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Re: unicornuate uterus and ttc (pg, child, m/c ment.)

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Hi , and welcome. I'm glad that you found this board...there

are so many success stories here. (And, yes, the internet info is

appalling! Try to take it with a grain of salt! We're much more

optimistic here!)

I'll try to give you the " abridged " version of my story! I've known

about my UU for over 3 years now. It is on my left side, I have no

rudimentary horn, and 2 apparently normal kidneys. I'm currently 14

weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. I've also had 2 m/cs...the jury is

out whether these have been UU related (basically, no doc has been

able to give me any solid answers.) I'll be honest, my pregnancies

have been complicated (preterm labor and bedrest) but we had a great

outcome with my son. He was born at 36 weeks with no health

problems. We're expecting the same report (or better) with this one!

As you probably know, the biggest things that we have to worry about

with a UU are: IC (incompetent cervix), PTL (preterm labor) and IUGR

(growth restriction). Also, UU babies are typically breech (although,

my son was not and I had a vag delivery). The good news is that

because you know about your UU, you can be proactive and watch for

these things before they would develop into major problems. I have

continued to see my OB, but also see a perinatologist starting in the

2nd trimester. They do frequent u/s to monitor the length of my

cervix (shorting would indicate a problem.) Finding a doc that will

be aggressive and cautious is the best thing that you can do.

Lots of the ladies here have had very smooth and uncomplicated

pregnancies, too. There have been UU twins and overdue UU babies!

Some women do remarkably well-no bedrest or any problems!

I wish you all of the best with the whole ttc process (have you seen

your OB or an RE yet?) A lot of us have been down that road, too. (I

needed to be on clomid to get pregnant 3 of the 4 times.) Please be

sure to let us know if you have any questions and to keep us posted,

too. Sending you tons of baby dust...

Good luck,

UU, 31

DS 8-31-03

14w, 4d w/ #2

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