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Day 3: LImboland

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Not hungry yet today!!

BUT-- I had a huge 8 a.m. breakfast of 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 cup fat-free


cream with vanilla and Splenda (mixed into the sour cream, since we're not

allowed Light

'n' Fit because of the fruit, and since I forgot to get any fat free plain

yogurt this week),

and 1/4 cup flaxseedmeal. That held me until I had to go running out of the

house for an

appointment at 11. Stopped back home for 10 minutes on the way to another

appointment. Missed my morning SNACK! Damn. Of what? i don't know. But

grabbed a

hunk of about two ounces of fat free cheese and also 1.5 ounces of 75% fat


cheddar and ran out again. Then, coming home, had lunch at a restaurant: A

nice, big

salad made with about 6 Greek olives (are we allowed to have those? I think so)


feta cheese, onions, lots of lettuce, and I can't remember if there was anything

else in it or

not. But it had a balsamic dressing on the side. The waiter said it had no oil

in it. When

they brought it, of course it had oil in it. As usual for me. (Bait and switch

technique that

I ALWAYS run into.) But, I'd ordered the dressing on the side for dipping

only, and I was

fairly hungry (not famished, though), and a LITTLE oil is allowed, so I let it

stay. Then, of

course, I ended up eating 3/4 of the dressing. Maybe 1.5 Tablespoons of oil.

Or so. (So

how's that for not watching too closely?)

But, I really blew it again, anyway.

First, when it came to ordering something to drink, I was thinking I'd be good

and NOT

have a soda. ( I never have sugared sodas anymore anyway, and as a result of WW


learned to live without even diet sodas, but today I contemplated a diet coke

-since they

don't have sparkling water and I'm addicted to sparkle sensation -- and resisted


challenge. " No, thanks -- just the water with a few lemon slices to go with

it. "

OOOPS. Big oops.

When, as a habit, I order water and lemon as an alternative to soda, I

squeeze ALL

lemons they bring into the water and often add some Splenda or Equal, and then I


lemonade. [Gosh, I'm SUCH a class act.] [That's a sarcastic joke if you didn't

get it -- I do

know better.] But I love this little lemon-and-water dining game -- down to the


feeling I get from not simply just having ordered a lemonade (which they make



So, I ate my salad, and then found myself not only swigging down all of the

12 to 14

ounces of lemon water (they refilled the little canning jars they serve it in),

but also

sprinkling Splenda flakes onto the lemon flesh and eating the lemon

wedges!!!!!!! What a

beast I am! And then, when I was on my last lemon wedge, I realized that FRUIT

is off

limits for two week (even though I haven't had fruit this week).

Is there going to be ONE day when I do things right?

Yet, the good side of this is that I probably ate the whole salad, which

constituted about

three whole cups of vegetables. And now all I have to do is figure out how to

get two

more cups of veggies eaten, along with this lean roast I have in the

refrigerator that I need

to cook.

I have some zucchinis, some bok choy, some cabbage (the head i was going to


yesterday), and some broccoli . . . .So there are ample veggles to choose from.

Wish I had

a taste for them. Maybe that will come.

Anyhow... at least I'm not hungry.

So -- now that you're all sitting on the edge of your seats totally

spellbound by this

exceedingly mundane Odyssey -- that was today in all its glory and splendor.

Sorry to bore you all. It is so much easier to endure this, though, knowing

I have a few

etherpals out there either for validation, or for useful and worthwhile feedback

from time

to time. And even if no one writes or responds, I still get to unload it, which

is of some

value to me.

Maybe I'll look back at this in several weeks and laugh.


If this " Phase 1 " works, I'll be doing a whole lot more than laughing! I'll

be bobbling

around holding the place where my belly was, and rolling in the aisles with glee


something finally has worked.

No chocolate today -- yet -- and I don't have a yen for it today, either. So,


that's progress.

Annie D.

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anne_wycke wrote:

> Not hungry yet today!!

> BUT-- I had a huge 8 a.m. breakfast of 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 cup

fat-free sour

> cream with vanilla and Splenda (mixed into the sour cream, since we're not

allowed Light

> 'n' Fit because of the fruit, and since I forgot to get any fat free plain

yogurt this week),

> and 1/4 cup flaxseedmeal.

Crikey! Your breakfast looks like one of my snacks! LOL!! For breakfast

I usually have two eggs, mostly over easy with cheese melted on top,

chunky salsa for zing, and sauted mushrooms or sliced tomato. Sometimes

I have a 3-egg omelette with cheese, mushrooms, brocolli bits, red bell

pepper, celery, and any other veggies I find in the fridge. Since I'm on

P2, sometimes I'll have a sourdough English muffin, toasted and

buttered. Keeps me going until noon.

That held me until I had to go running out of the house for an

> appointment at 11. Stopped back home for 10 minutes on the way to another

> appointment. Missed my morning SNACK! Damn. Of what? i don't know. But

grabbed a

> hunk of about two ounces of fat free cheese and also 1.5 ounces of 75% fat


> cheddar and ran out again.

Good snack. I have it for my midmorning snack a lot.

Then, coming home, had lunch at a restaurant: A nice, big

> salad made with about 6 Greek olives (are we allowed to have those? I think

so) tomatoes,

> feta cheese, onions, lots of lettuce, and I can't remember if there was

anything else in it or

> not. But it had a balsamic dressing on the side. The waiter said it had no

oil in it. When

> they brought it, of course it had oil in it. As usual for me. (Bait and

switch technique that

> I ALWAYS run into.) But, I'd ordered the dressing on the side for dipping

only, and I was

> fairly hungry (not famished, though), and a LITTLE oil is allowed, so I let it

stay. Then, of

> course, I ended up eating 3/4 of the dressing. Maybe 1.5 Tablespoons of oil.

Or so. (So

> how's that for not watching too closely?)

Lunch sounds grand! You did good there!

> But, I really blew it again, anyway.

> So, I ate my salad, and then found myself not only swigging down all of

the 12 to 14

> ounces of lemon water (they refilled the little canning jars they serve it

in), but also

> sprinkling Splenda flakes onto the lemon flesh and eating the lemon

wedges!!!!!!! What a

> beast I am! And then, when I was on my last lemon wedge, I realized that

FRUIT is off

> limits for two week (even though I haven't had fruit this week).

> Is there going to be ONE day when I do things right?

Cut it out!! You've done very well so far. Celebrate what you have

accomplished instead of focusing on what you did wrong.

> Yet, the good side of this is that I probably ate the whole salad, which

constituted about

> three whole cups of vegetables. And now all I have to do is figure out how to

get two

> more cups of veggies eaten, along with this lean roast I have in the

refrigerator that I need

> to cook.

Relax, dear. You are trying so hard to get a certain number of cups of

vegetables every day and it's starting to drive you nuts. Eat vegetables

with every meal, two with dinner, and maybe one of your snacks, and you

will be fine. Work on getting more vegetables into your diet, but don't


> I have some zucchinis, some bok choy, some cabbage (the head i was going

to braise

> yesterday), and some broccoli . . . .So there are ample veggles to choose

from. Wish I had

> a taste for them. Maybe that will come.

Yes, it will.

> Anyhow... at least I'm not hungry.

Good! You should not be hungry on the Beach. If you are hungry, eat from

the Foods to Enjoy list.

> So -- now that you're all sitting on the edge of your seats totally

spellbound by this

> exceedingly mundane Odyssey -- that was today in all its glory and splendor.

Keep on going and it will become second nature to you. You won't be

thinking about food all the time and you will be able to adapt your

family favorites to the Beach without much thought.



You spend your life fighting dirt, and when you die they bury you in it.

North Bend, Oregon, USA

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Why don't you just eat the sugarfree vanilla yogurt? That's what I

did on phase 1. It's yummy. There are a couple brands that make it,

including Light n Fit.

You should have had a snack at 10 AM. Like I said in my other post,

keep stuff on hand that you can just grab and eat, olives, nuts,

seeds, cheese, lunchmeat, precut celery/cucumbers/zucchini/bell

peppers with peanut butter/lowfat cream cheese/hummus, lowfat yogurt,


One thing you seem to not understand is that fat fills you. Read what

I posted on fats. You need fats in your diet, about 20-35% of your

calories per day, I believe the article said. I don't know what you

think you " blew. " You ate a salad with olives and feta cheese and

salad dressing. That is fine. I would have probably asked for grilled

chicken on it to make it more filling and nutritious. But, you didn't

blow anything. You ate salad dressing with oil. That is allowed. Your

body needs monounsaturated fats. One or two Tbsp of oil per salad is


The lemon water won't kill you. It's not like you ate a watermelon.

Lemons are a tart fruit, not sweet at all, so I doubt they are high

on the glycemic scale. Next time, have water or tea or even the

sugarfree soda if you feel the need.

If you feel you must have the chocolate, have the Dove dark chocolate

that Dr. A. allows. I don't know much about chocolate, since I don't

eat it, but I think you are allowed one individual piece of the small

pieces. Someone else might know better.

I enjoyed myself to no end on phase 1, because I prepared everything

ahead of time and never let myself get hungry. I ate every two hours,

like a baby, LOL. And I lost 12 pounds the first week and 3 pounds

the second week.



> Not hungry yet today!!

> BUT-- I had a huge 8 a.m. breakfast of 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/4

cup fat-free sour

> cream with vanilla and Splenda (mixed into the sour cream, since

we're not allowed Light

> 'n' Fit because of the fruit, and since I forgot to get any fat

free plain yogurt this week),

> and 1/4 cup flaxseedmeal. That held me until I had to go running

out of the house for an

> appointment at 11. Stopped back home for 10 minutes on the way to


> appointment. Missed my morning SNACK! Damn. Of what? i don't

know. But grabbed a

> hunk of about two ounces of fat free cheese and also 1.5 ounces of

75% fat reduced

> cheddar and ran out again. Then, coming home, had lunch at a

restaurant: A nice, big

> salad made with about 6 Greek olives (are we allowed to have those?

I think so) tomatoes,

> feta cheese, onions, lots of lettuce, and I can't remember if there

was anything else in it or

> not. But it had a balsamic dressing on the side. The waiter said

it had no oil in it. When

> they brought it, of course it had oil in it. As usual for me.

(Bait and switch technique that

> I ALWAYS run into.) But, I'd ordered the dressing on the side for

dipping only, and I was

> fairly hungry (not famished, though), and a LITTLE oil is allowed,

so I let it stay. Then, of

> course, I ended up eating 3/4 of the dressing. Maybe 1.5

Tablespoons of oil. Or so. (So

> how's that for not watching too closely?)

> But, I really blew it again, anyway.

> First, when it came to ordering something to drink, I was thinking

I'd be good and NOT

> have a soda. ( I never have sugared sodas anymore anyway, and as a

result of WW have

> learned to live without even diet sodas, but today I contemplated a

diet coke -since they

> don't have sparkling water and I'm addicted to sparkle sensation --

and resisted THAT

> challenge. " No, thanks -- just the water with a few lemon slices

to go with it. "

> OOOPS. Big oops.

> When, as a habit, I order water and lemon as an alternative to

soda, I squeeze ALL

> lemons they bring into the water and often add some Splenda or

Equal, and then I have

> lemonade. [Gosh, I'm SUCH a class act.] [That's a sarcastic joke

if you didn't get it -- I do

> know better.] But I love this little lemon-and-water dining game --

down to the naughty

> feeling I get from not simply just having ordered a lemonade (which

they make with

> sugar).

> So, I ate my salad, and then found myself not only swigging

down all of the 12 to 14

> ounces of lemon water (they refilled the little canning jars they

serve it in), but also

> sprinkling Splenda flakes onto the lemon flesh and eating the lemon

wedges!!!!!!! What a

> beast I am! And then, when I was on my last lemon wedge, I

realized that FRUIT is off

> limits for two week (even though I haven't had fruit this week).

> Is there going to be ONE day when I do things right?

> Yet, the good side of this is that I probably ate the whole

salad, which constituted about

> three whole cups of vegetables. And now all I have to do is figure

out how to get two

> more cups of veggies eaten, along with this lean roast I have in

the refrigerator that I need

> to cook.

> I have some zucchinis, some bok choy, some cabbage (the head i

was going to braise

> yesterday), and some broccoli . . . .So there are ample veggles to

choose from. Wish I had

> a taste for them. Maybe that will come.

> Anyhow... at least I'm not hungry.

> So -- now that you're all sitting on the edge of your seats

totally spellbound by this

> exceedingly mundane Odyssey -- that was today in all its glory and


> Sorry to bore you all. It is so much easier to endure this,

though, knowing I have a few

> etherpals out there either for validation, or for useful and

worthwhile feedback from time

> to time. And even if no one writes or responds, I still get to

unload it, which is of some

> value to me.

> Maybe I'll look back at this in several weeks and laugh.

> Heh.

> If this " Phase 1 " works, I'll be doing a whole lot more than

laughing! I'll be bobbling

> around holding the place where my belly was, and rolling in the

aisles with glee that

> something finally has worked.

> No chocolate today -- yet -- and I don't have a yen for it today,

either. So, possibly

> that's progress.

> Annie D.


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