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Re: Janine & IVF

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Hi Janine

I'm butting in here because I just had ivf#3 and will do ivf#4

sometime soon (will know more after my re appt on the 11th. MY 2nd

ivf was successful from an ivf standpoint but I lost my ds to

preterm labor at 21w a little over a year ago. My experience with

IVF is both typical and atypical - as they all are - most people and

us MAs especially are quite unique. The most important thing is to

make sure you are with a good clinic/re's office because the one's

that aren't any good are the one's that overstimulate. Now that's

not my problem so I have no personal experience. I have a uu, one

tube (which is closed after a bad d&c) and cycle problems. I don't

really ovulate regularly, my periods are highly irregular and that

makes the stimulation process more funky. For my first 3 cycles, I

did the standard birth control pills to regulate you, lupron shots

to suppress you (so you don't ovulate on your own) and then

follistim and repronex (fsh hormone). The lupron is a little needle

and little amount, the follistim comes in a neat pen contraption and

the repronex is an awful burning experience, which I was allergic

too until I switch the shots from my stomach to my legs. And teh

stuff can make you somehwat moody - or alot moody - you would have

to ask dh!!!! I dealt okay with the shots - harder for dh as he had

to give them to me but now is a pro. Hard for me is the monitoring

of blood and u/s everyday or every other day for about 10 days -

because my veins are quite deep and those darn nurses made me look

like a pincushion. So after about 10 days or so you get your trigger

shot of hcg - big needle in the rear (not as painful as it sounds)

and then 36 hours later retrieval of eggs by vaginal needle under

twilight anethesthia - you are out for about 10-15 minutes and then

wake up and go home after about an hour in recovery, next day,

somewhat crampy and you start antibiotics and progesterone, then 3

days or 5 days later depending on fertilization you have them put

back in which is even easier.

Because I am considered a " poor responder " I get few eggs - my most

was 5, this last time just 3 and only 1 fertilized. I only put one

back in because of my uu, with my uu and prior loss any more would

be dangerous and selective reduction would be upseting to my cervix

so one it is. We are changing my drug protocol this time to try to

suppress me less to see if we get more eggs so maybe we could have

some to freeze cause this is my last insurance covered ivf and its


One other thing - very important they do a sounding of your uterus -

this is like a test run of the embryo insertion they do with dye and

u/s to see where it lands and pools to get you the best chance -

espeically important if you have a funky shape or anything.

Sorry so long, feel free to ask if you have questions!


uu, ivf #4 soon

> >> > Hello ladies

> >> >

> >> > Hope you don't mind me asking for your advice. To cut a long

> > story

> >> > short i have been tc for 3 years with one m/c. I have a


> >> su. I

> >> > have previous had a lap and it was decided to leave the septum

> > and

> >> > continue ttc. Well with no luck we are moving onto IVF and my


> >> gyne

> >> > has requested another lap and has suggested a possible


> >> > depending on the thickness as this hould increaase our chances

> > for

> >> ivf.

> >> >

> >> > Well what i really wanted to know was if there was anyone that

> > has

> >> had

> >> > SU and then IVF and also for those of your that have had a

> >> resection,

> >> > how long did you have to wait before being able to TTC. My


> >> says

> >> > they normally suggest 5-6 weeks but i am not sure if i can


> >> the

> >> > drug treatment during this time for the IVF or if we start


> >> this

> >> > time.

> >> >

> >> > Any advice greatly welcome and good luck to you all

> >> >

> >> > Nat

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Share bookmarks:


> >

> > Share files:

> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MullerianAnomalies/files/

> >

> > The Congenital Uterine Anomalies Home Page:

> > http://www.wegrokit.com/uterineanomalies/

> >

> >

> >

> > es/

> >

> > The Congenital Uterine Anomalies Home Page:

> > http://www.wegrokit.com/uterineanomalies/

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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