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MRI diagnosis -almost- correct

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Well! I had my lap/hyst yesterday, and I have a diagnosis at last.

Just another proof that the lap/hyst really is the only definitive

way to go sometimes...

U/S report said BU

HSG report said UU

MRI report said UU w/ symmetric noncommunicating horn

The RE who did the lap/hyst said UU/ w rudimentary

noncommunicating horn that's about 1/2-2/3 the size of the

" good " horn, attached by a tendril at the bottom.

The RE also found that the 2nd, smaller horn appeared to be

closed off at the tube, and that the endometrium must not be

well developed. The menstrual fluid seems to be absorbed

over time instead of collecting in a large mass, as sometimes

happens. So although I did have some endometriosis (and

what the RE found she cauterized), she said it was not an

unusual amount for a woman over 30.

The RE was not able to take out the rudimentary horn via the

laparoscopy, so it looks like I will still have to have the

laparotomy at some point, but it's not urgent and can wait

until I have the time for the recovery.

I seem to be recovering pretty well from the surgery--just

trying to take it easy. If anybody has questions, feel free to ask.


33, UU w/rudimentary horn (nice to know!)

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