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Eva's AADD and other brain problems/to Ronnie

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Thanks Ronnie for the kind thoughts. ADD is in the spotlight right

now. All med students are automatically screened - which is how my

daughter was DX. Plus all WVU students asking for help with study

methods are screened - how my son was DX. So when my daughter called

and said there is a strong familial link to ADD so either you or Dad

have it....long pause....I added 'and you think it's me'. I knew at

52 years and not working it really didn't matter to me. I don't want

anymore pills....especially ones with neurological side effects.

This does explain why I stayed on the Edge during all those

childrearing years, why I slept through most college classes and work

seminars but miraculously absorbed the lectures, why my Mother (Bless

her soul) who thought at 41 that I was a gall bladder problem for 6

months sent me away to school at age 11 (menopause, adolesence, and

ADD don't mix), why I have my zoombie days which I have called " stare

at the wall " days through my life. Stress makes it worse so I really

was going through fragmented thought during the move here.

I'll get through just as I have the years prior.

What is really worrying me is the memory loss that I am experiencing

since the general anesthesia and morphine during surgery. Most of it

should dissapate but when?? Not only have I lost the ability to spell

words (long term memory) but I can't remember it I took my pills or

not (short term memory). I've already double dosed myself on zanaflex

twice--nighty night I go. Life can sure be an adventure!!!

You know people pay Big Bucks to experience great daring thrills

while we get them daily for FREE.


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