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My First Appointment (pg ment)

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Hi all,

I had my first appointment this morning, and it went well. Though I

have a hard time saying that because I freaked out at first when we

didn't see the heartbeat right away on the u/s...but it was there...we

just had to look a little harder for it.

My doctor was wonderful and said that when she got the lab results

showing that I was pg that she felt like it was Christmas day and went

running down the hall to tell the other OBs in her practice. (Because

they all have a vested interest in my case - every single one of them

has romanced me with the ultrasound wand...) Anyway, it was nice to

feel her excitement. She answered all of my questions and didn't make

fun of me for being neurotic. She suggested biweekly scans before I

even brought it up...she said that I'll probably be so anxious

throughout this pregnancy that it would be best to do lots of

ultrasounds. Good! And she'll do them every week starting around 18w.

She also wants to do P17 injections, but will consult with my peri on

that, as well as doing steroid shots prophylactically at 24w. I was so

impressed by her planning, and desire to do everything in her power to

make this baby healthy and full-term. She'll start weekly FFN tests at

24w as well, and will put me on terbutaline or nifipidine if they're

ever positive.

So I'm very relieved. The yolk sac is perfectly circular, the fetal

pole looks great, and the heartbeat (when we finally saw it) was good.

What a relief. I'm probably closer to 6w than 7w, so my due date will

change when they can get a more accurate measurement at my next

appointment on the 30th. All I have to do now is call my peri in

Seattle and talk to her about cerclage placement. :-)

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