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Re: 32 Week Update -

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So sorry to hear about your complications the last few days. Not

feeling contractions seems to be a common (or atleast NOT uncommon)

occurence around here. Do they have you monitoring at home? You

might have answered that, sorry if I have forgotten.

I can't imagine how strange it must feel when your bp gets so low.

Is there someone with you helping out during the day? So you have to

go through this for several more days until they try to correct the


I'm glad to hear that other tests came back o.k. I think you are

referring to FFN (fetalfibronectin) testing. In my situation, they

stopped those at around 32 weeks, if I recall correctly, because I

was told at 34 weeks, they would no longer do anything (including

medicate) to stop the

contractions. Of course, I certainly don't expect you to answer me

with all you are going through :) I am just curious if they have

told you at what gestation they will let nature take its course? I

know you mentioned at 4-5 cm dilated. Have they given you steroid

shots for the baby's lungs? Again, something you might have

mentioned...sorry if that's the case (fuzzy, sleep-deprived head :)).

Keep up the great work!



> Thank you to everyone that posted a well wishes and uplifting

thoughts. As much as I have tried to remain optimistic and in high

spirits some days are much harder than others. Trying to remain

rational is a difficult at times, specially when you have so much

time to ponder of all the outcomes, and watch Special Delivery on

TLC ( or is it Discovery???). DH said he was going to block the

channel, so I can't watch it anymore. lol.


> I was back in the hospital Tuesday evening into Wednesday. I was

having contractions I wasn't feeling, terb corrected that. The main

reason I was in there was because of my blood pressure plummeting

(60s\30s) . The nifedipine is starting to take it's toll on my

blood pressure, terb helped to increase it a little. Even on

bedrest (laying down, switching sides and everything) when it gets

that low you start feeling really funky. I have to stick with it

till I go back to the doctor next week where they are going to try

to figure out if there is another med I can take. All other tests

came back fine, including the test to determine if you are going to

have the baby soon. Sorry, can't remember the name of it.


> Thanks all for your support,

> , UU 32w 2d #1

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