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Re: long time, no post...update (PROM) (child ment)

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hi karen

my son was born at 33 weeks + 3 days on 7/7/2001 (4lbs 3oz - 16

inches)- i had a normal pg up to the day he was born when i started

bleeding at 10am (placental abruption caused by my SU or maybe

because i have an extra copy of a gene MTHFR - most likely the SU

i'd think) - i was admitted to the hospital and was monitored until

3.30pm - then the monitor detected my son's HR dropping and the dr

decided to perform a c/sec -

right when i got to the hospital i was given surfactants (i think)

to help his lungs develop but of course there was not enough time

for that - he was born ok though - he only needed CPAP (oxygen blown

very close to his nostrils through a little transparent tube) for a

couple of days and he stayed in the NICU for 2 weeks until he was

able to regulate his temp and eat on his own (at first he was too

tiny and tired easily from nursing so he was fed through a little

tube that went from his nose to his stomach).

after those 2 weeks in the nicu we were moved to the pediatrics

floor and in 6 days we were home :)

it was a scary time because it was SOOOOO unexpected but luckily he

has always done very good and he nursed till he was 3.5 years go

figure! - i think that once you're past 30 weeks your chances are

very good and although no nicu stay is easy i think 34 weeks is a

great start -

having him poked and surrounded by monitors was tough but we made it

and i don't think he remembers - he's the happiest kid and he's

gonna be 4 in just a couple of weeks -

if you're willing here you have some pix:

then (you can click on the little pix and see it a little bigger):




and now:


maybe you can ask your dr about those substances to help his lungs

develop? .... maybe you can consult with a perinatologist if you're

not seeing one yet .... i'm sure they'll help you prepare at least a

little for what's ahead - sorry i have no idea about induction

though ... although a friend of mine delivered a 30 weeker

vaginally - just naturally, there was no way to stop the baby from

coming after the waters had been broken for 3 days - she wa born the

same day as my son but 30mins before him and she's also been doing

great since she was released from the hospital a few weeks after my

son ....

i wish you and your family the best and please email me if you have

any questions ....


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