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Re: the mind is a funny thing ...

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This is a great point I kept hearing everyone else talk about the black bean

chocolate cake and I kept saying yeah well they are used to eating all this

stuff and have forgotten how great REAL choclotate cake is. Black beans in cake

just sounded gross. Well.........I made it yesterday and took it to a church

function. The only thing I did different was to melt a russell stovers sug free

candy bar in the microwave and add just enough half and half to thin it out.

then I cut a hole in the corner of a zip lock bag and made a design on the top.

Not only did everyone love it but many had a second piece over a whole table of

other deserts. It was the talk of the party and everyone wanted the receipe.

Even my mom who as most of you know has been anti anything no sugary and sweet.

She keeps saying I can't taste anything that makes it not taste like regular

chocolate cake. She even called her friends and said we have to make this again

and bring it for you to try. who would of

thought a cake made with black beans could get my mom motivated to make some

changes but she said I'm starting Mon if they can make healthy cake taste this

good I'm willing to try.

Lani leilani037@...> wrote: I used to teach preschool and, every year on

or near St. s day we would read " Green Eggs and Ham " to the kids and make

green eggs in the classroom. It never failed that I would have a few students

who said " I don't like eggs " but when we made green eggs (scrambled eggs with a

drop or two of green food coloring), they loved them. Their parents were amazed

that their son/daughter would go home and ask for green eggs. LOL This taught

me that the mind is a funny thing. We might think that we don't like something

but when it's made in a different way, we might like it. I try to keep this in

mind while looking over different recipes and trying new foods.

The word vegetable was NEVER in my vocabulary when I was planning meals before

SBD, but now I can't imagine a meal without them. I found that I gag with canned

spinach, but if it's fresh leaf spinach in my salad or chopped up in my quiche

or soup, I like it. I always have broccoli, fresh spinach, celery, green

peppers, green onions, olives, cauliflower, green beans, cabbage and sweet

onions around my house for meals. There are a few veggies that I havent tried

.... yet, but I am going to try eventually. Sometimes I crave a potatoe so I make

a sweet potato instead (baked with a little smart balance and sprinkled with

cinnamon - or cut up like french fries and baked with olive oil and a dash of

cinnamon or nutmeg). Now you will find that you honestly don't like certain

things no matter how they are fixed, but you owe it to yourself (and your

family) to at least TRY different ways of making things.

I hope this helps open some minds to trying new things or trying old things in

a different way.



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I had a close encounter with broccoli not too long ago. I avoid

broccoli, but I run into it in restaurant vegetable medleys. A few

months ago, on a road trip, a little broccoli from the medley got

mixed in the rice side dish. So I ate it. I figured diluted like that,

the rice might make the broccoli palatable, and I'd get a little more

vegetable than otherwise. I was surprised that the broccoli-rice combo

tasted great. It made the rice even better. I suppose I don't like the

texture of broccoli, but the flavor, at least in " spice " quantity,

after all these years, I find I do like.


> ...

> We might think that we don't like something but when it's made in a

different way, we might like it. I try to keep this in mind while

looking over different recipes and trying new foods.

> ...


> Lani

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I could live off of broccoli and sugar. The sugar is what I am trying to

reduce. Unfortunatly, broccoli costs more than a bag of cookies and only lasts

for a meal or two.

Re: the mind is a funny thing ...

I had a close encounter with broccoli not too long ago. I avoid

broccoli, but I run into it in restaurant vegetable medleys. A few

months ago, on a road trip, a little broccoli from the medley got

mixed in the rice side dish. So I ate it. I figured diluted like that,

the rice might make the broccoli palatable, and I'd get a little more

vegetable than otherwise. I was surprised that the broccoli-rice combo

tasted great. It made the rice even better. I suppose I don't like the

texture of broccoli, but the flavor, at least in " spice " quantity,

after all these years, I find I do like.


> ...

> We might think that we don't like something but when it's made in a

different way, we might like it. I try to keep this in mind while

looking over different recipes and trying new foods.

> ...


> Lani

Please send your recipes for inclusion in the Files to the Moderator at:


Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The South

Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats-the good

ones - and enables you to live quite happily without the bad carbs and bad fats.

For more on this Way Of Eating please read " The South Beach Diet " by Arthur

Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

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I agree the mind is a funny thing, I have discovered water LOL Up to last week,

I was lucky if I drank a glass of water a fortnight. However, I have discovered

that if you take a large glass, fill it with ice, water from the water purifier,

a slice of lime or lemon, and drink it with a straw, you think you might even be

drinking a nice drink at the club LOL LOL Yesterday I had


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> OMG-

> I could live off of broccoli and sugar. The sugar is what I am

trying to reduce. Unfortunatly, broccoli costs more than a bag of

cookies and only lasts for a meal or two.


For some reason, this conjured up the image of a sugary broccoli pie, lol.

Yeah, veggies can be expensive. I grow a lot of my own during the

summer, and that helps some. When I think about it, the packaged stuff

and even the fast food I used to eat wasn't all that cheap either.

(Especially in terms of my health.)


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I buy it when it's on sale, cut it up and freeze it. Broccoli freezes amazingly


Hope that helps,


B bf9421@...> wrote:


I could live off of broccoli and sugar. The sugar is what I am trying to

reduce. Unfortunatly, broccoli costs more than a bag of cookies and only lasts

for a meal or two.


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That is great, Debi! Who'd have thought a bean cake would have drawn

her to be interested in SBD? Very good news.



> This is a great point I kept hearing everyone else talk about the

black bean chocolate cake and I kept saying yeah well they are used

to eating all this stuff and have forgotten how great REAL choclotate

cake is. Black beans in cake just sounded gross. Well.........I

made it yesterday and took it to a church function. The only thing I

did different was to melt a russell stovers sug free candy bar in the

microwave and add just enough half and half to thin it out. then I

cut a hole in the corner of a zip lock bag and made a design on the

top. Not only did everyone love it but many had a second piece over

a whole table of other deserts. It was the talk of the party and

everyone wanted the receipe. Even my mom who as most of you know has

been anti anything no sugary and sweet. She keeps saying I can't

taste anything that makes it not taste like regular chocolate cake.

She even called her friends and said we have to make this again and

bring it for you to try. who would of

> thought a cake made with black beans could get my mom motivated to

make some changes but she said I'm starting Mon if they can make

healthy cake taste this good I'm willing to try.

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> Even my mom who as most of you know has been anti anything no sugary and

> sweet. She keeps saying I can't taste anything that makes it not taste like

> regular chocolate cake. She even called her friends and said we have to make

> this again and bring it for you to try. who would of

> thought a cake made with black beans could get my mom motivated to make some

> changes but she said I'm starting Mon if they can make healthy cake taste this

> good I'm willing to try.

Looks like you and your Mom are starting to see eye to eye on the food

issues! Good job!!



You spend your life fighting dirt, and when you die they bury you in it.


North Bend, Oregon, USA

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hey even my son who eats a terrible diet said that is really good cake when I

told him what was in it he said no way....I can't believe anything with beans

would taste that good.

Ann hayakawa@...> wrote:> Even my mom who as most of you know has

been anti anything no sugary and

> sweet. She keeps saying I can't taste anything that makes it not taste like

> regular chocolate cake. She even called her friends and said we have to make

> this again and bring it for you to try. who would of

> thought a cake made with black beans could get my mom motivated to make some

> changes but she said I'm starting Mon if they can make healthy cake taste this

> good I'm willing to try.

Looks like you and your Mom are starting to see eye to eye on the food

issues! Good job!!



You spend your life fighting dirt, and when you die they bury you in it.


North Bend, Oregon, USA

Please send your recipes for inclusion in the Files to the Moderator at:


Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The South

Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats-the good

ones - and enables you to live quite happily without the bad carbs and bad fats.

For more on this Way Of Eating please read " The South Beach Diet " by Arthur

Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

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I made this chocolate bean cake yesterday, too. Mine ended up looking like a

big slab of

liver paté. Dense and thick and moist, with a velvety cocoa-bean flavor. I

liked it, but

didn't think it tasted very chocolately. I used the 3 T of cocoa, which was an


Droste's powdered cocoa. Maybe I should have put in more...or.... not.

The silvery plastic jar did not say " baking cocoa " on it, so maybe I used the

wrong stuff. It

just said " unsweetened cocoa powder. " Also, I didn't have a cup of cooking

Splenda, only

the packets, and I only had 17 packets -- and I did the math and figured I'd

need 34

packets . . . .BUT! I found an old box of Equal packets in the cupboard, and

used 16 of

those instead. I wonder if A) I should try to look for a real " baking cocoa " or

whether mine

was what the recipe called for, after all, and B) whether using Equal would

affect the flavor

very much. In the end, the cake slab was a little ugly, and sweet enough, but

not overly

sweet. To make it more palatable for my HoneyPie, I smeared a little chocolate


sauce on top (Sacrilege, I know. But he isn't terribly enlightened just yet.)

He said it tasted " horrible. Like dog food. " Oops.

One thing I love about my HoneyPie is that he loves everything I serve him. The

only other

thing he's ever hated that I made for him was scrambled brains and eggs, which I



Also, I didn't have a square glass plan, so I used a round glass pan and

cooked the thing

about 15 minutes longer than ther recipe called for, since it didn't seem done

in the

middle.... The outside edges had risen, but the center was still dark brown and

too moist.

It sounds like this cake is supposed to be all fudgy and gooey, but mine had

more the

consistency of an extremely thick and dense tofu, or a very light Halvah....

Rather velvety.

Is it supposed to be chewy or fudgy? Again, I really liked it. But, then, I

like almost

everything.. all different foods. I trust HoneyPie's palate more than my own

when it

comes to judging mainstream tastes. So, maybe I did something wrong? If

anyone has a

clue, I'd appreciate being clued in. (I didn't copy the recipe wrong, did I?

No flour in this.

It's really liquidy when you pour it into the pan -- like milk with pulverized

mean in it. Not

like batter. Right???) Thanks.

(I had some of it for breakfast today since it's just eggs, milk, and beans. I

might assume

that it's an acquired taste if your mothers and kids are liking this, then I've

got to be doing

something wrong.)

Annie D.

> Even my mom who as most of you know has


anti anything no sugary and

> > sweet. She keeps saying I can't taste anything that makes it not taste like

> > regular chocolate cake. She even called her friends and said we have to


> > this again and bring it for you to try. who would of

> > thought a cake made with black beans could get my mom motivated to make some

> > changes but she said I'm starting Mon if they can make healthy cake taste


> > good I'm willing to try.


> Looks like you and your Mom are starting to see eye to eye on the food

> issues! Good job!!

> --

> Ann

> You spend your life fighting dirt, and when you die they bury you in it.

> hayakawa@i...

> North Bend, Oregon, USA




> Please send your recipes for inclusion in the Files to the Moderator at:

> South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right-owner


> Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The South

Beach Diet

teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats-the good ones - and

enables you

to live quite happily without the bad carbs and bad fats.


> For more on this Way Of Eating please read " The South Beach Diet " by Arthur


MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8






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