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Need advice: was ud, now su w/2 cervixes - resection surgeons in Massachusetts?

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Hi ladies,

Ann, Thank you for emailing me directly the other day.

I am at a loss. After 3 + years of IVFs and IUIs, one MC, thinking I

was a UD, I have been diagnosed as a SU. My RE is surprised, and she

is planning to take my case before her board of doctors.

My questions are:

is there anyone out there who has a SU with two cervixes?

if yes, did you have a resection?

for the ladies from massachusetts - if you had resection surgery, who

did it? I know there is a recommended dr. list on the resources page,

but i would love to hear if anyone can recommend a dr. who has

experience with this.

I told my RE about this group and she was a bit taken back. It is so

great to have a place to come and not feel like such a freak!...this

journey has been a lonely one at times.

My RE did tell me that she has not seen a case of what she called a

hyrbrid MA - two cervixes with one septate uterus. She also stated

that in addition to higher MC rates, there are lower implantation

rates for ladies with SUs. I told her I thought I had seen cases on

this board of ladies with two cervixes and one SU. I have already had

a vaginal septum removed. At this point, I feel I should also get a

second opinion, but I don't know who from...since so few drs. have any

experience with MAs.

Any thoughts, advice are welcome. Thank you very much.

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