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Hi ladies. Need a few minutes to vent. I have now been on bedrest for 4 weeks.

Quite honestly, this is one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do.

I am not used to being idle and have become very stir crazy. Where my venting

is coming from today is DH....Love him dearly but he is driving me insane. I

realize now how spoiled he has been in our 4 years of marriage. This has caused

a complete role reversal in our home ( now I am the one laying around all day,

while he has to maintain our home and kids(I have 2 step children that live with

us, 5 and 6). He is just not getting it. My house is falling apart before my

eyes and it is making me insanse. We have no family around and friends are

limited due relocation. So here is my list of all things driving me insane.

1. Cleaning up after dinner NOT ONLY consists of loading the dishwasher, but

wiping off the counters and the stove. This does not mean wiping the stuff on

the counters and the stove on to the floor.

2. No, the Dish Fairy does not come every evening and do the dishes every

evening for you. And leaving them for the next night only drives me insane.

3. Laundry includes, washing, drying, folding and putting away clothes. Not

just drying them and letting them sit in clothes baskets unfolded.

4. Pizza, Tacos, Chinese, etc every night is not healthy.

5. I really shouldn't need to elaborate to extreme on the grocery list. When

it says vanilla ice cream, don't bring home 2 gallon and a 1/2 tubs. " Snacks

for lunches " does not mean to buy 7 different kinds of chips. We have used the

same kind of butter for the last 4 years, didn't think I needed to tell you what


6. Spraying cleanser on the tub/shower and walking away does not consist of

cleaning it. Same for the toilets, just because you put the blue stuff in it,

and flushed does not mean you cleaned it.

7. Believe it or not kids need baths and I shouldn't have to remind you every

day to give them one. And when I do remind you they need baths, please don't

throw a temper tantrum.

8. Yes, the dog does need to eat and believe it or not, needs fresh water every

day. THe dog also needs to be let out to go potty. If you don't you can't be

mad at her for messing by the door. The dish fairy doesn't do that on her

visits either. Same goes for the cat!

9. Floors get swept and the sweeper gets run, especially after you brush all

the crumbs on the floor from the counter after I threw a fit about them being

there in the first place.

10. Throwing a fit now about all the stuff you have to do is now is not getting

any sympathy from me. Especially considering now realize this was all stuff I

did everyday before, and I don't recall getting one ounce of sympathy or help

for that matter.

Thanks Ladies for allowing the gripe session. If I didn't get it off my chest I

was going to explode.

UU, 31w 5 days #1

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This is day 2 of being on bedrest for me and I can't imagine going the full 11

weeks that my doctor is hoping for! We don't have any kids or pets, but already

I can see that this is going to be difficult for DH. The ironic thing is that

yesterday he was complaining about how messy I am leaving crumbs on the counter.

I don't think he quite gets it yet that I'm really not supposed to be in the

kitchen anyway!

What is the extent of your bedrest? I can get up to go to the bathroom, get

water, and bathe. I try to combine these all into one trip and feel guilty if

I'm up too long. I have an appointment with the peri tomorrow morning to check

my cervix. I'm so nervous because it feels like my stitches are being pulled

on. I'm hoping this is partly psychological and not a bad sign.

Any tips on staying fit? How do I keep my muscles from going to waste?

I hope things get easier for you. It won't be much longer and you will be more

control of your environment again.

It is hard on our husbands, too, I know. When mine gets irritated, sometimes I

try to distract him with the baby, especially if she starts kicking. I remind

him that she can hear him, too, now and suggest he say nice things to her.

Sometimes that gets him in a better mood and sometimes not, but it usually stops

his complaining.

I don't know about you, but the fact that I feel perfectly normal and healthy is

making it all the more difficult. Afterall, I can walk and I feel fine. How

have you made it this far? How have you kept yourself in bed all these weeks?

I was talking to my SIL yesterday and she was trying to encourage me. She told

me of a friend of hers that took herself off of bedrest at 35 weeks and had her

twins two days later. She really regretted it since they had to stay in the

NICU while she was at home.

Thanks for sharing your Top Ten! I'm sure I'll have my own soon enough. Hope

it gets better for you! Hang in there!

Best wishes,

Mikell, 32

26 wks 3 days w/#1



Hi ladies. Need a few minutes to vent. I have now been on bedrest for 4

weeks. Quite honestly, this is one of the most difficult things I have ever had

to do. I am not used to being idle and have become very stir crazy. Where my

venting is coming from today is DH....Love him dearly but he is driving me

insane. I realize now how spoiled he has been in our 4 years of marriage. This

has caused a complete role reversal in our home ( now I am the one laying around

all day, while he has to maintain our home and kids(I have 2 step children that

live with us, 5 and 6). He is just not getting it. My house is falling apart

before my eyes and it is making me insanse. We have no family around and

friends are limited due relocation. So here is my list of all things driving me


1. Cleaning up after dinner NOT ONLY consists of loading the dishwasher, but

wiping off the counters and the stove. This does not mean wiping the stuff on

the counters and the stove on to the floor.

2. No, the Dish Fairy does not come every evening and do the dishes every

evening for you. And leaving them for the next night only drives me insane.

3. Laundry includes, washing, drying, folding and putting away clothes. Not

just drying them and letting them sit in clothes baskets unfolded.

4. Pizza, Tacos, Chinese, etc every night is not healthy.

5. I really shouldn't need to elaborate to extreme on the grocery list. When

it says vanilla ice cream, don't bring home 2 gallon and a 1/2 tubs. " Snacks

for lunches " does not mean to buy 7 different kinds of chips. We have used the

same kind of butter for the last 4 years, didn't think I needed to tell you what


6. Spraying cleanser on the tub/shower and walking away does not consist of

cleaning it. Same for the toilets, just because you put the blue stuff in it,

and flushed does not mean you cleaned it.

7. Believe it or not kids need baths and I shouldn't have to remind you every

day to give them one. And when I do remind you they need baths, please don't

throw a temper tantrum.

8. Yes, the dog does need to eat and believe it or not, needs fresh water

every day. THe dog also needs to be let out to go potty. If you don't you

can't be mad at her for messing by the door. The dish fairy doesn't do that on

her visits either. Same goes for the cat!

9. Floors get swept and the sweeper gets run, especially after you brush all

the crumbs on the floor from the counter after I threw a fit about them being

there in the first place.

10. Throwing a fit now about all the stuff you have to do is now is not

getting any sympathy from me. Especially considering now realize this was all

stuff I did everyday before, and I don't recall getting one ounce of sympathy or

help for that matter.

Thanks Ladies for allowing the gripe session. If I didn't get it off my chest

I was going to explode.

UU, 31w 5 days #1

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This is day 2 of being on bedrest for me and I can't imagine going the full 11

weeks that my doctor is hoping for! We don't have any kids or pets, but already

I can see that this is going to be difficult for DH. The ironic thing is that

yesterday he was complaining about how messy I am leaving crumbs on the counter.

I don't think he quite gets it yet that I'm really not supposed to be in the

kitchen anyway!

What is the extent of your bedrest? I can get up to go to the bathroom, get

water, and bathe. I try to combine these all into one trip and feel guilty if

I'm up too long. I have an appointment with the peri tomorrow morning to check

my cervix. I'm so nervous because it feels like my stitches are being pulled

on. I'm hoping this is partly psychological and not a bad sign.

Any tips on staying fit? How do I keep my muscles from going to waste?

I hope things get easier for you. It won't be much longer and you will be more

control of your environment again.

It is hard on our husbands, too, I know. When mine gets irritated, sometimes I

try to distract him with the baby, especially if she starts kicking. I remind

him that she can hear him, too, now and suggest he say nice things to her.

Sometimes that gets him in a better mood and sometimes not, but it usually stops

his complaining.

I don't know about you, but the fact that I feel perfectly normal and healthy is

making it all the more difficult. Afterall, I can walk and I feel fine. How

have you made it this far? How have you kept yourself in bed all these weeks?

I was talking to my SIL yesterday and she was trying to encourage me. She told

me of a friend of hers that took herself off of bedrest at 35 weeks and had her

twins two days later. She really regretted it since they had to stay in the

NICU while she was at home.

Thanks for sharing your Top Ten! I'm sure I'll have my own soon enough. Hope

it gets better for you! Hang in there!

Best wishes,

Mikell, 32

26 wks 3 days w/#1



Hi ladies. Need a few minutes to vent. I have now been on bedrest for 4

weeks. Quite honestly, this is one of the most difficult things I have ever had

to do. I am not used to being idle and have become very stir crazy. Where my

venting is coming from today is DH....Love him dearly but he is driving me

insane. I realize now how spoiled he has been in our 4 years of marriage. This

has caused a complete role reversal in our home ( now I am the one laying around

all day, while he has to maintain our home and kids(I have 2 step children that

live with us, 5 and 6). He is just not getting it. My house is falling apart

before my eyes and it is making me insanse. We have no family around and

friends are limited due relocation. So here is my list of all things driving me


1. Cleaning up after dinner NOT ONLY consists of loading the dishwasher, but

wiping off the counters and the stove. This does not mean wiping the stuff on

the counters and the stove on to the floor.

2. No, the Dish Fairy does not come every evening and do the dishes every

evening for you. And leaving them for the next night only drives me insane.

3. Laundry includes, washing, drying, folding and putting away clothes. Not

just drying them and letting them sit in clothes baskets unfolded.

4. Pizza, Tacos, Chinese, etc every night is not healthy.

5. I really shouldn't need to elaborate to extreme on the grocery list. When

it says vanilla ice cream, don't bring home 2 gallon and a 1/2 tubs. " Snacks

for lunches " does not mean to buy 7 different kinds of chips. We have used the

same kind of butter for the last 4 years, didn't think I needed to tell you what


6. Spraying cleanser on the tub/shower and walking away does not consist of

cleaning it. Same for the toilets, just because you put the blue stuff in it,

and flushed does not mean you cleaned it.

7. Believe it or not kids need baths and I shouldn't have to remind you every

day to give them one. And when I do remind you they need baths, please don't

throw a temper tantrum.

8. Yes, the dog does need to eat and believe it or not, needs fresh water

every day. THe dog also needs to be let out to go potty. If you don't you

can't be mad at her for messing by the door. The dish fairy doesn't do that on

her visits either. Same goes for the cat!

9. Floors get swept and the sweeper gets run, especially after you brush all

the crumbs on the floor from the counter after I threw a fit about them being

there in the first place.

10. Throwing a fit now about all the stuff you have to do is now is not

getting any sympathy from me. Especially considering now realize this was all

stuff I did everyday before, and I don't recall getting one ounce of sympathy or

help for that matter.

Thanks Ladies for allowing the gripe session. If I didn't get it off my chest

I was going to explode.

UU, 31w 5 days #1

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