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Re: : Scared to death and brand new to all of this! Please help.

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youll find the people here are really great and will

really help you- its a fantastic group.



--- kimberly sadlon catlover_kimberly@...>


> Heidi,


> Thanks you so much for replying back to my post. I

> am going to stop reading off the net and stick with

> this group. You are truly helpful! I will

> definitely keep you up to date on everything.

> Congrads on your pregnancy!!! : ) You're almost

> there!!!!


> Kim : )


> Heidi Thermenos heidi_thermenos@...> wrote:

> Dear ,

> Dont panic- its going to be ok. Take this 1 step at

> a

> time, its not a death-sentence. There is ALOT of

> negative depressing info on the web-so please stop

> reading it. The bottom line is that we dont know

> much about the real statistical outcomes w/ BU and

> every persons body is different. There are lots of

> women in this group with BU who have gotten preg and

> sustained pregnancies and had babies. Some women

> with

> MAs have more than 2 kidneys but dont panic this

> likely does not apply to you- you will find out more

> when you have an MRI- and it doesnt necessarily mean

> there is anything wrong with your kidneys if you

> have

> more than 2.


> You need a good diagnostic workup first that should

> involve 3D-ultrasound, an MRI and maybe (if your

> diagnosis is not clear) laparscopy /hysteroscopy (a

> day surgery). They might also do an HSG which

> involves injecting die into your uterus (but im

> against it bc the other techniques are better

> diagnostically and are less painful).


> The current pain in your pelvis may be due to

> endometriosis which is more likely to occur in

> people

> who have BU and other Mullerian abnormaliteis (like

> me, I had bad endo and SU- and im now almost 37

> weeks

> preganant!)


> Please try to stay calm, take it one step at a time-

> and focus on what you can do to get a proper

> diagnosis

> of your condition and proper treatment. It would be

> best if you went for all your treatment at a major

> teaching hospital that is affiliated with a a major

> medical school (where they are bound to have better

> technology and experts in this area). i also

> recommend you consider being seen by a reproductive

> endocrinologist rather than a regular OB. when you

> get your results write to us and well tell you if it

> sound like hogwash or not-- people often get

> misdiagnosed on the first round of tests bc alot of

> doctors dont really know what their talking about

> when

> it comes to these conditions.


> we are here to support you with information and

> emotionally- ask us lots of questions!

> xox

> Heidi





> >

> >

> >

> >




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> The Congenital Uterine Anomalies Home Page:

> http://www.wegrokit.com/uterineanomalies/




> es/


> The Congenital Uterine Anomalies Home Page:

> http://www.wegrokit.com/uterineanomalies/









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