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Re: Getting Food out of My Mind...

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> just as a random comment, i have to say that you people who

> can distract yourself from food thoughts by doing something

> else are really, really, really lucky. grrrr. ;)

It all depends on how engrossing the activity. The key is to do something

that REALLY holds your attention. That means something that requires lots

of attention -- like a first person shoot-em-up video game. I used to play

these games for hours and not even realize it. :)

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In a message dated 10/24/2005 8:19:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,

lupa@... writes:

i was once so addicted to Bejeweled it started getting in the way of work.

(not a joke.) i downloaded it onto my cell phone and now life is much easier,

since the pause mechanism is much more friendly and i have my current game

with me everywhere.

Bookworm is something my friends love. also pretty addictive and


I love Bookworn and Alchemy. And, since I don't eat at my computer desk it's

a good " safe " place for me.

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Are you still in phase 1? If so, it's normal to be still thinking

about food.

The only way to overcome it is to eat plenty of the foods on

the " foods to enjoy " list. Don't let yourself ever get physically

hungry. Just eat the allowed foods when you get the urge.

Carry 1/4 cup nuts, two or three string cheese sticks, a hard boiled

egg or two, some turkey slices, some olives, a can of tuna, a can of

chicken, etc. That way, you will have something to eat when tempted.

As for tic tacs, eat a hard sugarfree candy instead. You can have 75

calories a day of those.



> How do I do it? How can I get food out of my mind? It's all I


> about lately - food, food, food.


> I didn't prepare very well this morning, and so I don't have my


> and stuff today. (I swear, I'm going to do better tomorrow...I'm

> going to bring so much good food for me food tomorrow I won't be


> to eat it all!) I walked over to the store next door - Dollar

> General. Of course there is virtually nothing in there I can


> After walking the isles over and over, looking at the back of boxes

> and getting more and more depressed (going to grocery stores now is

> friggin' depressing, btw), I finally made my selection and left.


> selection? Tic-Tacs. I'm sure I'm probably not supposed to have

> those, either, but I figured if I could suck on one for a while at

> least the strong cinnamon taste would make me not want to eat.


> whatever works, at this point...)


> I did manage to pass up on the chocolate covered cookie dough

> (OMG...that's one of my favorite things these days, and Dollar


> just got it....). I felt good that I managed to pass up all the


> for-me things. I didn't want to ruin my progress....plus, I'm


> a tad competitive w/ the b/f, and don't want him to lose more than

> me!! (Although he already has, I feel confident I can catch up.)


> got to admit, I went in the dollar store with every intention of

> coming out with a small bag of chips, or a candy bar, or something

> horrible like that. I ended up with Tic-tacs...which I felt was

> better than my originial idea. Still not great, I know.


> I'm feeling very depressed and down, and I've noticed I've been

> quite...ummm...easily aggrivated this past week. Is that typical?


> Also, my head has been hurting almost every day. I don't know if


> lack of sleep (I haven't been getting enough), or if it's the diet,

> orwhat.


> Anywhoo...thanks for listening. Any suggestions for helping me


> thinking about food? It seems to be constantly on my mind these



> -Chris


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lol...I've played Bejeweled and Alchemy quite a bit in the past. They've

started cracking down on people playing games online, though, so I don't do that

anymore. I jused to love both of those games, though. :)

Brndastr2@... wrote:In a message dated 10/24/2005 8:19:02 PM Eastern

Standard Time,

lupa@... writes:

i was once so addicted to Bejeweled it started getting in the way of work.

(not a joke.) i downloaded it onto my cell phone and now life is much easier,

since the pause mechanism is much more friendly and i have my current game

with me everywhere.

Bookworm is something my friends love. also pretty addictive and


I love Bookworn and Alchemy. And, since I don't eat at my computer desk it's

a good " safe " place for me.

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Hi ann,

Yes, I'm still in Phase 1. (One more week to go!!)

I think the fact that I didn't prepare well and bring anything with me yesterday

was a HUGE portion of the reason I was so obsessed with food all day. Today I

brought all kinds of good stuff for lunch and snacks, and I haven't be thinking

about food anywhere near as much.

As far as the sugar free candy instead of the Tic-Tacs, I wanted to get

something like that, but my options of places to shop were limited to Dollar

General, and they didn't have any. :( Nor did they have any sugar-free gum or

mints. Trust me, I looked, and looked, and looked..... :)

I prepared much better today. I made broccoli/turkey bacon breakfast cups

(couldn't stand those spinach ones in the book). My broccoli/turkey bacon ones

were much better. I also brought grilled Tuna steak for lunch, along with

cucumbers (I love those) and tomatoes. Brought pistachio's to keep in my desk

drawer, and string cheese for snack. I'm set today as far as food!!!! :)

Oh, and why on earth didn't I get a food processor a long time ago. I bought

one Friday, and have used the heck out of that thing!!! I really love it.

Take care,


ann maryann127@...> wrote:

Are you still in phase 1? If so, it's normal to be still thinking

about food.

The only way to overcome it is to eat plenty of the foods on

the " foods to enjoy " list. Don't let yourself ever get physically

hungry. Just eat the allowed foods when you get the urge.

Carry 1/4 cup nuts, two or three string cheese sticks, a hard boiled

egg or two, some turkey slices, some olives, a can of tuna, a can of

chicken, etc. That way, you will have something to eat when tempted.

As for tic tacs, eat a hard sugarfree candy instead. You can have 75

calories a day of those.



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I simply believe that when you're getting paid and not

working, that's stealing company time. It's possible

that the person who pays your salary does not have a

problem with it - in which case, I suppose it isn't

stealing. I don't mean " your boss " because the person

who pays someone salary isn't necessarily always the

boss, KWIM?

I'm sensitive to this because I grew up in a family

where my stepdad owned (and still owns) a business.

From time to time, we find out that an employee is

screwing around on company time - playing solitaire,

taking personal calls, even playing rounds of golf

(travelling to a terminal a day early so they could

play a round of golf before starting work the next

day, while the company pays for that extra night hotel

stay). Meanwhile, my stepdad is not drawing a

paycheck at all (hasn't in years), to save money to

pay these other people, and other departments are

severely lacking in personnel and resources. My

husband is the IT director there, and even though it's

not his job, has weeded out 16 employees around all

the terminals who wasted company time. Their bosses

were OK with them goofing around during slow periods,

but even if a person has nothing to do, why not stop

over by accounting to see if there's some filing

that's backed up? Most companies have *something* to

do, even if it's not " my job " . I can't think of a

company manager, president, or CEO who wouldn't think

that was a fantastic, take-charge thing for someone to

do. My stepdad's company is a freight company, and

there are frequently accountants, IT people, and

customer service reps out on the docks

loading/unloading trucks when the need calls for it.

If there is truly nothing to do (which I honestly

don't think has ever happened), there is a lending

library in the conference room, where employees are

encouraged to check out books for lifelong learning

( Maxwell books, Covey books, etc.)

I'm sensitive to it because I lived it. There were

months we ate crap food and couldn't pay our bills on

time because we wanted the people who worked for us to

be able to feed THEIR families and pay THEIR bills.

It makes me sick to find out how many people believe

they were entitled to slack off during company time,

while the company was struggling to pay its bills and

salaries. OTOH, other people (like my DH) put in

60-hour weeks (sometimes more) and only get paid for


No, I have never worked in a call center, is that a

place where calls are the only thing that take place?

I can imagine that there would be slow times then, and

truly not anything else to do.


Jen in ND


Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.


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Great job...it can be done!


Re: Getting Food out of My Mind...

Hi Chuck,

We had our monthly themed lunch today. The theme was Chili, Chips and Cheese.

I knew I'd be starting SB this week and I had just bought my new SB cookbook. So

I volunteered to make one of the pots of chili. It was delicious! No one knew it

was SB chili. I had mine on mixed baby spring greens that I brought. Added some

chopped tomato and onion that another lady had brought. And topped it off with

some low-fat cheese and low-fat sour cream that I brought. Had to slip the

low-fat stuff on because Ms. Negativity that I've mentioned before was there.

BTW, she loved the chili =) I passed on the yummy desserts. Very proud of

myself. Now waiting to see what the next theme is. Whoever has a birthday in

that month gets to pick the theme. It's our commander and chief, the principal.

He likes to eat healthy though so it shouldn't be a problem.


Get the crock pot going. Let it do all the work. This

morning my wife spent 5 minutes dumping stuff into the crock pot and tonight

we'll have some of the best chili you'll ever come by. Why is it the best?

Because you know exactly what's in there and there's no sugar, no corn

syrup, no preservatives, no ingredients that you can't pronounce. And

there's leftovers if you want to take some to work the next day or two.

Don't dwell on the old crap. Dwell on what you can do with that list and get



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