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Re: Re: Day 2/anne

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To be honest, I think that you may be over thinking this whole thing and making

more work for yourself.

Eat from the allowed foods list and have all the veggies you want/need to make

you satisfied...not full.

Are you getting in 64 ounces of water?


Re: Day 2/anne

Well-- that makes TWO OF YOU who are saying the same thing. So maybe you're


I felt full when I finished eating the various meals that I ate yesterday.

it's just that I got

hungier faster afterwards than I had been before. OR OR OR OR OR -- OR --


BEFORE I could just go grab a hunk of bread, or some chips, or crackers, or

something and

eat a few, and that would tide me over to the next meal. In Phase 1, the

snacks cannot be

carbs, so that means I either have to WORK (slicing, cutting, reaching in the

vegetable bin

and washing something) to eat something healthy (I cannot even grab a few


you detect a " poor me " tone here?), or else eat more protein, which, of

course, comes in

various forms, some of which are easier to grab and eat than others.

I made beef jerky for my son and thought THAT might make a snack ,but then

read that

you can't eat it because it has too many sugars. SUGARS???????? Does meat

have SUGAR in

it??? I sure don't add any to the recipe. Just a little garlic salt and some

peppers and

spices and things.

Maybe I am still in the WW mode where you can eat only so many points. I

am now used

to trying to watch portions (with the exception of veggies) and keep the

points down. I

can't believe SBD allows you to pig out.

I honestly felt FULL after eating what I ate. But then later got hungry,

which is unusual

considering I was also eating protein.

Thanks for the response, ann--



> >

> >

> > If I end up losing weight during Phase 1, it might be a miracle. I

> am having a terrible time

> > conforming to what I'm supposed to do. Breakfast was fine: my

> normal flaxeed meal, 1/4

> > c lowfat soymilk, and 2 oz. lean beef. Lunch: an egg, a half

> plate of bean sprouts, and a

> > thin lean breakfast steak. BUT MIDWAY through the afternoon,

> instead of getting up from

> > the computer and cooking a veggie dish as I did yesterday, I was in

> the middle of

> > something important and didn't feel like breaking for a half hour

> or so. Plus, I was having

> > horrible chocolate cravings. So, I messed up: Had several

> tablespoonsful of fat free

> > baking powder mixed into about a cup of Cool Whip Free, with two

> tablespoons of fat free

> > sour cream thrown in, and a dash of Splenda. Not exactly a great

> veggie dish -- except

> > that chocolate IS a bean, isn't it??? (Heh!). So, I'm figuring

> that oughter set me back about

> > 200 calories or so. I recovered my losses, sort of, at dinner with

> a few ounces of lean pork

> > and a whole plate of that cauliflower and mushroom pilaf. Did I

> get in 5.5 cups of

> > veggies? Heck, no. I probably only ate 3.5 or 4 cups, total.

> Maybe I haven't really started

> > this program yet. Maybe I'm just gearing up for it. I am starving

> right now. I had a Sfff

> > popsicle, but what I ought to do is make some more veggies. But

> I'm too tired to get up

> > and walk over there and do it. And this is why I don't lose

> weight. I just cannot stick

> > closely enough to the regimen. Still -- If you were a metabolic

> system, wouldn't you give

> > me points for not eating bread, or drinking sugary sodas, or eating

> french fries, or Crispy

> > Cremes, or cakes, or pizza? Or booze? Or bread? Or corn? I might

> not be towing the line

> > 1-- percent, but I ought to loose SOMEthing! WW owes me

> SOMEthing!!! Good Grief!

> > ==Annie D.

> >


Please send your recipes for inclusion in the Files to the Moderator at:


Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The South

Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats-the good

ones - and enables you to live quite happily without the bad carbs and bad fats.

For more on this Way Of Eating please read " The South Beach Diet " by Arthur

Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

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