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Hi,I am in my 3rd week of T3, cynomel, currently at 56.25mcg, going up 6.25 every 3-5 days. I was diagnosed hypo in May, took compounded thyroid for a couple of months, still felt crappy, actually worse, so I decided to start the RT3, as my ratio is 8.4. I am unclear as to when people start feeling a little better. I am not yet. Issues to address:1. Iron... Ferritin was 49 in beginning of July, have been taking iron regularly. 2. Adrenals...1 yr ago they were tested, came back some fatigue, so took Adren-All (Orthomolecular Labs) for 6 mos, re-tested last winter, they were doing better.My questions:1. Is this too early to start feeling relief? 2. I just received some Isocort, and since I

believe that even though the adrenals were jacked up last year, and showed improvement as long as 6 mos ago, that a person who is an untreated hypo will burn out the adrenals again. I cannot get a new test for at least 2 mos, so I have to go by symptoms. So, I started Isocort yesterday, 3-3-1-1 recommended beginning dosing. I had a horrible night sleep (actually no sleep). OK?3. My basal and daily temps have gone from 96.4 (starting T3), and now they consistently run around 97.4. This afternoon I had a 98.2, which is the highest I remember my temp being. My BP is running around 114/70, pulse avg 80. I am drinking sea salt as recommended and since I have done that, I have no anxiety symptoms. Will my temps continue to gradually increase or should they be higher by now?I guess since I'm not feeling any better yet (fibro/cfs/pain/rapid wt gain problems), I would like to make sure I am on the

right track. I would feel crappy anyway, but this is just one more level of crappy!! Do symptoms start diminishing soon after starting the T3 or do they not start to diminish until closer to clearing? This is my 'last straw' so-to-speak, and I am hoping I am doing this correctly. I worry some because my iron was 'almost' OK...and worry b/c my adrenal test is 6 mos old. I am having to go by symptoms for now.Thank you.Nanci

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