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Re: Jen, Heidi & - Thank You (child pg ment)

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hi lindsey

i'm not sure if you're BU or SU - and i'm not sure if your septum

grew back or not but i thought i'd share my story just in case it

gave you hope ....

i was told long ago i was BU - i got pg at 33 and had my son 7

months later - his pg was completely normal up until the day he was

born via c/sec - he came early at 33 weeks but has been doing great

ever since - he stayed in the nicu for only 2 weeks and then 6 days

on th epeds floor - he just turned 4 and he's amazing.

it was only a few months ago that i learned i was in fact SU - i was

resected last march/05 - my septum was pretty big and the RE told me

it was taking 70% of the space in my uterus - i still can't believe

my son made it in there -

so, even though he was born premature i now know that 33 weeks is

almost full term :) - anything beyond 32 weeks is pretty safe these

days ... and my son has a girlfriend born at 30 weeks on the same

day and she's doing great too ....

all this is not to tell you to wish for a preemie of course but to

tell you that even with a big septum you can have a healthy baby -

i've read of several women who went full term so i hope that's your

case too.

i wish you the best and please go on NOT watching/researching the

internet - i do have a hard time not researching but i found out

it's best for me - otherwise too much info gets into my mind and i

always have a new thing to worry about ....

take care


PS: by the way my RE wants me to have another hysteroscopy to make

sure there are no adhesions and everything's well after my resection

last march - i'll let you know if my pesky septum has grown back

since then .... i hope not though :)

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