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Would you/have you put off surgery until you're actually trying to conceive?

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I've got my final diagnosis today: didelphic uterus with single cervix

and an atypical vaginal transverse style septum (just removed). I also

have only one kidney. One side of my uterus is healthy and double the

size of the other. The other is very small and the fallopian tube on

that side is either very small/blocked. Pregnancy on the " good " side

is higher risk for miscarriage, but not dire. The other one I am

probably able to get pregnant in but pregnancy would not sustain.

Obviously the best option would be to have one side removed as well as

the fallopian tube, obviously there are issues with that with scar

tissue also. I am not trying to conceive. Thoughts? Is it just a

matter of VERY good contraception?

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