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Re: Any 40 year olds trying to get pregnant for the firs... (pg child mc)

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i'm very sorry for your loss :( i had a mc at 10 weeks last january

and it was awful :( it was my 2nd and it wasn't any easier than the

1st ..... i hope you have a quick physical recovery, i know how hard

it is to heal emotionally - hope you have support from friends and

family ....

i was told i was BU when i was like 27 - several drs told me it was

no biggie for when i wanted kids - i had my 1st at 34 and he was born

7 weeks premature because of placental abruption (placenta detached

prematurely from the uterus) - the dr who performed the c-section

(and SAW my uterus) wrote in the report that i was 'mild BU' -

several drs i talked to afterwards told me his birth was UNRELATED to

the 'BU' and so i foolishly waited 3 more years to try for #2

i had a mc on 6.21.04 at 6 or 7 weeks - it was hard to get a dx, they

told me it was a bad egg cause i was 37 .... i got pg again in 11.04

and mc again at 10 weeks on 1.10.05 they did a bunch of tests on me,

my husband and the baby (a boy) and everything came back normal - i

went to see a RE and he agreed with me that this 2nd mc was most

likely due to my 'BU'

i had a HSG in 2.05 and then a lap/hyst on 3.9.05 - he confirmed i

was in fact SU and did the resection that day ....

i got pg this month but lost it - it was a chemical pg - probably

another bad egg (i'm 38 now) -

i'm waiting for some tests now (FSH and the like to see if my egg

reserve is running low or my eggs are too old ....) but despite that

and a blood disorder that i have (2 copies of MTHFR C677T mutation) i

still think that having the surgery was a VERY GOOD thing - I'm sure

my 2nd mc was due to the septum and after so many years of botched dx

i was happy that i got the right one and was 'fixed' ...

all over this board you'll find that laparoscopy/hysteroscopy is

the 'gold standard' for dx so i would talk to your dr about that ...

my RE wanted me to have a MRI after my HSG (which showed a pretty

long septum) but i insisted i didn;t want to waste more time and went

right ahead with the surgery

if you're SU it's very likely that the dr can resect -

if you're BU surgery is not recommended but mc is also less of a risk

for BUs than for SUs - your possible problems with BU would be

preterm labor, growth restriction or imcompetent cervix - i think

that said, many women with either SU or BU have had healthy kids and

some even went full term .... i guess it just depends on how

comfortable you feel knowing that the septum is there and may cause

problems - my son was born despite it and we're amazed that he did -

his pg was uncomplicated until the day he was born - so you see,

miracles do happen but who knows how many times right?

so, i know this is a very tough time for you

i hope you can make a decision that brings at least some peace to

your mind and heart

all the best and please let me know if you need details about the

surgery - i wrote them all in a text file

best of luck


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