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Bedrest & contraction question

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Dear Ladies,

As most of you know, my doctor recently put me on bedrest. She hasn't been as

strict with me as I think some of you have had to endure, but my DH and I are

starting to worry that we should be more strict. Today I started having

contractions again (2-6 minutes apart). They would go away for about an hour

(after hydration) and then return again. My doctor gave me Stadol (have any of

you had this?), but it seems to be wearing off now. The weird thing is that

they seem to come on when I am lying down flat rather than sitting inclined or

walking to/from the bathroom and kitchen. This seems so weird to me. Do any of

you have any advice to give me with regards to managing this? I am at a loss!

I recall that some of you said you endured contractions for many months of your

pregnancy. Was there anything that helped? What did your doctors say about

this? Were your contractions truly related to PTL? I've heard that this can

be normal, but the doctor seems to want me to go to the hospital everytime this

happens to be checked. I'm worried that this might start to happen all the time

and I can't imagine going to the hospital every other day for months. Although,

I think I would much prefer that to delivering early.

I would appreciate any advice or shared experience regarding contractions in

pregnancy. Every other person that I talk to about this didn't have

contractions like this until they were close to delivery. 28 weeks is too soon

to deliver and I'd like to hold off for at least 4 more weeks!

Thank you all for your support!

Mikell, 34


28 wks, 2 days

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