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fibroid & estrogen after resection

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I have a question for anyone who knows anything about fibroids. I went

in for an ultrasound yesterday due to a bleeding episode (I'm 8w4d

pregnant), the doctor was very thourough in scanning everything looking

for any potential cause of bleeding. He mentioned that it looked like I

may have a small fibroid, but it was no where near the baby/placenta so

shouldn't be a problem.

Now that I've been thinking about it, I'm wondering if this is a recent

occurrence. I don't know anything about fibroids, except that they are

related to hormone production, and enlarge with increased estrogen.

I've had a ton of ultrasounds, not to mention an HSG, MRI, and hyst, in

the past year and a half, and no one mentioned a fibroid. Could this

have been caused by the estrogen I had to take after my septum

resection in February?

Thanks, Cheryl

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I can't speak as to the estrogen/causality link (though it sounds

probable), but I can speak to the speed at which a fibroid can develop.

In my last year of law school (early November), I had to have a fibroid

removed. It had been less than 10 months since my prior annual exam,

and I was experiencing a sudden onset of sustained bleeding and

abdominal pains. I was referred to a gyn surgeon who determined that I

had a soft-ball sized, intramural (within the muscle of the uterus)

fibroid. My doc and I were going to try to avoid surgery until I hit

winter break (allowing me to finish up that semester without

interuption), but within 2 weeks, it had grown so much more that it was

pressing on my kidneys and bladder, and making feel exceedingly sick to

my stomach. So, out it came.

My doc did indicate that it was very, very unusual to have a fibroid

that grows so quickly (which, actually, was the reason that they did

abdominal surgery with a vertical incision - they were concerned that

it was not a garden-variety, benign fibroid). She also told me that it

was possible that I could get more if/when I became pg, and if I did,

there was a chance they would grow, but that with close monitoring,

that it should not likely cause a problem.

As long as your doc is on top of the situation, I don't think I would

worry too much about it. Really.



--- ce0501 cherylross@...> wrote:

> Now that I've been thinking about it, I'm wondering if this is a

> recent

> occurrence. I don't know anything about fibroids, except that they

> are

> related to hormone production, and enlarge with increased estrogen.

> I've had a ton of ultrasounds, not to mention an HSG, MRI, and hyst,

> in

> the past year and a half, and no one mentioned a fibroid. Could this

> have been caused by the estrogen I had to take after my septum

> resection in February?


> Thanks, Cheryl



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