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RE: sheryl;UU - deciding whether ttc again

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please see a specialist if you can- repro

endocrinoloigst, or someone at major medical teaching

university withe experience with MAs. HSG alone is

lousy for diagnosis of MAs. try to get 3-dimensional

ultrasound and MRI, or lap/hyst.

Many prayers and good wishes,



--- jennifer schramm jaschramm@...> wrote:

> Sheryl,


> You should definitely get the MRI. I have a UU too.

> After my HSG, my

> Dr. still wasn't sure if I had a SU or UU (even

> though the HSG said that

> I was UU). He was actually going to go straight to

> the lap/hist

> surgery, but then he decided on an MRI first and

> that's how my UU was

> diagnosed. I still wonder if my diagnosis is

> correct!


> Being that you have had so many mc, maybe you don't

> have a UU. I was

> under the impression that UU cause problems later in

> the pregnancy like

> PTL, but not early mc's....I could be wrong on that,

> but I kind of

> remember my RE telling me that.


> If you decide to go farther with it, get yourself an

> RE who has

> experience with these things. That is very

> important.


> Best of luck to you....


> Jen

> UU - deciding whether

> ttc again


> Hi,


> It's been a long time since I've posted and have

> been on the

> website. I have a uu and have had 5mc's since 2000.

> The last one

> was Nov. 2004. After that I decided I couldn't go

> through anymore

> mc's and didn't want to try again.


> My dh and I were approved for adoption in Feb. 2005.

> We are

> patiently waiting for that call one day saying a

> birthmother has

> picked us. I have been thinking about ttc again.

> Maybe because

> everyone keeps asking how the adoption process is

> going. I know

> everyone cares about us, but I wish people would

> stop asking

> sometimes. Then they say you know if you're trying

> to adopt, you'll

> get pg. Well, what they don't understand is that's

> not the problem,

> its keeping the baby.


> If we do decide to ttc again, we would wait until

> next year. We

> have a couple of trips planned and I know being pg I

> wouldn't want

> to travel much. The one good thing is if we do, I

> usually get pg in

> approx. 3 months.


> I'm going to see a new ob this month. Not sure

> he'll have any

> answers, but you never know. He's not a specialist

> though. I know

> a few of you have said you've had an MRI and an HSG.

> I've had the

> HSG, what is the difference between the two? I

> might ask if he can

> possibly request one.


> It's hard trying to decide what to do. I want to

> try again, but at

> the same time I don't. I just think what if the

> next pg works and

> everything turns out great. Am I the only one that

> feels this way?


> Thanks everyone for listening to me. It really

> helps to know that

> there are others out there with the same condition.


> Sheryl


> mc x5 uu















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