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constant pain

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Hi, I am new to the group and have a bicornuate uterus. I have two

children that are healthy after eight miscariages. My question is

that I am not pregnant and have constant cramping. I had had a

laparoscopy in which they found nothing and am now waiting for a

referral for a second opinion. Every doctor I have asked about my

pain says that it is not caused by my abnormal uterus. So, I am just

trying to find out if anyone else out there is going through the same

thing I am. I am in constant pain as if I am going to start my period

at any time. I have very heavy bleeding and at times even feel like

my uterus is going to fall out. Please tell me I am not alone in


I look forward to belonging to a group of people that have the same

problem I do.


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Hi, I am most of the month in constant pain--but I think mine has

alot to do with my Cysts on my ovarys--and Endometriosis--if they

did a lap--did you have either of these? Cause I have heard that

endo can cause pain all the time..there is also something inside the

uterus like adomyosis or something not sure never been told i have

that but a girl I knew said she was in pain all the time from it--

not sure if thats the word..I am sorta not really but sorta getting

used to it--like right now my right side is hurting me pretty bad

cause of that BIG cyst. I hope they found out whats going on with

ya.---my uterus is septated but really inside looks bicournate cause

of how far its apart-the two sides. not sure if that has anything to

do with it. i doubt it. For my cramps Naproxon sodium--or naperoson

what ever it is either alieve or advil lol but double dose works for

me really well---i only take it when it gets real bad which is or

used to be week before and week of my period---but since I had that

other Septum(vag) removed so far it hasent started so early. oh hey

I used to have real heavy bleeding and now its not so bad.---Good



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They did a lap and found nothing. Though the doctor told me that he

would be looking at the inside and outside of by ovaries, tubes and

uterus. After the surgery I found out that he only looked at the

outside of them, and since they looked healthy on the outside that

they had to be healthy on the inside. (Those were his exact words) I

have tried naproxem and aleve and they no longer help me. I have an

appt next Tuesday with a female dr and am hoping that maybe seeing a

female will help. Since the male dr I saw that did the surgery told

me that either it was stress or it was in my head. I almost killed

him when he told me that.

Thank You,


> Hi, I am most of the month in constant pain--but I think mine has

> alot to do with my Cysts on my ovarys--and Endometriosis--if they

> did a lap--did you have either of these? For my cramps Naproxon

sodium--or naperoson

> I used to have real heavy bleeding and now its not so bad.---Good

> Luck.


> Rhonda-

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