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Re: Septate Uterus and Vagina (pg, resection & intercourse mentioned)

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hi ,

im SU with 2 cervices and vaginal septum, who never

conceived before intervention and thus had no history

of miscarriages. my vaginal septum was resected to

improve access to my 2 cervices- but it didnt help me

get me pregnant ( a few more months of trying). my

doctor told me it was very dangerous to resect my

uterine septum b/c unlike SU with a single cervix: " it

is like doing the surgery blind. " (and thus could

destroy my uterus in the process)-- this was at

Harvard Medical School BTW by one of the worlds

experts in MAs. so as instructed, i did 1 trial of

IVF and got pregnant- they want to see if i can hold

the baby, since some women with SU have successful

pregnancies (tho they tend to go into labor early

around 33-34 wks i was told). So i am now 24 weeks

pregnant praying like crazy i will make it to at least

33-34 weeks (and not to be greedy- but also praying to

make it to term!)

One thing about a vaginal septum- you should probably

get it resected, unless you can commit to having sex

in each vagina ALOT to get pregant- are you TTC and

have you had trouble? Each side of an SU cavity is

only connected to 1 ovary- and b/c of

this, depending on the morphology of your vagina- if

the majority of sperm may end up in the side that is

NOT ovulating (they theoretically roughly alternate

sides- so you are only fertile on 1 side a month).

If, like me, you only have sex on 1 side of your

vaginal septum, this would potentially cut your

chances of conceiving from the

normal 20% per cycle to 1/2 that --10%/month. Even

for women with 2 cervices without a vaginal septum-

its not at all improbable that one of your cervices

sits lower in the vagina and kind of blocks the

entrance to the other one- potentially explaning the

apparent inability to conceive. Also, after vaginal

septum resection- i still used 2 tampons afterward

(your morphology will dictate this)- and, i found

intercourse to be infinately more comfortable and less

complicated (septum tended to get in the way). But it

all depends on your personal morphology/shape.

Feel free to contact me offline if you have questions


Best wishes,


--- DeLeeuw gemdeluxe@...> wrote:

> Hi,


> Has anyone ever heard of a woman with a

> bicornuate/septate uterus, 2

> cervices, and septate vagina getting pregnant and

> having a healthy

> delivery? (without surgery to reshape anything

> beforehand?)


> Thanks.




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Thanks for your story. Good Luck! Are you on bedrest or have any


I am TTC, only have sex on one side, and am in the middle of an IUI

(artifical insemination) cycle, taking Chlomid, had an HSG, and will

have an ultrasound before IUI so the doctor puts the sperm on the

side with the egg (assuming I ovulate). They are also going to do

testing on my husband's sample. It is unlikely (<10%) we will get

pregnant from this, but hope to learn more about our bodies. (so

far my FSH is a little high, which we never know before.)

Anyway, my doctor suggested resection of the vaginal septum, or

maybe going straight to IVF. I'm tempted to go straight to IVF,

especially since our insurance would cover most of it.

What was the resection procedure and recovery like?


> > Hi,

> >

> > Has anyone ever heard of a woman with a

> > bicornuate/septate uterus, 2

> > cervices, and septate vagina getting pregnant and

> > having a healthy

> > delivery? (without surgery to reshape anything

> > beforehand?)

> >

> > Thanks.

> >

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Thanks for your story. Good Luck! Are you on bedrest or have any


I am TTC, only have sex on one side, and am in the middle of an IUI

(artifical insemination) cycle, taking Chlomid, had an HSG, and will

have an ultrasound before IUI so the doctor puts the sperm on the

side with the egg (assuming I ovulate). They are also going to do

testing on my husband's sample. It is unlikely (<10%) we will get

pregnant from this, but hope to learn more about our bodies. (so

far my FSH is a little high, which we never know before.)

Anyway, my doctor suggested resection of the vaginal septum, or

maybe going straight to IVF. I'm tempted to go straight to IVF,

especially since our insurance would cover most of it.

What was the resection procedure and recovery like?


> > Hi,

> >

> > Has anyone ever heard of a woman with a

> > bicornuate/septate uterus, 2

> > cervices, and septate vagina getting pregnant and

> > having a healthy

> > delivery? (without surgery to reshape anything

> > beforehand?)

> >

> > Thanks.

> >

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Guest guest

Thanks for your story. Good Luck! Are you on bedrest or have any


I am TTC, only have sex on one side, and am in the middle of an IUI

(artifical insemination) cycle, taking Chlomid, had an HSG, and will

have an ultrasound before IUI so the doctor puts the sperm on the

side with the egg (assuming I ovulate). They are also going to do

testing on my husband's sample. It is unlikely (<10%) we will get

pregnant from this, but hope to learn more about our bodies. (so

far my FSH is a little high, which we never know before.)

Anyway, my doctor suggested resection of the vaginal septum, or

maybe going straight to IVF. I'm tempted to go straight to IVF,

especially since our insurance would cover most of it.

What was the resection procedure and recovery like?


> > Hi,

> >

> > Has anyone ever heard of a woman with a

> > bicornuate/septate uterus, 2

> > cervices, and septate vagina getting pregnant and

> > having a healthy

> > delivery? (without surgery to reshape anything

> > beforehand?)

> >

> > Thanks.

> >

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Not real sure but I had a vaginal septum too and didnt even know about

that---we knew about the septum that went from top to pretty much

buttom but no one until my RE discovered the septum...good luck to

you. I had my vag fixed and my septum although it took a few surgerys

is now resected enough to where my RE things its pointless to try any

closser and its baby making time. Hopefully.


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Not real sure but I had a vaginal septum too and didnt even know about

that---we knew about the septum that went from top to pretty much

buttom but no one until my RE discovered the septum...good luck to

you. I had my vag fixed and my septum although it took a few surgerys

is now resected enough to where my RE things its pointless to try any

closser and its baby making time. Hopefully.


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Not real sure but I had a vaginal septum too and didnt even know about

that---we knew about the septum that went from top to pretty much

buttom but no one until my RE discovered the septum...good luck to

you. I had my vag fixed and my septum although it took a few surgerys

is now resected enough to where my RE things its pointless to try any

closser and its baby making time. Hopefully.


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Dear ,

Currently on modified bed rest - which means i go

couch (work from home) to bed to couch- go into work 1

day but take it easy (sit down most of the time, avoid

too much walking. I try to avoid shopping or too much

standing for any length of time as that causes


My doc rec against clomid IUI b/c with SU not resected

it is extremely unlikely that you can carry twins- so

i was put straight on IVF after my vag resect. If i

were you id go straioght to IVF.

vag resection was a day-surgery- full anesthesia, but

thats bc they paired it with laparscopy to confirm my

uterine diagnosis and remove endometriosiss. a simple

vaginal resection might even be an office procedure

with local anesthetic- im not sure. the recovery was

not too bad- the worst part was recovery from

anesthesia (just feelling drugged which i hate). the

vaginal part really didnt seem like much. i had some

bleeding after but i think that was actually my period

coming a little early. i had to use pads- not

tampons- for recovery time, im not sure if i had to

use them again durnig the 2nd month of period- i dont

think so. doc said we could start TTC after 4 weeks

but im not going to lie- i didnt want to have sex

until a good 2 months after the surgery- i was worried

and frankly a little scared. when you dont have sex

that long your vagina shrinks a little- but the 1st

effort at sex was surprisingly uncomplicated. i was

a little tender and it took a little getting used to.

there is small risk that you will have pain with

intercourse after vaginal resection but i havent found

that to be the case long term (just a little

initially). the septum itself has no nerve endings-

but you want to make sure they dont cut away any

healthy vaginal tissue. B/c my septum conttinues into

my uterus- they left part of it, right between my

cervices- it was not the flopsy flimsy part- but a

hard, think base- they had to i think for safety

reasons- so there is the issue of kind of this dome of

tissue at the end of my vagina. my husband is a VERY

honest man, and he said, after the surgery- that it

definately feels more normal than before, but still

not 100%. the space is also larger, but in my case

that was a good thing i think (at least for me; and my

husband has no trouble being satisfied). my vag is

not (as a feared) too large- i think it is likely more

the size of a regular vagina now.

Best wishes to you-

Heidi SU (not resected)/ vag septum/ cerv.

duplication, 24 wk prg

> What was the resection procedure and recovery like?



> >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > Has anyone ever heard of a woman with a

> > > bicornuate/septate uterus, 2

> > > cervices, and septate vagina getting pregnant

> and

> > > having a healthy

> > > delivery? (without surgery to reshape anything

> > > beforehand?)

> > >

> > > Thanks.

> > >




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Dear ,

Currently on modified bed rest - which means i go

couch (work from home) to bed to couch- go into work 1

day but take it easy (sit down most of the time, avoid

too much walking. I try to avoid shopping or too much

standing for any length of time as that causes


My doc rec against clomid IUI b/c with SU not resected

it is extremely unlikely that you can carry twins- so

i was put straight on IVF after my vag resect. If i

were you id go straioght to IVF.

vag resection was a day-surgery- full anesthesia, but

thats bc they paired it with laparscopy to confirm my

uterine diagnosis and remove endometriosiss. a simple

vaginal resection might even be an office procedure

with local anesthetic- im not sure. the recovery was

not too bad- the worst part was recovery from

anesthesia (just feelling drugged which i hate). the

vaginal part really didnt seem like much. i had some

bleeding after but i think that was actually my period

coming a little early. i had to use pads- not

tampons- for recovery time, im not sure if i had to

use them again durnig the 2nd month of period- i dont

think so. doc said we could start TTC after 4 weeks

but im not going to lie- i didnt want to have sex

until a good 2 months after the surgery- i was worried

and frankly a little scared. when you dont have sex

that long your vagina shrinks a little- but the 1st

effort at sex was surprisingly uncomplicated. i was

a little tender and it took a little getting used to.

there is small risk that you will have pain with

intercourse after vaginal resection but i havent found

that to be the case long term (just a little

initially). the septum itself has no nerve endings-

but you want to make sure they dont cut away any

healthy vaginal tissue. B/c my septum conttinues into

my uterus- they left part of it, right between my

cervices- it was not the flopsy flimsy part- but a

hard, think base- they had to i think for safety

reasons- so there is the issue of kind of this dome of

tissue at the end of my vagina. my husband is a VERY

honest man, and he said, after the surgery- that it

definately feels more normal than before, but still

not 100%. the space is also larger, but in my case

that was a good thing i think (at least for me; and my

husband has no trouble being satisfied). my vag is

not (as a feared) too large- i think it is likely more

the size of a regular vagina now.

Best wishes to you-

Heidi SU (not resected)/ vag septum/ cerv.

duplication, 24 wk prg

> What was the resection procedure and recovery like?



> >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > Has anyone ever heard of a woman with a

> > > bicornuate/septate uterus, 2

> > > cervices, and septate vagina getting pregnant

> and

> > > having a healthy

> > > delivery? (without surgery to reshape anything

> > > beforehand?)

> > >

> > > Thanks.

> > >




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