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almost 19 week update (pg ment)

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Hi all,

I promised an update, so I thought I'd post for anyone who

might be interested! We saw my peri this morning for an u/s this

morning. Everything looked great...the baby measured right on

schedule and my cervix was a whopping 4.5-5 cm!

He didn't have any real answers (do they ever?) as to why I've been

cramping, but they did find a small bleed behind the placenta which

explains my spotting. He does want me to remain " off " work for the

time being, though. Fortunately, it is still not strict bedrest,

yet, so it is pretty do-able. For now, I'm just hoping to make it

through the holidays at this status! Given my history (tough

pregnancy, but delivery at 36 weeks) he says that he feels very

optimistic that we will be able to have a similar outcome with this

one. (Fingers crossed!!) One day at a time, of course.

We didn't want to find out the sex, so that remains a mystery!

Hope that everyone is doing well!!!

UU, 31

DS 8-31-03

18w, 6d w/ #2

2 m/cs

-How did you do at your appointment on Monday??

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