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Re: Lap and possible resection and then IVF...advice please (child pg mc)

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hi nat

i'm SU - resected 3.9.05 -

i was VERY lucky and had a 33 weeker in 2001 - his pg was

uncomplicated up until the morning i started bleeding - he was born

by c/sec that afternoon. at the moment no dr made a connection

between his birth and my SU (at the time also, several drs have told

me i was BU and never asked for more testing - i didn't think of it


i then had 2 mc - 6.21.04 at 6 or 7 weeks and 1.10.05 at 10 weeks (a

boy) - my RE thinks that these 2 losses where SU related.

i had a HSG 2.18.05 and a lap/hyst + resection (after lap confirmed

i was SU, not BU).

after surgery my RE told me to wait for 2 cycles - we tried again in

june and i got pg but it was a chemical pg - maybe a bad egg ....

anyway, as you see in my case it is possible to have a SU and an

almost-term baby but it's also possible that the septum will

complicate things

i can't help you with the IVF implications because i'm not there

yet - i'm waiting on tests results to know what i'll do next .... i

hope there's still something i can do .....

anyway .... best of luck with your decision

i know it's very hard - i just hope you can find some peace of mind

with whatever you choose

take care


PS: i remember my RE told me BEFORE surgery that he needed to see

the septum before knowing if he'd be able to resect it - apparently

if the septum is fibrous and doesn't have lots of blood

vessels/irrigation then it can be removed .... maybe you should ask

your dr which criteria he'll use to determine if he can resect or

not ..... just a thought (on top of all the other chatter above ;)).

sorry - my posts are usually too long :(

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Hi Gabi

Thanks for you post.Sounds like you have been through alot. Sounds

like the resection is a good idea as don't want to go through ivf for

it to reslut in loss due to septum.

I didn't realise there was a difference in the type of septum they

can operate on and so i will definatly be asking that one! Would be

good to know what he will base his decision on!!

Anyway good luck with everything and hope to here good new soon!


> hi nat


> i'm SU - resected 3.9.05 -

> i was VERY lucky and had a 33 weeker in 2001 - his pg was

> uncomplicated up until the morning i started bleeding - he was born

> by c/sec that afternoon. at the moment no dr made a connection

> between his birth and my SU (at the time also, several drs have


> me i was BU and never asked for more testing - i didn't think of it

> either).


> i then had 2 mc - 6.21.04 at 6 or 7 weeks and 1.10.05 at 10 weeks


> boy) - my RE thinks that these 2 losses where SU related.


> i had a HSG 2.18.05 and a lap/hyst + resection (after lap confirmed

> i was SU, not BU).


> after surgery my RE told me to wait for 2 cycles - we tried again


> june and i got pg but it was a chemical pg - maybe a bad egg ....


> anyway, as you see in my case it is possible to have a SU and an

> almost-term baby but it's also possible that the septum will

> complicate things


> i can't help you with the IVF implications because i'm not there

> yet - i'm waiting on tests results to know what i'll do next .... i

> hope there's still something i can do .....


> anyway .... best of luck with your decision

> i know it's very hard - i just hope you can find some peace of mind

> with whatever you choose


> take care

> gabi


> PS: i remember my RE told me BEFORE surgery that he needed to see

> the septum before knowing if he'd be able to resect it - apparently

> if the septum is fibrous and doesn't have lots of blood

> vessels/irrigation then it can be removed .... maybe you should ask

> your dr which criteria he'll use to determine if he can resect or

> not ..... just a thought (on top of all the other chatter above ;)).

> sorry - my posts are usually too long :(

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