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Re: LOOKING FOR HELP BU with multiple MC (pg/child ment)

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hi erica

i may sound like a broken record but it's true: i'm another one of

those misdiagnosed women - bittersweet smiley face here :)

many drs told me for +10 years that i was BU and that it was not

going to be a problem for when i wanted kids - i was 'diagnosed' with


my 1st (and so far only) son was born (7/01) premature at 33 weeks

because of placental abruption - drs said it had nothing to do with

my 'BU' and even the surgeon who performed the c/sec and SAW first

hand my pg uterus wrote in the report that i had a BU ....

then i had 2 m/c (6/04 and 1/05) - i was not going to get pg a 4th

time before knowing WHY this was happening to me - so i had all the

tests they prescribe after recurrent losses and nothing major came

up. my ob then sent me to a RE and he did a HSG which confirmed i had

a septum in the inside - then i had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy

(3/9/05) and there i got [finally!!] the right diagnosis: i was

indeed SU - the RE removed the septum at that very moment and here i

am waiting for my next cycle and hoping to go back to ttc in june ...

like you i was also under the idea that i had to wait for yet one

more m/c before having any further testing but since i'm 37 and don't

have too many more years to attempt motherhood again i easily

convinced my ob and she referred me to the RE - maybe you can get the

referral too?

my ob had already asked for all the blood tests and chromosomal tests

that are usually recommended after recurrent losses but nothing major

came up - the RE saw those results and ordered some other tests

himself: the clomid challenge to see the quality of my eggs and an

HSG - after that he wanted to do a MRI but i had read all the info in

the FILES and DATABASE sections of this website and knew that

lap/hyst was the 'gold standard' for diagnosis of BU/SU and asked for

that directly - he agreed and that's where everything ended happily

(so far) on 3/9 with the resection.

try to take a look at the info under FILES - i found all that

extremely useful - you can also find some questions you should ask

your RE.

i'm really sorry for all you've been through - i can relate to you

completely ..... i do hope you have good news after your blood work

on monday and that you can find support and encouragement in this

group to go on.

best of luck and please feel free to email me directly if you have

any questions


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