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21 wks 2days, UU, #1 & bedrest

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Hi all,

I've been lurking for the past several days (or longer??) and thought I'd

update on where we're at.

I'm now 21wks and 2days WOO-HOO!! with my miracle baby and still on bedrest.

I've been " cheating " a bit and going out but really only to go and ride around

one of the scooters at the grocery store. After the fourth time on one of those

things the humiliation starts to wear off! I figure me getting out of the house

is healthy for me and, thus, good for baby. But, to balance those trips I move

around very little otherwise those days.

Bedrest seems to be doing the trick. My contractions and cramping have faded

to almost nothing, although I have been getting these sharp pains in my pelvis

on and off for an hour or so...hopefully nothing. But, my dh brought me some

more water just in case.

To help me survive bedrest and house arrest I've taken up Sudoku puzzles (love

em!) and my dh bought me/us a Sony Playstation on Ebay for $20. Oh, and for

Hanukak/Xmas he bought me a portable DVD player. Said he felt bad for getting

me such a " practical " gift but figured between bed arrest and possible hospital

stays it would be useful for me. I LOVE IT!! I've been watching season one of

Lost every night this week on it.

Besides my bedrest boredom I'm happy to say not much else is going on. I'm

just trying to keep busy and starting to feel a *little* more comfortable each

day with my pg.

I've spend the better part of the past 5months afraid that at any moment the

other shoe would drop and now I'm beginning to see some hope in the near future.

I'm doing well, no " contractions " little cramping, and my little boy is growing

a week ahead of schedule...I'm still keepign all toes and fingers crossed


I'm happy everyone else seems to be doing well.

DENISE, I laughed when I read how yr contractions slow down when you get to

the hospital-this happens EVERY time to me!! Drives me nuts! Like that noise

yr car makes until you pull it into the mechanics garage!

Good luck all


uu/25 yrs (turning 26 on 1-3-06!!)


Yahoo! DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less

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