi all,

Found out I have a b/c UT when I had a csec with ds by attending Dr.

I was never told by my reg Dr that they knew when I had the

u/s at amnio. Not too happy about that. I want to start on #2 but

aprehensive. Ive luckily only had one m/c at 11wks so far.

Im also going on 40 this mo. Oh, also I have multi small fibroids

to add to it. Anyone with any advice. So glad to find a site to

talk to others.


ds 3/3/04

m/c 11/02

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hi addy


10 yrs ago i was told i had a BU (bicornuate uterus) and even the dr

who performed my son's c/s in 2001 said/wrote i had a BU - i had 2 mcs

(6/04 and 1/05) before i found out i had a SU (septate uterus) instead.

based on my experience and on what i read in this board i'd say that

you should consider having a laparoscopy/hysteroscopy if possible, to

get the right/definitive diagnosis - i had a HSG (which showed 2

cavities) and then had the lap/hyst which showed i was NOT BU but SU -

the dr resected me right then and there ....

i'm very sorry for your loss :( i just hope you find the help and

support you're looking for in this board

best of luck!


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