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Re: your successful live-birth pre-term labor experiences? (baby ment)

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Heidi -

Hang in there! I think you've read my old e-mail post - but I do

know what it's like to be scared out of your mind during a high risk

pregnancy. Getting to weeks 33-34 is really very good. I know that

perspective may depend on whatever situation you are in - but 34

weeks was the original goal of my Drs. when they thought they were

just being cautious and I would have a smooth pregnancy. My

pregnancy was seriously threatened at 14 weeks, 24 weeks and then

every week after... and so that I actually made it to 31 weeks felt

like a miracle in itself.

I asked about delivery/labor through out and my Drs. said it would

depend by the situation. The baby could be very small, and there

could be little stopping a quick vaginal delivery. Or a situation

could arise and they would do a c-section. Or it might be up to me

(my OB advised me to state my case to whoever the delivering Dr. was

and that his partners would abide).

In my case I went into labor - not even knowing it! I could not

feel most of the contractions, but since I was on hospital bedrest

and being monitored, they caught it. (I had been on Nifidpine since

week 22, had shortening cervix, then no cervix, then my waters

started leaking week 31 and they took me off Nifidpine and waited to

see how my body would respond - but we all knew it was imminent at

that point).

I had steriods at weeks 24 and weeks 28. My Drs. tried to time it

at the most critical points (they will only administer it twice

during the pregnancy - and I believe that once you get to 34 weeks,

they don't feel it's necessary for any steriods).

I had a c-section (my choice, personally I thought it would be

safest for the baby) and delivered at 31 weeks 3 days. Our baby was

3 lbs and 7 oz (which we thought was pretty good considering we

thought at one time I might deliver at 24-25 weeks). He just came

home yesterday after spending 5+ weeks in the NICU - and now is over

6 lbs and doing great. I believe the steriods really helped, as he

had no lung issues. The one thing he had was apnea of prematurity -

not uncommon and typically resolves itself around at 36-37 weeks

(still freaks a parent out though when your baby stops breathing!).

And that's the time many of the preemies are ready to come home.

I know some people might not be able to understand this - but the

pregnancy was soooo bad - and so scary - that while having our baby

in the NICU was sometimes scary, overwhelming and intimidating it

was not as bad as the possibilities we faced before. We were able

to get into our own routine on visiting our son every day (I would

go for the day, then my husband would go at night) - but we also

took the time to get some errands done (I had been on bedrest for 4

months - so there was much to do - not to mention recuperation from

the c-section)and we took comfort in knowing our baby was in good

hands and had 24 hour care.

I hope your hospital has a Level III NICU. We also got a

consultation from a Neonatologist when I was 25.5 weeks - the Dr.

was terrific and sat there for an hour with us discussing the

possibilities (but I think it solely depends on the Dr. - as we had

another consultation at 31 weeks and that Dr. was horrible). My

husband also toured the facility (I was on strict bedrest so could


Let me know if there are any questions I can answer. I do know what

being in that position is like. Ask your Drs. all the questions you

can think of and be sure to get thorough answers. From what I've

read 33-34 weeks has nearly as good statistical outcomes as full


Thinking of you -

UU, delivered at 31 weeks, baby home now at 37 weeks gestational age.

> Dear all,

> Hi- Im wondering if anyone would be willing to share

> their live-birth experiences of pre-term labor. Im SU,

> 25 weeks - and told ill likely go into labor at 33-34

> weeks. i of course dont want to shut out those

> experiences of people who have had losses, but since i

> have been an emotional wreck crying alot the past few

> weeks- i guess im just trying to solicit stories right

> now that will help me stay hopeful- and also provide

> useful information.


> I went to a labor and delivery class today - and had

> to wonder if much of any of it will be relevant to me.

> what happens with a pre-term labor birth? how far do

> they let you go through labor before 1. trying to stop

> it, 2. going to emegency c-section? do you get drugs

> to stimulate lung development right away- or where in

> the decision making process? is pre-term labor like

> regular labor in all respects? or is there any reason

> to do anything differently? (in terms of when you go

> to the hospital etc? i would assume you would go as

> soon as you discover you are having contractions at

> regular intervals- in case they can do anything to

> intervene such as prostagladin inhibitors or

> betamimetics). if you have any experiences/knowledge

> about particular anti-contraction drugs that you

> would like to share, i would also like to hear about

> this too


> it is my understanding that the skull of premature

> babies is too soft to withstand vaginal birth - which

> would likely cause intracranial hemmorhage- thus,

> c-section is pretty much the standard delivery method

> for babies this early. has anyone been told at what

> age vaginal births are generally considered safe?


> finally, how long did your babies stay in the neonatal

> intensive care unit? how did you handle it- in terms

> of visiting, sleeping at the hospital etc?


> i would appreciate any information around this topic

> that anyone has to offer from literature and from

> personal experiences.


> Best wishes,

> Heidi

> SU/not resected/cerv duplic/vag septum (resected) ~25

> wk preg in the left cavity

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