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Re: C-section

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ah, sorry i found it!!!

im sorry i dont know enuf about c-section. make sure

they get the drugs in you at the right time and that

someone is constantly checking your IV fluid levels.

if the doctor is not concerned about the baby, then

you should not be concerned about the baby. i know

this is very hard, but i have a perinatologist who i

know and she always reminds me of this.

congrats you are almost 34 weeks!!!! that is a huge

milestone!! i actually started to buy things for the

baby (finally) after 34 weeks (as instructed by the


xoxo many prayers


--- aminah hume sun_sets121@...> wrote:

> Hi all

> i have an appt this evening with the hospital

> regarding my labour/c-section..

> i havent been there b4 so they are new to my case so

> to speak..

> i hav no idea what to ask?, say, do!

> any thoughts..?

> well am 33wks 4days and he's still very breeched..

> not much chance of change.

> had some more test done i have low glucose and

> inactive thyroid which they have put me on hormones

> for.. but other than that all seems fine.. he's

> still low in weight and 5 weeks behind on his arms

> and legs, will hopefully get that checked today..

> still mixs thought on this, the doc seems to think

> its no biggy but for me its really playing on my

> mind. Hopefully this doc will give some reasurrance

> today..


> Aminah, 27yrs old, 33wk 4days, BU

> 1st baba



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> Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in

> one click.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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ah, sorry i found it!!!

im sorry i dont know enuf about c-section. make sure

they get the drugs in you at the right time and that

someone is constantly checking your IV fluid levels.

if the doctor is not concerned about the baby, then

you should not be concerned about the baby. i know

this is very hard, but i have a perinatologist who i

know and she always reminds me of this.

congrats you are almost 34 weeks!!!! that is a huge

milestone!! i actually started to buy things for the

baby (finally) after 34 weeks (as instructed by the


xoxo many prayers


--- aminah hume sun_sets121@...> wrote:

> Hi all

> i have an appt this evening with the hospital

> regarding my labour/c-section..

> i havent been there b4 so they are new to my case so

> to speak..

> i hav no idea what to ask?, say, do!

> any thoughts..?

> well am 33wks 4days and he's still very breeched..

> not much chance of change.

> had some more test done i have low glucose and

> inactive thyroid which they have put me on hormones

> for.. but other than that all seems fine.. he's

> still low in weight and 5 weeks behind on his arms

> and legs, will hopefully get that checked today..

> still mixs thought on this, the doc seems to think

> its no biggy but for me its really playing on my

> mind. Hopefully this doc will give some reasurrance

> today..


> Aminah, 27yrs old, 33wk 4days, BU

> 1st baba



> ---------------------------------

> Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in

> one click.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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