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Hi Jen-

I am sorry to hear you also lost a son. When was he born? My son Colin

was born on April 19, 2004. This is definitely a lot to handle. I

think at this point we are going to hold off on surgery. I don't want

to risk something worse happening to my uterus and the thought of not

being able to TTC for at least 3 months makes me crazy.

I know I wouldn't be so anxious if Colin was here but he isn't and I

need something positive right now. I know I am taking a risk by not

doing it and know I will beat myself up if I m/c as I will blame the

fact that I didn't go through with the surgery. But, my dh and I

decided this is the route we want to try for now. I may change my mind

and I know I will if we have another loss. I am trying to think on the

positive side that I did carry a big baby to term.

I don't mean to be too personal but when you say your septum was massive

what does that mean. My RE said mine was 3cm which he classifies as

moderate. On the HSG, it just looks to me like the fundus is scooped

down a little, not flat, but certainly not a line dividing it or

anything- but I have nothing to compare it to.

Congrats on your current pregnancy and may you be holding a screaming

baby in a few short months! I would love to chat if you would like to

email me privately.

(mom to Devan, 6, adopted, and Colin, 1, angel born at 38 weeks

due to cord accident)

Re: My story (loss mentioned, son born


Hi --

I am so very sorry about the loss of your son. It is a devastating

experience---I have been through it myself--and my heart goes out to

you and your family. I know you have a tough decision to make now

about whether to have the surgery. I grappled with that decision

myself and decided to do the surgery, because I, too, needed to know

I had done everything I could to prevent another child of mine dying.

I, too, carried my son to term (37 weeks) before he died (one

possible cause found was a blood clot in the umbilical cord)- and my

baby was a decent size, but my septum was massive and I really felt

it had to be removed. The good news is that I had my surgery in

November, it was very successful and 4 months later I became pregnant

again. I am now 13 weeks along.......

I was misdiagnosed during my pregnancy as having BU, and only after

my loss I found out that I was SU--and that surgery was an option and

was advisable since my septum was extremely wide and long. Although

some of my doctors (I had many consults) thought my SU had nothing to

do with my loss, others instinctively felt that it must have played a

role. I received correct diagnosis of my anomaly through saline

ultrasound, 3-D ultrasound and of course, the lap/hyst. surgery

itself. The HSG and MRI were not conclusive in my case. The surgery

was really not bad. I understand your concerns about waiting and your

age---I was actually 35 when my son died--and it wasn't till 8 months

later that I was preg. again---but my peace of mind is greater

knowing I have done all I could. But our cases are different, of

course, and your good decision may not be the same as mine.

Sorry if this letter is rambling---I am hormonal and tired tonight,

but really wanted to respond to your post. Please email me directly

if you want to chat more or if I can help in any way.


Good luck and take care---

Jen K.


> Hi-


> My name is and this is my first post to this group. I could

> really use some help in making some upcoming decisions in our quest


> have another child. I was recently diagnosed by an RE with SU or


> had an HSG done and he saw the defect, he is of course not sure


> one it is. We met with him today and are now facing the decision of

> surgery or not.


> Our story may be a little different and that is why I am struggling


> hard with this decision. We had our first born child in April

2004; he

> was born still at 38 weeks due to a cord accident (cord around his


> 3 times and a true knot). His death is not believed to be at all

> related to the mullerian defect. He was healthy- good weight and

> carried to term. Which in a subsequent pregnancy is good- we can


> a big baby to term. However, the risk of m/c and second trimester

> losses without surgery seems too much for my already emotional

state. I

> can't bear the thought of losing another child when maybe I could


> done something about it. We have been TTC for 10 months with no

> success. We have not m/c'd as far as I know which is good and maybe

> says this defect is not that bad.


> I don't know what to think other than I want another biological


> and soon. I just had my 30th birthday and feel the biological

clock is

> ticking. We have been told we have to wait two months after the


> before we can begin TTC again. This is all very frustrating and

> confusing. Can any of you help me with this decision? Have any of


> conceived and carried to term with out the surgery? Any


> after the surgery that made future pregnancies worse? Advice








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