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Re: Reducing fat intake....

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Yeah, I know what you're saying. I love cheese, mayo and real salad dressing so

I really have to watch it. I'd love to have all my vegetables baked with a

gooey layer of cheese on top. ;) And I find that if eat, say...steamed veggies

and a protein for dinner, I'm hungry 30 minutes later. Ridiculous! I don't

know what it is. I think I miss things that have a " creamy " texture. I don't

miss sugar one little bit though.


Reducing fat intake....

Ok, is anyone having as many issues with reducing fat intake as I am? This

has proven to be a major issue for me -- it doesn't matter what I eat or how

much I eat of what I'm eating, if I try to reduce out fat I massively crave

it. I've found that if I do not eat a goodly amount of fat during the day,

I have non-stop hunger. As I said -- it doesn't matter how much I eat

either. I've downed 2 or 3 pounds of vegetables, a couple servings of

starch, even meats. I'm doing 2-3 liters of water to boot. It's the

blasted fat I want.

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, I would be concerned that there is something

else going on, rather than a " sweet tooth " . To eat an

entire bag of Reese's PB cups and an entire gallon of

ice cream in two days, and then like you said, an

entire box of Klondike bars.. something is not right.

You deserve to eat better and get yourself healthy -

do you not think so? You are feeding something other

than hunger or even a craving, this goes way beyond

that. And why do you have that stuff in your house to

begin with, especially if you can't control yourself

around it?

One thing I really have a problem with regarding South

Beach, is that since he's a cardiologist and not a

weight-loss doctor or a psychologist, he does not even

touch on the things that made us fat in the first

place - and it wasn't the food. If we don't address

those things, we will never get better. I highly

recommend checking out Dr. Phil's weight loss book,

and then using the South Beach diet principles instead

of his own. Those Seven Keys are very necessary, I


Jen in ND


Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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>Ok, is anyone having as many issues with reducing fat intake as I am?

>This has proven to be a major issue for me -- it doesn't matter what I

>eat or how

>much I eat of what I'm eating, if I try to reduce out fat I massively crave

>it. I've found that if I do not eat a goodly amount of fat during the day,

>I have non-stop hunger. As I said -- it doesn't matter how much I eat

>either. I've downed 2 or 3 pounds of vegetables, a couple servings of

>starch, even meats. I'm doing 2-3 liters of water to boot. It's the

>blasted fat I want.

i can certainly identify with that - i was particularly bad about that when i

was a vegan. i could not stop eating, particularly fats, and gained a LOT of

weight due to it. now, i wasn't on SBD then so i ate a lot of fried foods, but

i'm finding even now that if i don't graze all day i run straight to the mayo -

especially now that i can't eat any dairy.

haven't found anything to break it, but i know that's largely because of other

physical issues aside from diet so i'm aware i'm not a good person to use as a

benchmark ;)

>It's driving me freaking nuts. I wish I had a sweet tooth -- things would

>be much easier.


>I'm going to try setting up a fairly low fat run of meals for about a 4 day

>period (Friday thru Monday) when I know I'll be fairly busy (so I won't

>have time to thin much about eating) and see if I can break this crave-run.

>Bloody worse than the sugar.

good luck with that! the only thing i have to recommend is not using veggies as

a balancer for fats, but increase your intake of grains and beans instead.

lots of good vibes your way, !


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Could this statement be true, I heard it on tv last night. Depression is

anger turned inward.

Re: Reducing fat intake....

, I would be concerned that there is something


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Krystal, I would love your recipe please.

Re: Reducing fat intake....

oh, i'm sorry. I guess everyone is different. I can not even finish one

Klondike bar, I eat maybe half or less of one and I end up throwing the rest


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> Not sure . I have a sweet tooth and was doing great on

> SB but in the last two days I slipped badly. Eating an

> entire bag of Recess peanut butter cups and a gallon of ice

> cream. Did it make me feel sick? Heck no, I loved it. Now

> I feel guilty. I don't care what any of you die hard

> beachers say. The cravings for sweets never goes away. Just

> like is craving Fat, I crave sugar.


> Sorry , I don't think this post helped any. Just

> understanding your dilemma. What kind of fats do you crave the most?

LOL No, not much help!

Remember -- there are TWO types of cravings, physiological and

psychological. Ice cream and Reese Cups tend to be more of the

psychological kind -- an emotional response. Sounds like maybe you had a

bad day. Eventually, as in after a decent while, you'll find healthier

comfort foods that get you over those hurdles. FWIW, every once in a while,

even *I*, the man without a sweet tooth, crave ice cream. Heaven help my

wife's pints in the freezer if that happens. ;)

As for what kind of fats I crave the most -- the fatty kind. ;) It doesn't

matter what it is so long as it's fat. Part of it may be the flavors

associated with fatty foods but I haven't had much luck finding those

flavors without the fat.

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> We do need some fat in our diets. Don't try to cut it

> altogether. We all have to take vitamins if we are not

> getting what we need. There are some vitamins (taken as

> a supplimnet or not) that are fat soluble only. Menaing

> they need the fat in order for our body to absorb it. If you

> cut all fat out you will not only be deficient in vit. like K,

> you will have dull hair and skin, among other things. Try to

> cut the fat but don't cut it out altogether

> you would be doing your body an injustice.

I'm not looking to cut it out altogether -- just reduce it. There's SOME

fat in just about every meal I have -- problem is, it's typically WAY too


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> Yeah, I know what you're saying. I love cheese, mayo and

> real salad dressing so I really have to watch it. I'd love

> to have all my vegetables baked with a gooey layer of cheese

> on top. ;) And I find that if eat, say...steamed veggies

> and a protein for dinner, I'm hungry 30 minutes later.

> Ridiculous! I don't know what it is. I think I miss things

> that have a " creamy " texture. I don't miss sugar one little

> bit though.

Welcome to MY world. It's taken me a while to REALLY narrow done

what I'm wanting (a LOT of trial and error) but clearly this is it. I'm not

convinced this is a physiological response alone -- so much of our cues are

taken from flavor that I'm thinking this may be a flavor related issue.

For a 2,000 calorie diet, the daily recommended intake of fat is about 65g.

At 9 calories per gram, that's 585 calories or right about 30% of total


For breakfast, I had 2 eggs over medium and a chicken pattie, cooked in

about 2 tablespoons of safflower oil. (Yeah, yeah, I know -- no veggies.

Didn't feel like it this morning.) Here's the breakdown:


Tyson Lean Ground Chicken Burger

Calories 160

Calories from Fat 80

Total Fat 9g

Saturated 2.5g

Cholesterol 75mg

Sodium 270mg

Carbohydrate 2g

Protein 18g


Safflower Oil

Calories 120

Calories from fat 120

Total Fat 14g

Saturated 1g

PolyUnsaturated 11g

MonoUnsaturated 2g

Cholesterol 0mg

Sodium 0mg

Total Carbohydrate 0mg

Protein 0mg


Grade A Large Egg

Calories 70

Calories from fat 40

Total Fat 4.5g

Cholesterol 215mg

Sodium 65mg

Total Carbohydrate 0mg

Protein 6g


So, if we assume I took in about a tablespoon of the oil (probably a bit

high, but good enough) and I ate 2 eggs, that would be....

Calories 160 + 120 + 140 = 420

Calories from Fat 80 + 120 + 80 = 280

Fat 9 + 14 + 9 = 32g

FWIW, I'm relatively satiated now. (I'd be more so if I ate some veggies

with it but I just didn't feel like it this morning -- no flavor for 'em.

) Problem though, that's half my entire day's intake of fat, on a

2000 calorie daily intake, and it was in a single meal. That's not a recipe

for success in losing weight. Lunch won't be so bad -- I'll have some

veggies and rice most likely (haven't decided yet). By mid-afternoon

though, I'll be craving fat hard and nothing, not even a full but low-fat

meal, will satisfy the craving.

I've tried mixing it up -- having a low fat meal for breakfast or dinner for

example. In each case, it's the same -- a couple-three hours later I'm

craving fat and nothing but fat will satisfy the hunger. I've even tested

it with simple sugars and white starches, thinking that maybe I'm seeing the

return of cravings for some reason -- I've even tried drinking some soda pop

and orange juice, on the off chance that was what was going on. Other than

getting a sugar rush, it made no difference.

As I said -- bloody irritating as @#$%^!

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> i can certainly identify with that - i was particularly bad

> about that when i was a vegan. i could not stop eating,

> particularly fats, and gained a LOT of weight due to it.

> now, i wasn't on SBD then so i ate a lot of fried foods, but

> i'm finding even now that if i don't graze all day i run

> straight to the mayo - especially now that i can't eat any dairy.

When I ate vegan, the low fat aspect of it did not bother me at all -- and I

actually DID eat low fat. I lost a lot of weight in a very short time that

way. This time around though...not so easy. :(

> haven't found anything to break it, but i know that's largely

> because of other physical issues aside from diet so i'm aware

> i'm not a good person to use as a benchmark ;)

How do you mean? With my CHF, I typically need more calories per day than

the average -- it's a weird thing for CHFers but I find that if I dip too

low, I suffer because of it.

> good luck with that! the only thing i have to recommend is

> not using veggies as a balancer for fats, but increase your

> intake of grains and beans instead.

Yeah, I can second that 'un. Veggies are useless to balance the fat craving

out. Grains seem to help a bit but not enough. Maybe it's time to up the

legumes in my diet. I don't usually do a daily hit of them but that might

be the answer. Think I'll incorporate that into my four day plan.

> lots of good vibes your way, !


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Have you tried hummus? It's the one thing (for me) that has enough fat in it to

satisfy me, but not so much that you really have to watch it. And oddly enough,

it seems to stick with me. Oh, and bean-based soups....preferably the kind that

you can blend and make smooth and creamy. I make curried lentil soup that's

pretty good and I blend it so it's nice and thick. Yummy.


RE: Reducing fat intake....

Yeah, I can second that 'un. Veggies are useless to balance the fat craving

out. Grains seem to help a bit but not enough. Maybe it's time to up the

legumes in my diet. I don't usually do a daily hit of them but that might

be the answer. Think I'll incorporate that into my four day plan.

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EXACTLY! Good points.


Jen Polk wrote:

> , I would be concerned that there is something

> else going on, rather than a " sweet tooth " . To eat an

> entire bag of Reese's PB cups and an entire gallon of

> ice cream in two days, and then like you said, an

> entire box of Klondike bars.. something is not right.

> You deserve to eat better and get yourself healthy -

> do you not think so? You are feeding something other

> than hunger or even a craving, this goes way beyond

> that. And why do you have that stuff in your house to

> begin with, especially if you can't control yourself

> around it?


> One thing I really have a problem with regarding South

> Beach, is that since he's a cardiologist and not a

> weight-loss doctor or a psychologist, he does not even

> touch on the things that made us fat in the first

> place - and it wasn't the food. If we don't address

> those things, we will never get better. I highly

> recommend checking out Dr. Phil's weight loss book,

> and then using the South Beach diet principles instead

> of his own. Those Seven Keys are very necessary, I

> believe.


> Jen in ND





> __________________________________

> Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

> http://mail.yahoo.com




> Please send your recipes for inclusion in the Files to the Moderator at:

> South-Beach-Diet-Getting-It-Right-owner


> Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The South

Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats-the good

ones - and enables you to live quite happily without the bad carbs and bad fats.


> For more on this Way Of Eating please read " The South Beach Diet " by Arthur

Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8



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>When I ate vegan, the low fat aspect of it did not bother me at all -- and

>I actually DID eat low fat. I lost a lot of weight in a very short time that

>way. This time around though...not so easy. :(

what else has changed in your life? were you eating non-SBD the first time


>> haven't found anything to break it, but i know that's largely

>> because of other physical issues aside from diet so i'm aware

>> i'm not a good person to use as a benchmark ;)

>How do you mean?

oh, just referring to my vast array of food allergies and the weird hormonal

thing which means eating anything before noon triggers raging hunger for the

rest of the day. i wouldn't want to equate my craving experiences with anyone

else's ;)

>With my CHF, I typically need more calories per day than

>the average -- it's a weird thing for CHFers but I find that if I dip too

>low, I suffer because of it.

that's a really intriguing side effect - you'd think it was otherwise.

that actually makes me wonder... when you crave fats, do you crave the

higher-in-bad-cholesterol fats, or the lower-in-bad-cholesterol fats? or

doesn't it matter, and a tbsp of olive oil is just as good as a tbsp of hazelnut

oil so long as it's fat?

>> good luck with that! the only thing i have to recommend is

>> not using veggies as a balancer for fats, but increase your

>> intake of grains and beans instead.

>Yeah, I can second that 'un. Veggies are useless to balance the fat craving

>out. Grains seem to help a bit but not enough. Maybe it's time to up the

>legumes in my diet. I don't usually do a daily hit of them but that might

>be the answer. Think I'll incorporate that into my four day plan.

sounds good - i'm living on beans in a way i never thought i would before and

they're nutritious enough that it covers what i'm losing in removing grains from

my diet.

i personally have experimented with a bunch of beans and found that white, great

northern, and aduki beans are what i crave most. aduki beans make a GREAT

dessert bean. i didn't think there would be so much difference in bean flavors,

but there really is.

additionally, garbanzo bean flour is an amazing thing and works well as a

thickener in soups and stews; there's also mixed garbanzo and fava, but i don't

care for that as much.

another curious question - am i remembering correctly in thinking you take daily

doses of Omega oils, and if so, are you taking doses of vitamin a or e

occasionally as well? it doesn't work for me, but a nutritionist suggested to

me that when you take omega-3-6-9 supplements (any one of those, as well as a

combo) it can do weird things with your balance of fatty vitamins elsewhere if

your diet isn't fully balanced. i do take one mid-dose vit. a and one high-dose

vit. e once a month (no more) because i take evening primrose oil to help my

lipid allergy, but aside from helping my skin i don't see any effect on my fat

craving. doesn't mean it might not help others, though, and unless it's

contraindicated by your CHF, it wouldn't hurt ;)


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I really haven't tried to reduce my fat intake, but I do think I

probably have too much, between meats, salad dressings, and dairy. I

use lowfat and fat free stuff, but I still think my intake is too

high. I think it is hard to reduce. And you are right, the fat does

stave off hunger.



> Ok, is anyone having as many issues with reducing fat intake as I

am? This

> has proven to be a major issue for me -- it doesn't matter what I

eat or how

> much I eat of what I'm eating, if I try to reduce out fat I

massively crave

> it. I've found that if I do not eat a goodly amount of fat during

the day,

> I have non-stop hunger. As I said -- it doesn't matter how much I


> either. I've downed 2 or 3 pounds of vegetables, a couple servings


> starch, even meats. I'm doing 2-3 liters of water to boot. It's


> blasted fat I want.


> It's driving me freaking nuts. I wish I had a sweet tooth --

things would

> be much easier.


> I'm going to try setting up a fairly low fat run of meals for about

a 4 day

> period (Friday thru Monday) when I know I'll be fairly busy (so I

won't have

> time to thin much about eating) and see if I can break this crave-


> Bloody worse than the sugar.



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It's weird, but I haven't had a craving in 8 months. I find that as

long as I eat enough protein, I am usually always full and I don't

crave anything. Occasionally, I'll see a pizza ad on TV that makes me

think about how good it looks, but it's not like I need to go eat




> Not sure . I have a sweet tooth and was doing great on SB but

in the last two days I slipped badly. Eating an entire bag of Recess

peanut butter cups and a gallon of ice cream. Did it make me feel

sick? Heck no, I loved it. Now I feel guilty. I don't care what any

of you die hard beachers say. The cravings for sweets never goes

away. Just like is craving Fat, I crave sugar.


> Sorry , I don't think this post helped any. Just understanding

your dilemma. What kind of fats do you crave the most?


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I forgot to say, I think the reason your cravings haven't gone away

might have to do with two things. One is that self control has to be

involved in order to diet, so if you don't have enough self control,

you just want to eat everything. That's not really a craving. It's

just lack of self control.

The other is that you have to be very careful on SBD about sugars and

other simple carbs. I know you have mentioned that you go out to

Chinese restaurants and don't care what is in the sauce, and that you

occasionally cheat on things like chips or crackers or candy. As long

as you do that, you will probably have cravings forever. The diet

does work to stop cravings if you totally stop eating all that stuff.


> Not sure . I have a sweet tooth and was doing great on SB

but in the

> last two days I slipped badly. Eating an entire bag of Recess


> butter

> cups and a gallon of ice cream. Did it make me feel sick? Heck

no, I

> loved

> it. Now I feel guilty. I don't care what any of you die hard


> say.

> The cravings for sweets never goes away. Just like is

craving Fat,

> I

> crave sugar.


> Sorry , I don't think this post helped any. Just

understanding your

> dilemma. What kind of fats do you crave the most?


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I don't really like chocolate. I have tired other SB desert recipes, but they

don't really taste that great.

Re: Reducing fat intake....


I only get 4 servings out of the quiche. I used to get 5, but then I

checked to see how many calories and all that it had, and I decided

that 4 servings would be fine.

How about trying that chocolate bean cake when you get the craving

for chewy, sweet stuff? Maybe it would help? As long as you don't eat

the whole thing :)



> Jen-

> I bought the candy because it was 75% off and I was planning to

take it to school to give to the kids. But I couldn't resist. I

go through cycles like this. I will do fine for a few months then

bang, I can't stand the boredom of eating meat and veggies. I never

eat bread, rice, or pasta anymore. But every now and them I " want "

something chewy and sweet. Probably due to the lack of processed

flour or something.


> I am back on track right now, waiting for my broccoli quiche. My

problem is still portion control. I think the quiche is 6-8 servings

but it only makes 2-3 servings for me. I just love it and eat until

I feel satisfied.


Please send your recipes for inclusion in the Files to the Moderator at:


Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The South

Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats-the good

ones - and enables you to live quite happily without the bad carbs and bad fats.

For more on this Way Of Eating please read " The South Beach Diet " by Arthur

Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

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There is a vanilla bean cake, too, if you want that recipe.



> I don't really like chocolate. I have tired other SB desert

recipes, but they don't really taste that great.


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There is a vanilla bean cake, too, if you want that recipe.



> I don't really like chocolate. I have tired other SB desert

recipes, but they don't really taste that great.


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On Ruby Tuesday's menu, they have a calorie count on all the foods on

the back page. The quesadillas have 2000 calories in them! I think if

you make them yourself with the whole wheat tortillas and lowfat

cheese, it should be okay. And Applebees has a Wt. Watchers' version.



> I love all that stuff too but never eat that junk anymore. Except

the ice cream (the other day) and I do have quesadilla with the high

bran tortilla and cheese. I figured that was ok on SB.


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On Ruby Tuesday's menu, they have a calorie count on all the foods on

the back page. The quesadillas have 2000 calories in them! I think if

you make them yourself with the whole wheat tortillas and lowfat

cheese, it should be okay. And Applebees has a Wt. Watchers' version.



> I love all that stuff too but never eat that junk anymore. Except

the ice cream (the other day) and I do have quesadilla with the high

bran tortilla and cheese. I figured that was ok on SB.


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I want to point out and emphasize that in the message below says

she is " back on track. " She didn't use her splurge as an excuse to

give up and go back to unhealthy eating habits. That seems to have

gotten lost in the shuffle. And I think that getting back on after

falling off the wagon is what it takes to succeed on any " diet, " and

perhaps especially for this long-term/life-time WOE. It's the right

attitude for success. So, good for you, , for dusting yourself

off and getting right back to healthy eating.



> Jen-

> I bought the candy because it was 75% off and I was planning to take

it to school to give to the kids. But I couldn't resist. I go

through cycles like this. I will do fine for a few months then bang,

I can't stand the boredom of eating meat and veggies. I never eat

bread, rice, or pasta anymore. But every now and them I " want "

something chewy and sweet. Probably due to the lack of processed

flour or something.


> I am back on track right now, waiting for my broccoli quiche. My

problem is still portion control. I think the quiche is 6-8 servings

but it only makes 2-3 servings for me. I just love it and eat until I

feel satisfied.


> Re: Reducing fat intake....



> , I would be concerned that there is something

> else going on, rather than a " sweet tooth " . To eat an

> entire bag of Reese's PB cups and an entire gallon of

> ice cream in two days, and then like you said, an

> entire box of Klondike bars.. something is not right.

> ...

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As another person who struggles with compulsive/binge eating issues

(and I'm sure there are quite a few of us on this board), I sincerely

hope that the person who felt the need to point out that " something

is not right " was merely showing her ignorance rather than

intentionally being mean.

I'd like to think that this is a safe environment for people to

openly share their experiences. We all feel bad enough after a binge

without having to defend ourselves to members of this support group.

> >

> > Jen-

> > I bought the candy because it was 75% off and I was planning to


> it to school to give to the kids. But I couldn't resist. I go

> through cycles like this. I will do fine for a few months then


> I can't stand the boredom of eating meat and veggies. I never eat

> bread, rice, or pasta anymore. But every now and them I " want "

> something chewy and sweet. Probably due to the lack of processed

> flour or something.

> >

> > I am back on track right now, waiting for my broccoli quiche. My

> problem is still portion control. I think the quiche is 6-8


> but it only makes 2-3 servings for me. I just love it and eat

until I

> feel satisfied.

> >

> > Re: Reducing fat intake....

> >

> >

> > , I would be concerned that there is something

> > else going on, rather than a " sweet tooth " . To eat an

> > entire bag of Reese's PB cups and an entire gallon of

> > ice cream in two days, and then like you said, an

> > entire box of Klondike bars.. something is not right.

> > ...


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