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kicking salt kicks, and tasty merde

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What were you diagnosed with, ?

What do you mean, you have to check the labels to make sure the meat isn't

salted. Do

butchers (or cattle companies) salt meat when it hangs to age? Are we buying

fresh meat

with salt in it without even realizing it?

Regarding the difficulty in eating a diverse, flavorful, Epicurean-style diet in


American world -- I just meant that, as you said, it would be VERY difficult.

Natural foods

are competing on the palate with Dow Chemical's or General Foods' fragrance and


creations and additives, and when science comes up with a " butter flavor, " for


the strength of that alone would camouflage any subtle nuances you might hope


emerge from whatever is being dosed with it. And these days, I think, almost

all foods

have a few doses of artificial whatever in them. Colors, flavors,

preservatives, the list goes

on . . . . Try finding a food without the term " natural flavors. " A " natural

flavor " is an

artificial flavor created by altering substances found naturally in foods so

that the flavor is

more intense. But beause the substances come from, say, a peach, instead of a

test tube,

companies can get away with calling them " natural. " But almost everything has


artificial flavors or else natural and artificial flavors, or else " natural

flavors. " So, when you

try a 'back-to-the-earth' type of diet, it's competing on your tastebuds with

dinner out on

Friday night, and all the aromas in the " food court " that just smell so

enticing: Mrs. Field's,

Auntie Annie's pretzels, Krispy Kreme's, Hot Dog On a Stick, and fast food

chains, the

restaurant chains (and THEY ARE SOME OF THE WORST offenders! I HATE them for


fats, and fake flavors, and so many additives into their foods!) With mall food

(if you go to

malls, which I frequent only about one or twice a year), at least you KNOW

you're getting

junk. But when you go to Legal Seafood, or Olive Garden, or Louise's, or


whatever, you want to think you're eating " quality stuff. " You're not. You're


" merde " that tastes good. Like what Chuck's dogs enjoy!

I agree with you TOTALLY that schools should teach nutrition classes from an

early age. I

am lucky to be a living example of one who knew nothing about nutrition until a

few years

ago . . . . and still know pitiful little and I'm trying to learn now. And

there are those

who, God love them, know, and have lived their whole lives knowing, eversomuch


than I (my dear, departed mother included). And proper diet is such an integral

aspect of

being healthy! Schools teach " physical education, " but not " nutritional

education. " But it's

really not possible to have one without the other.

Shall we start a movement?

.. I've been low sodium ever since my diagnosis

> and I really don't regret it at all. It was difficult at first, true -- I

> had quite the learning curve. Once you get past that though, there's

> nothing much to it -- it becomes automatic.


, , , Meat requires a LITTLE thought -- I have to check the labels to make sure

the meat

isn't salted. But then again, I ALWAYS check the labels anyway so

> this is just as automatic as anything else.



. . . - there are

> plenty of great flavors if one simply takes the time to create them.



.. . . . IMNSHO, nutrition should be taught as a separate, required, full year

course at 3

different levels of pre-collegiate education.




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In a message dated 12/12/2005 9:17:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jennddoula@... writes:

Tasty merde? LOL.. you *do* know what " merde " is French for, right? ;-)

That was my first thought!

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Thanks for the thoughtful answers, . I remember now about the CHF. It's

such a

scary thought that I had pushed it into the back of my mind and tried not to

think about it.

You are brave. Thanks, also, for the explanations.... that's true about the

chickens, and I'd

never thought about that. Now that I know I have high blood pressure (gawd,

what an old

poop I am), I will have to check the labels. Know what you mean about the


curve,' but I can only be committed to learning SO many new things at once. I'm

going to

start with SBD, and expand from there. After all, it was only a year ago that I

started with

WW, and graduated to SBD. . . .maybe there's hope for me, eventually.

You crack me up: " Joe and Babette Consumer. " Very descriptive.

amazing. How do you know which ones have been sprayed?

My HoneyPie is with you on organics. Whenever were in Boston at his place, we


organic only. In California, at my place, it's more of a combination . .. .And

we do rarely

eat out seldom these days because people in restaurants lie and because it's so

difficult to

really know what you're getting.

Best of luck with your battles.... I hope your CHF is still only in the early



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I LOL'd at the subject line. Tasty merde? LOL.. you *do* know what " merde " is

French for, right? ;-)

Jen in ND

anne_wycke horg@...> wrote: Thanks for the thoughtful answers,

. I remember now about the CHF. It's such a

scary thought that I had pushed it into the back of my mind and tried not to

think about it.

You are brave. Thanks, also, for the explanations.... that's true about the

chickens, and I'd

never thought about that. Now that I know I have high blood pressure (gawd,

what an old

poop I am), I will have to check the labels. Know what you mean about the


curve,' but I can only be committed to learning SO many new things at once.

I'm going to

start with SBD, and expand from there. After all, it was only a year ago that

I started with

WW, and graduated to SBD. . . .maybe there's hope for me, eventually.

You crack me up: " Joe and Babette Consumer. " Very descriptive.

amazing. How do you know which ones have been sprayed?

My HoneyPie is with you on organics. Whenever were in Boston at his place, we


organic only. In California, at my place, it's more of a combination . .. .And

we do rarely

eat out seldom these days because people in restaurants lie and because it's so

difficult to

really know what you're getting.

Best of luck with your battles.... I hope your CHF is still only in the early



Please send your recipes for inclusion in the Files to the Moderator at:


Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The South

Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats-the good

ones - and enables you to live quite happily without the bad carbs and bad fats.

For more on this Way Of Eating please read " The South Beach Diet " by Arthur

Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

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You passed! I was wondering how long it would take for someone to notice. Heh.

Outrage can be fun. Thanks! But, I think I said that Chuck's dog's liked it.

And Chuck was

saying they enjoyed the cat litter...


> I LOL'd at the subject line. Tasty merde? LOL.. you *do* know what " merde "

is French

for, right? ;-)


> Jen in ND






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Oooh. Cool. BUT -- Chuck said it first, only he just alluded to it -- in

English. I don't

know if anyone picked up on his allusion. No one commented on it, anyway. At

least I

had the cajones to use THE actual word -- albeit not in English. He was being

playful after

had said he had to trash a plastic jar of denuded Farms garlic


because " even the dogs won't eat it. " Then Chuck said he had to stop feeding

garlic to HIS

dogs because every time he did they started gesturing wildly with their hands

(we were to

presume that they were Italian dogs). So, I said, " not to mention their bad

breath " and

that's when he said -- in so many other words -- that his dogs got THAT from the


litter., Hence, the history behind my little joke.


> In a message dated 12/12/2005 9:17:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> jennddoula@y... writes:

> Tasty merde? LOL.. you *do* know what " merde " is French for, right? ;-)


> That was my first thought!




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