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abdominal metroplasty success story (pg, child mentioned)

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Hi everyone,

I used to follow this group several years ago when I was beginning my

infertility work-ups with an RE. I have PCOS, and was diagnosed with

a BU/SU combo by HSG and MRI. After 3 failed IVF attempts, my husband

and I decided we weren't doing that again, and our RE told us the

risks, but also the possibilities, of performing an abdominal

metroplasty on my uterus.

I had the surgery in April of 2004, and DH and I decided to pursue an

adoption from Russia, kind of going under the assumption that a

pregnancy was never to be. Six months after the surgery we were told

that we could ttc again. Kind of laughing to ourselves, we stopped

the " rhythm " method, and of course (?!) became pg on our own the first

month. Wow!

So here we are 15 months later, and we have a wonderful son Jack,

adopted from Russia in March 2005 at 11 months, and a beautiful

daughter, Kathren, who I gave birth to last month. Yes, our

house is a wonderful madhouse!

So for those interested in the abdominal metroplasty procedure, she

was delivered by c-section at 38 weeks, to avoid the potential of

uterine rupture, and my pregnancy was very boring the whole time. I

was followed by a perinatologist, and my cervix and her growth held


Both my OB and my RE have hypothesized that the surgery was what

finally allowed me to become pregnant, though obviously there is no

evidence of that in the literature, etc. But after the surgery I no

longer had the horrible menstrual cramps that used to plague me every

month, so my RE was willing to consider the possibility that my uterus

was imparing my ability to conceive.

Anyway, I know that Hollie has shared a lot of information about her

similar surgery, but I wanted to throw in another success story for

anyone who may have to consider this. It's not a procedure for the

weak of heart--lots of time in a hospital involved on both ends--but

it can have very positive outcomes!

Best of luck to everyone,


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