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Re: Latest U/S Update. (child mc ment)

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hi aminah ...

i'm glad i gave you hope - when my son was born at 33 weeks i was SO

SCARED i thought he was going to die right away b/c he was so tiny -

a few years afterward, after seeing so many other much younger

babies do well (28, 30 weekers) i understood that it was right to be

afraid but i was lucky he had made it at least till 33 weeks - i

have a lot of hope for your baby - i myself was born at 36 weeks

(vaginal birth) and i only needed the incubator for 2 weeks to keep

me warm and this was 38 years ago in argentina - i weighed 2.100kg

and then lost some my mom told me ... but i did well all my life and

i have been fighting weight gain/'overweigthness' since i was 10 so

no one can tell i too was sort of a preemie :) ... so i think that

your baby has lots of chances to do well even if he comes a little

early - i think 37 weeks is considered full term so a week shy

doesn't sound like a big issue.

my pg with him was so normal (until the pl. abruption) that i never

thought of asking about his growth and even after he was born i

never asked or was told by the neonatologists where he was size and

weight wise (below normal, normal, above normal for his gestational

age) - what i remember is that weight was not as important for them

(as a sign of readiness to be sent home) as all the other 3 things i

mentioned to you before (breathing, eating, regulating temps). i

think he was around 5 lbs when he came home -

another thing i remember is that they told me that sometimes these

babies are better off outside the womb - i mean when mom starts to

having problems (like my placental problem) babies have better

chances even being prematures .....

i have read here that sometimes growth is an issue with BU but i

don;t know anything about it - maybe some BU lady/ies will

contribute her ideas ..... i hope you can shed some light on it when

you get the referral for a 2nd opinion .....in my case i thought i

was BU but my ob at the time didn't give it a thought so it was

never a subject to talk about in my consults .....

as for drs here (US) and in my country i know there are some great

ones but i've also had my share of others i would not recommend - 1

OB from my country was the one who 'dx' me as BU so lightly that i

never did any research in that respect - the ob who did my son's

c/sec and SAW my uterus WROTE in the report i had a BU - and the OB

and midwives i saw after my 2mc/s never gave my 'BU' a thought -

they didn't even sent me for a HSG - i'm sure BU SU was/is the same

for them :( .... so i know they're professionals but i also know

that they're human and they will make mistakes - too bad when you

are the one who suffers for their oversight/inexperience :( .... i

really hope your 2nd opinion dr is a wise man/lady and can help you

feel more confident about what's ahead .....

also, i'm no expert but several times i've read that measurements

they take with u/s are not very accurate - i've heard lots of

stories from other moms who were told their babies were either huge

or tiny and then it ended up being the opposite on every case so try

to wait until you see this 2nd dr and hear what he/she thinks ... i

know the wait is terrible but sometimes there's nothing else we can

do :( maybe you should also take into account yours and your

husband's size - again, i'm not sure if this is completely right but

it may be something to ask this 2nd dr ....

i'll send you some links privately -

again, i wish you the best and please feel free to email me anytime

take care


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