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Update / Thoughts

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Thanks , Amy, Heidi, Amber and everyone for your support.

I'm doing fine - I wasn't too upset that the action was happening on

my bad side, but that I wasn't responding - yet again - to the meds,

this time the unaffordable shots.

I know that there are higher dosages and other meds, etc., but it's

just that cost of the larger dosages get higher and higher. We just

do not have the money for several injectibles cycles, let alone an

IVF cycle. If there is any way we could save up for an IVF cycle,

and there was only one egg, chances are HIGH that it would not work

out, so that is why it bothers me so much.

BUT, it will be on to next cycle anyway, and maybe the

letrozol/femara and shot combo will work. Or maybe just trying

femara again, for money reasons.

The other thing I am going to work on is dietary changes that should

reduce my estrogen level - I believe I am estrogen dominant a bit,

leading to my lack of response to FSH drugs and somewhat short

luteal phase / low progesterone in second half of cycle. I think I

have a borderline issue, so I am going to make some modifications to

what I am eating, and I think that will help. I am one of those

people who has to be SO careful what they eat - hypoglycemic,

probably a little hypothyroid mixed in there, etc - and all of this

hormonal stuff is all tied in, so you never know, different eating

might help balance me out a little.

, Heidi, and our other moms-2-b on bed rest, you guys really

are putting up with a great deal of stress in your situations, and

you are doing a great job of handling it. You are almost there,

most of you, so just hang in there! Soon (but not too soon) your

babies will be with you and this stress will be in the distant past.

Baby dust to all, and patience to our bedrest moms!


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Kimber (and everyone),

I wanted to let you know I have hypothyroidism and both my RE and ob/gyn are

very big on making sure my TSH levels are under 2.5 which they feel is

optimal for fertility. So, when you mentioned the thyroid, I just wanted to

be sure you have been tested and that your levels are not too high or even

on the higher end of the normal range. I learned alot about this when I

first found out - at the same time I found about the UU - from a fellow

member who was knowledgeable about thyroid and the ongoing debate in the

medical community over what is indeed " normal " . As a side bar - my sister

had a great deal of trouble with her cycles and her doctor was starting

infertility work and told her to lay off soy milk which my sister was

consuming on a regular basis. Apparently, soy contains estrogen? Who knew?

Inanycase, her cycles did become more regular and she did get pregnant. I

am not saying soy was the ultimate culprit, but we do wonder about its

possible role. When I was pregnant, my ob/gyn said no more than a serving a

day - at most.

I just want to give you any info I can - I apologize if any of it is stuff

you have already covered. I am thinking of you and sending you lots of

support, and, of course, truckloads of that babydust. You have so much to

navigate in terms of meds, insurance, lack of insurance, etc. - you are

doing so great at remaining tough and pushing through all of this junk and

still being so supportive of everyone else. Thank you.

As for me, I am going in tomorrow for the IUI and don't really know what to

think. My DH wanted to see if the appointment could be moved to fit his

travel schedule for work. Seriously, you may all be reading about me on the

evening news. Did anyone else deal with hormonal emotional stress? I do

not recall feeling like I could or wanted to lift my DH in the air and toss

him across the room. I do hope this passes.

I also give all the moms on bedrest a huge badge of courage and admiration.

You ladies are so strong and so amazing. You have no idea. I secretly

laugh in my head when I overhear other pregnant women complain about normal

pregnancy woes. They truly could not do what you all are doing. And, you

have every right to feel bitter and frustrated, but you keep on keeping on

and that is truly what sets you apart - your devotion, your endurance and

your ability to still crack jokes.

Best to everyone,


34, UU

DD 01/22/04

TTC #2 (tomorrow) w/IUI and injectibles

Update / Thoughts

> Thanks , Amy, Heidi, Amber and everyone for your support.


> I'm doing fine - I wasn't too upset that the action was happening on

> my bad side, but that I wasn't responding - yet again - to the meds,

> this time the unaffordable shots.


> I know that there are higher dosages and other meds, etc., but it's

> just that cost of the larger dosages get higher and higher. We just

> do not have the money for several injectibles cycles, let alone an

> IVF cycle. If there is any way we could save up for an IVF cycle,

> and there was only one egg, chances are HIGH that it would not work

> out, so that is why it bothers me so much.


> BUT, it will be on to next cycle anyway, and maybe the

> letrozol/femara and shot combo will work. Or maybe just trying

> femara again, for money reasons.


> The other thing I am going to work on is dietary changes that should

> reduce my estrogen level - I believe I am estrogen dominant a bit,

> leading to my lack of response to FSH drugs and somewhat short

> luteal phase / low progesterone in second half of cycle. I think I

> have a borderline issue, so I am going to make some modifications to

> what I am eating, and I think that will help. I am one of those

> people who has to be SO careful what they eat - hypoglycemic,

> probably a little hypothyroid mixed in there, etc - and all of this

> hormonal stuff is all tied in, so you never know, different eating

> might help balance me out a little.


> , Heidi, and our other moms-2-b on bed rest, you guys really

> are putting up with a great deal of stress in your situations, and

> you are doing a great job of handling it. You are almost there,

> most of you, so just hang in there! Soon (but not too soon) your

> babies will be with you and this stress will be in the distant past.


> Baby dust to all, and patience to our bedrest moms!


> Kimber








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