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Advice needed on when to start TTC: UU/BU/SU

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I am newish to this site and have posted only once. I

have learnt a lot from you all and am grateful to be

able to hear your stories. I am looking for some

advice. My DH and I are trying to decide when to start

a family.

I am 32.5 and DH has just turned 28. He would like to

wait a few years but I am worried about how long it

will take TTC and am worried about the

miscarriage/premature labour risks associated with MUs

and don't want to delay.

This is my story: I was diagnosed with an SU/BU on

ultrasound at 21 years. At 30 years, the diagnoses

changed after a saline unfusion ultrasound (via

catheter through the cervix) revealed an almost

complete septum down the middle but with only one side

of the uterus filling up with saline injected into the

cervix. At 31 years, after a laproscopy/hyst, I was

diagnosed with a BU/UU. The uterus looks normal on the

outside but is split on the inside by a thick wall.

The " good " side is connected to the cervix and the

other side is a rudimentary horn - smaller and

completely sealed off from the cervix. If a pregnancy

were to occur in the rudimentary horn, it would

rupture at 18 weeks. The " good " side is connected to 1

ovary and 1 tube. I have also had a past history of

endometriosis (level 5) and PCOS.

My RE's proposed treatment regime is as follows: IVF

to implant the embryo into the " good side " and avoid a

rupture of the bad side. IVF has also been suggested

because of past history of PCOS and because I am on

the pill with no breaks because of endrometriosis

arising from the rudimentary horn - there is no outlet

at the cervix so it goes back up and out the tube.

When I get pregnant, I have been advised to have a

cervical stitch at 12 weeks, weekly monitoring and to

finish work at 29 weeks because my RE says the median

(not average) term for people with my uterus is 31


Given that I know all of the above, I think my DH and

I should start IVF now. Based on your experiences,

what do you all advise? I would like to pass on some

information to my DH.

Thanks for reading. Hope to hear from as many of you

as possible.



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