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UU IVF Follicles Update

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Hi everyone

Today I had my follicle scan and all is on track for

Trigger Injection on 22/10 and Egg Pick Up on 24/10.

Basically I have two more FSH injections before

Trigger and my ovaries are supposed to grow 2

millimetres per day. I have had 7 days of FSH (200

puregon). Here are my results:

Right Ovary: 6 follicles measuring 18, 18, 17, 17, 11

and 15

Left Ovary: 8 follicles measuring 18, 16, 16, 15, 15,

15, 14, 14

Endometrium: 6

I have no idea what all of this means except that my

doctor said more than 5 follicles on each ovary is

what he was looking for and I had 6 and 8 which he

said is good. If anyone knows anything about these

results, let me know.

I was really nervous when i saw how many follies were

on the U/S (you see i was expecting a poor response -

not due to any clinical reason but due to an

irrational fear). as i was not expecting anything, i

thought i had over-stimulated and he was going to tell

me something negative. I got dressed and met up with

him in his office and he was happy and I was relieved.

When i got to work at 8am I told my manager that I

would not be in for 2-3 days next week because of 'a

minor medical proceedure' and i accidentally burst

into tears. Felt like such a loser. I think it was

because of the really intense emotional build up over

the past week - trying so hard to be brave and working

long hours and fooling myself that i was on-top of and

in control of my emotions. I've been so nervous about

over/under responding, it was just such a relief to be

told that things are on track.

It's hard to believe that if the preg test works out

okay, i could be 4 weeks pregnant on 7 november!!!!!!!

STOP IT AMBER. That's dangerous. Okay, being sensible

now. One step at a time.

Best wishes to everyone. Thanks for listening. What a


Amber, 32

Very First TTC

Very First IVF

Right Sided UU with Left Rud Horn

Stage 5 Endo removed via Lap April 2004

Possible Past History of PCO


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