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Re: Scared to death/diagnostic tests??

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I feel new to this too even though my Dr's told me I had a " heart shaped " uterus

years ago. (one nurse even told me that I was probably twins in the womb--a

crazy old myth!!!).

I still have questions. I had an MRI 3 yrs ago and just recently several 3D

ultrasounds when I was pregnant (lost at 21wks). Years ago I had an IVP to

check my kidneys (they are normal). I NEVER heard the term UD until I was about

15wks pg. Last week I asked my Dr. to show me the report on my MRI. It did

state that there was a dx of UD. I am not convinced that I know enough. I like

my Dr. a lot but she seems very casual about the whole thing--although when I

told her AF came twice last month she looked perplexed! I asked her to refer me

to a RE. I have to send in paperwork before the RE will consider making an


I'm going to ask my Dr. for copies of all of my records. At this point I am

very distrustful of all Dr's. Do you all think that an MRI and ultrasound

provide enough information? I'm going to stop searching the internet too.

There are some very depressing articles out there. Some make me feel even more

like a freak!


Heidi Thermenos heidi_thermenos@...> wrote:

Dear ,

Dont panic- its going to be ok. Take this 1 step at a

time, its not a death-sentence. There is ALOT of

negative depressing info on the web-so please stop

reading it. The bottom line is that we dont know

much about the real statistical outcomes w/ BU and

every persons body is different. There are lots of

women in this group with BU who have gotten preg and

sustained pregnancies and had babies. Some women with

MAs have more than 2 kidneys but dont panic this

likely does not apply to you- you will find out more

when you have an MRI- and it doesnt necessarily mean

there is anything wrong with your kidneys if you have

more than 2.

You need a good diagnostic workup first that should

involve 3D-ultrasound, an MRI and maybe (if your

diagnosis is not clear) laparscopy /hysteroscopy (a

day surgery). They might also do an HSG which

involves injecting die into your uterus (but im

against it bc the other techniques are better

diagnostically and are less painful).

The current pain in your pelvis may be due to

endometriosis which is more likely to occur in people

who have BU and other Mullerian abnormaliteis (like

me, I had bad endo and SU- and im now almost 37 weeks


Please try to stay calm, take it one step at a time-

and focus on what you can do to get a proper diagnosis

of your condition and proper treatment. It would be

best if you went for all your treatment at a major

teaching hospital that is affiliated with a a major

medical school (where they are bound to have better

technology and experts in this area). i also

recommend you consider being seen by a reproductive

endocrinologist rather than a regular OB. when you

get your results write to us and well tell you if it

sound like hogwash or not-- people often get

misdiagnosed on the first round of tests bc alot of

doctors dont really know what their talking about when

it comes to these conditions.

we are here to support you with information and

emotionally- ask us lots of questions!







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hi star

i'm very sorry for your terrible loss :(

i was misdiagnosed as BU 10 years ago and all the OBs i had seen had

always been VERY [too much?] relaxed about the subject - now i know

they were ignorant about MAs - after 2 mc i ended up with the right

dx of septate uterus (SU) and i was resected twice last 3/05 and

8/05 - i'm now ttc

many women here had been misdiagnosed with hsg, u/s and even some

with MRI - i think heidi posted several messages detailing all that

can go right and wrong with MRIs ... you'll also see all over the

board that laparoscopy/hysteroscopy is the gold standard for dx -

mainly to differentiate between BU and SU but i think it may also

help to distinguish UD/SU - ... sorry i'm not 100% sure about UD/SU

but maybe some other ladies here will comment on this too ....

i think your best bet is to see a RE and go from there - try to make

sure the RE has experience with MAs. i don;t recall where you live

but there may be some recommendations in the FILES or DATABASE

section of this website or you could also post a msg asking for

referrals in your area ....

as for the net i'd stick to this website - i think it's much more

reliable to get info from people who have personal experience with

MAs ..... you'll also find lots of success stories here from women

with the most diverse MAs - that's helpful too - to see that there's

hope beyond the obstacles that you may be facing right now ....

i hope your journey with MAs is a short one and comes to a happy

ending - please know that we're all here to help in whatever way we


good luck,


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