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Amber: UD (pg ment)

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> My understanding of a UD is that it is a Double Uterus

Basically, yes. Most UDers have 2 completely separate uteri, 2

cervices and a vaginal septum (divides the vag in half). There are

lots of variations, though! I know a couple ladies on the site

are " fused UD " - 2 completely separate uteri, but connected on the

outside of the uteri.

> Anyways, assuming I am correct with the above, what is

> the difference between a UD (with one cervix and

> vagina) and a BU?

UDers have separate uteri, BUers have 2 horns. UDers generally have

2 cervices.

Is each half of a UD generally half

> the size of a normal uterus? Or is each half of a UD

> the same size of a normal uterus? Is carrying a baby

> in half a UD the same as carrying a baby in half a BU?

It depends on the person. My uteri are both equal size, but are

slightly smaller than the " normal " person's. I'm not sure how

carrying a baby in BU vs. UD is.

> My UU is sort of like " L " on the homepage but I'm not

My UD is most like " A " , but my uteri are farther apart - basically

near each hip. (See...lots of variations!) I'm pg now, and my pg

uterus has moved from the hip area towards the middle - just to the

side of my belly button. The non-pg uteri has " shrunken " out of the

way and is back by the hip bone.

Hope that helps,


29, UD

14w3d pg w/ #1

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