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Re: Mikell: Positive ANA & Baby movement

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I also got the impreession that its mainly an early

preg loss risk factor, - not late pregnancy loss- and

that, only in the case when the elevated ANA does mean

you have some condition (which apparently you dont

from previous testing- try to trust in that, but i

understand your fears that maybe somehow things have

changed since then. but its reallly good news you

have previous negative testing on those conditions).

FYI i had a friend in college who had a + ANA but no

condition and she has been totally fine for many


im not a medical doctor, so take everything i say w/

grain of salt- but my sense was, based on what i read,

since you are already 28 wks (or is it 31? forgive my

horrible memory) - the *absolutely worst case

scenario* would be that you do have some condition

(can they retest for those when your preg? my guess is

maybe not)- and you get a 3d ultrasound indicating

that placenta isnt as efficient as it might be, and

they might choose to give you some drugs or schedule

to induce you a little early- since your getting very

close to a time when a baby can ok in the NICU. but

again, your negative testing history is very good sign

and i was relieved to see that this elevated ANA can

also present in " normals " .

Jen on this site recc to me asking for 3d ultrasound

to look at cord and placental flow -- maybe that is

something you could ask yourr doc about??? since it

think the main issue these conditions could affect is


My babies mvmt has picked up, thanks so much for

asking- he was his usual self post-dinner last night

(very active) which was very reassuring. It just

amazes me, reading all the responses to my post- that

women w/ MAs basically have something to worry about

at every stage of the pregnancy- there is no relief.

1st trim loss (bc pretty much everyone worries about

that), then 2nd trim loss/ cerv incompetence (our big

stress zone), and when you finally get through that,

then your baby starts to run out of room and its

growth restriction/ reduced mvmt , OR something else

(like your situation). UGH! i have so many pregnant

neighbors who are out raking leaves, hauling mulch,

and happily having dinner parties.... i just cant

even conceive of having a pregnancy like that!!!!

ps thanks for the baby-moving tips!!!! my baby is also

very much a night person

many prayers to you



--- Mikell Awwad mikell_awwad@...> wrote:

> Heidi,


> Thank you for posting this! I've been tested for

> all those things over a year ago and everything was

> negative. I'm a little worried that something was

> just getting started then and just wasn't showing up

> yet. I've seen positive ANA linked to early

> pregnancy loss, but can't find anything related to

> late pregnancy loss. I told my Ob about this at the

> beginning of my pregnancy and she passed this info

> on to my Peri, but apparently he did not follow-up

> on this. I was so worried about my cervix and my

> uterus that I wasn't diligent in paying attention to

> this either. I really hope everything is okay. Now

> I'm more worried than ever that I can't feel her

> move like she has in the past several weeks.


> Btw, has your little one started moving more? I

> have read that in later pregnancy it is normal for

> the baby's movement to slow down as they fill up the

> uterine cavity. It's been reassuring to me to read

> so many people respond to your post that their

> babies weren't so hyper either. How in the world

> can that test be reliable? Babies have sleep cycles

> before they are born, too. Mine seems to want to

> sleep all day and stay awake all night. I don't

> think she's moved for an ultrasound in months.

> Sometimes if I roll from side to side I can get her

> to kick. Also, squeezing on my abdomen. The other

> day I put a flashlight on her and she responded to

> that (it's so amazing that she can see light

> already!). Sometimes she won't move all day until

> she hears DH's voice. Then she starts moving around

> like crazy. But, pretty much she moves when she

> wants to. It's like trying to get a baby to smile

> for the camera. How can you get it to move for the

> doctors?


> I hope you are doing well!


> Best wishes,

> Mikell, 34

> t-shape


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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