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SU Resected/ TO SANDY....LONG

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I understand exactly where you're coming from. I'm 34 years old and

my husband is the same age as me. We've been trying to get pg for the

past 10 almost eleven years. In 1996 I was diagnosed with a complete

septum. My doctor perform a Laporascopy (No luck) I started bleeding

during surgery so he had to stop. I was giving all kinds of

medication including estrogen and a catheder so that whetever tissue

he took out would not grow or stick together again. With so much pain

both physically and emotionally we decided to rest from Drs, nurses

and medications. In 1997 we decided to move to Florida. I started

Fertility treatment as soon as I got there. They perform (again) all

kinds of tests. My husband's sperm was excellent. They checked for

antibodies in my cervical fluid, endometriosis etc... He did an

ultrasound where he clearly saw the septum. He explained to me that a

Septum is usually Not a cause of infertility but misscariages. He

still went ahead and perform two consecutive IUI with no hormones. As

you can guess no luck.. My husband and I were exhausted physically

and emotionally. We decide to stop treatment and try on our own

praying that one day our prayers will be answer. Years went buy and

nothing happened. It really got to the point that we were considering

adoption. My husband never lost hope that I could get pg one day. I

on the other hand was losing hope as days went by. In 2000 I changed

jobs and with new a new insurance I found a new RE doctor. She

diagnosed me with a complete septum just like the other Drs. She gave

me the option to have it resected or ttc for a while. She did told us

that if I was to get pg I was most likely to misscarry because a

Septum is not a good source of blood supply for an embryo. We went

ahead and tried on our own with clomid. We new the consequences if I

was to get pg but we decided to try and see what happened. Well,

nothing happened... I got really bad side effects with the drugs they

gave me. I was so frustrated that this was happening to us. I didn't

want to have the surgery because I had such a bad experience with the

first one I felt that I could not handle another dissapointment. On

June 2004 (just two months after your surgery) I had mine. The Dr

removed 90% of my septum. She said that the other 10% would not

interfere with implantation. She also told me I had one cyst and

Stage 1 entometriosis. She did not remove the cyst or the

endometriosis. She told us that these two would not interfere with me

conceiving and carry out a pregnancy. On Dec 2004 I started

injectables + Lupron. I did two rounds. The first one did not work. I

did not respond to the drugs. I only had two follicles. I've heard

some women who go thru this kind of treatment had at least 17 & up

follicles. Again, I was getting dissapointed. On Jan 2004 my Doctor

decided to double the dosage and add Lupron. I actually had 5

follicles on which two were mature. She perform an IUI. Again, No

Luck. My doctor told me that she couldn't understand why I wasn't

responding to the drugs. She said that I was reacting like a 45 year

old woman. We thought maybe my eggs were not good. I started

wondering if all this time that was the real reason I couldn't get

pg. I asked her if there was test to check my egg quality and in fact

there is. I thought it was going to be an invasive test but it ended

up been just a blood test. Thank God my blood test came out good. I

still had good eggs. After knowing this, my husband and I decided to

go ahead with IVF. We did not have the money yet so we were going to

wait until next year 2006. Well, after all the heartaches and painful

treatments, I finally got pg. We got pg on our own in March. I

couldn't beleive it. I'm still in shock. My Dr. couldn't beleive it

either. I'm 8weeks pg. I had two ultrasounds already to make sure

everything is fine. Well, actually the first ultrasound showed two

hearts but she told us that one sac looked smaller than the other.

She perform the second ultrasound and I had two sac still but one was

empty. They call it the dissapearing twin. The other baby is doing

fine. Sorry for the long story but I thought you needed to hear it.

Never losse hope. I wish you and your husband the best.

I'll keep you in my prayers.

Hugs ()()


SU Resected 2x

Pg #1 8 weeks

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Hi Patty, I know you wrote this for Sandy but I just wanted to say thank you for

posting this! I had my resection done last June as well and I remember having

you go through it at the same time I was.

I am so excited that you are now pg on your own....miracles happen, we just

never think they happen to us but they can!!! I will read and reread your story

when I feel blue like it will never happen to me.

I'm sorry they thought you were pg with twins and now only one, but I know you

are still so excited to be pg! I continue to wish you all the best and I hope

you stay around and continue to check in and update us.

TTC #1 since Nov '02

Septate Resection Jun '04

Looking forward to 2nd round inj/IUI end of May


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