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Re: Star IC/UD & Chantelle

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Hi Star, thanking you for your response. I am so sorry for what you

went through. I can't even begin to imagine what that must have been

like for you, emotionally and mentally. God I hope things work out

for you and that there will be a good outcome.

" NO ONE EVER told me about the symptoms of PTL or IC. "

I know what an IC is, but what is PTL? I have not heard of that

abbreviation yet. I'm still trying to learn and remember all the

abbreviation, so please excuse my ignorance.

" I'm very stubborn & persistent!). "

You sound like me. I can be very stubborn. Once something is stuck

in my head, I'll keep doing what ever it takes to make it happen. My

DH and I have been trying to get pregnant for a couple months now. I

almost wanted to give up after my doc apt. last Monday, but after

joining this group and speaking with a lot of wonderful ladies, I have

decide to not give up and to keep trying, no matter what the risk may

be. I just have to do my homework and stay informed with info when it

comes to my UD. IC is also a concern of my doctors, but he said he

would do what ever it takes to make things happen for me. So if I get

pregnant, I guess at some point he will stitch my cervix up and then

take the stitches out at a later date..?????. I think I understand

this ok. Again, I just learned of IC on Monday.

" Now, I plan to get copies of my own records & MRI film and take them

with me when I meet with a RE in January. "

That is a great idea. I need to do the same as well. I haven't had a

MRI done as of yet. I have had many Ultra Sounds and plus I had a

couple of surgeries, one where I was cut above each ovary and in the

belly button area as well. They took pictures of everything. Now

remember seeing the pictures, but I don't remember what everything

looked like, I was still a little out of it after surgery. However,

my poor dad saw the pictures and about passed out.  Now I have been

advised from some of the group members to consider an MRI and my new

doctor has asked me if I have ever had one, so maybe on my next visit

I will suggest to him that I want one…????

Please keep me posted with the outcome of your surgery. You can e

mail e at vividsky@... anytime. Thank you for sharing your

story with me. Again I am so sorry for your loss.

Take care



> It's been difficult for me to keep up with posts so, I apologize if I

> am repeating anything. Sorry, this is long too.


> I delivered my daughter at 21wks on 9/19. Although my dr was aware

> of my UD, she said she didn't consider me high risk. She did refer

> me to a peri. & had bi-weekly ultrasounds. All seemed well (however

> the peri never saw my records due to administrative mix up). My

> staff at work were all getting sick with some kind of stomach virus

> so, I assumed I was getting that too when I started feeling some

> stomach pain (felt like really bad gas). I did call the Dr. but he

> never called back. I started feeling better so, I assumed all was

> well & my DH went off to work. About 30 min. later I felt something

> buldging out down there. I went to the bathroom to see what it was

> when my baby just about fell out of me. I managed to get her

> breathing but she was just too early & did not survive.


> NO ONE EVER told me about the symptoms of PTL or IC. During my

> follow up appt. my dr. said the stomache pain followed by feeling

> better then, delivery was symptomatic of IC. I am sharing this just

> so you are aware of at least one scenario. I'm still in shock after

> loosing my daughter and having two MC's in the past two years.

> However, I am not assuming that I will never have a live birth (I'm

> very stubborn & persistant!). The lesson is that you MUST take

> control of your own medical care. I trusted my dr. and didn't even

> consider the need to research my dx & potential risks-particularly

> since no one seemed to think I was at risk despite 2 previous mc's.


> Now, I plan to get copies of my own records & MRI film and take them

> with me when I meet with a RE in January. I want to be as certain as

> possible about the dx & may request a lap/hyst. After reading posts

> here I realize that inaccurate dx is very common. I also plan to try

> to find an OB who has some experience with MAs & who responds to

> emergency calls!!!!


> I absolutely understand how you feel--scared, feeling like a lab rat

> etc. You are not alone! Hope this helps.


> Star

> age 35, UD


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