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Re: Mikell -preg, child ment

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Hi Mikell-Thanks, we're pretty excited about making it into the 2nd

trimester. Looks like I'll be keeping you company for the next few

weeks, though. I was having some cramping for a few days, so my OB

suggested taking 2 weeks off of work and taking it easy for a while.

I am SO not up for this right now! Trying to be a good sport,


To answer your question, I was on brethine for the majority of 18

weeks with . (There was a short time where we switched to

Nifidipine.) The Brethine would work for a period of time, then my

body would basically get used to it, and they'd have to admit me and

put me on magnesium sulfate. I also worried about the effects of

all of these drugs, but is totally fine (and while I may be

biased...is VERY SMART!) He was usually a little bit late

developmentally with the sitting up, crawling, etc. and was a

slightly late talker. But, this was probably due to the fact that

he was born a bit early (plus...I've been told that this is a boy

thing, too!) He's always managed to catch up and then to never skip

a beat from there!

>Fortunately, I haven't had contractions again like I did last

>week. It seems like the water and stress-reduction has definitely

>helped. As for bedrest, it's going okay. DH is picking up the

>workload okay. It's just the two of us and I'm not on strict

>bedrest, so it's been manageable. My mom is coming next week to

>help, too.

I'm so glad to hear that things seem to be settling down for you and

also that you're getting lots of help. That is what helped leave me

with a bit of sanity!! Hang in there and keep us posted!

Thinking of you,

UU, 31

13w, 4d

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