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Hi Amy,

My name is Pat, and I am g-ma to , RSS, almost 17months old,

13-15#, 26 " , GT (G-tube), Zantac (for reflux), and the most amazing little

boy! (But I am a little bias! LOL)

Welcome to the group! The people here are well-informed, extremely

knowledgeable, empathetic, sympathetic, and wonderful! Any questions, and

usually all you have to do is ask. Someone usually has the answer, or will

look to get it.

You are truly blessed to have an eater on your hands. had

developed a severe oral aversion by 8.5 months, and only weighed 8#. Now he

aspirates whenever he is fed orally. With lots of OT/ST he has come a long

way, and has finally stopped gagging any time he puts something in his


I'm not sure how knowledgeable your ped endo is about RSS. Here in

Cleveland, we tried an endo that had 6-7 RSS patients, and she, too, wanted

to put on GHT (growth hormone therapy) right away. He was

approximately 13.5-14 months of age at the time. After researching this, and

asking a million questions, here on the site, and of other Drs, we decided

to hold off on the GHT. Here's why.

Up until the age of two, GH is not regulated in the human body, and

growth is not regulated by GH. Instead it is regulated by calorie intake. We

were told that increasing 's growth by increasing his calorie intake

was more important than using GHT, at least until after the age of two. Dr

Harbison (a ped endo in NY, that specializes in RSS, and is considered by

many on this site to be the #1 expert in the US) usually recommends

maximizing growth with calorie intake BEFORE using GH, and stated to us

that GH would be wasted before that time, or under the age of two.

Another problem with using GH too early is that it can increase height

by 1.5-2 time faster than without it. The child must be able to gain weight

at the same rate. If they cannot consume enough calories to do that, it is

better to hold off on GHT until they can. I should suggest asking your ped

endo about his/her opinion on this.

Once again, welcome. You have definitely hit on the right site!

Pat (g-ma to , RSS, 16.5 months, 13#, 26 " , Zantac, GT)

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Amie - Welcome! It is wonderful to read your story, and about your

precious son. Can I ask who actually diagnosed him with RSS?

Normally, it is a geneticist who would diagnose a child, but it

sounds like maybe your endo did the diagnosing? This is a long

email that I am writing, and I apologize as I ask a lot of questions,


You will find this listserve to be a great resource of support.

Also, make sure to call tollfree to the MAGIC Foundation, and ask

them to mail you the RSS brochure. 800-3MAGIC3. Sadly, MAGIC is the

only group for RSS and SGA families in the US (there is another group

the Child Growth Foundation in England). Katy and I are the current

volunteer leaders (and hopefully someday maybe 1 or 2 of you will

take over for us!). We work with the most experienced doctors like

Dr. Harbison and Dr. Lee for SGA kids, to write medical

information documents on topics like " The RSS Infant " , and more.

Membership in MAGIC is $25 a year, and it covers our costs like

postage, etc. We have a library of about 4-5 documents we have

written with doctors, along with about 50 other medical journal

articles on RSS topics -- all of these can be sent to you at no


I am a bit concerned that your endocrinologist is rushing to start

your son on GH at just 10 months old, and more importantly, when he

hasn't followed your son for 6 months or so. It can be very

difficult to get insurance to cover growth hormone when your child

isn't tested as growth hormone deficient (most RSS and SGA kids have

normal levels, somehow their body just isn't utilizing it

correctly). But to get insurance to cover it, a pediatric

endocrinologist usually has to follow a child for 6 months, to show

that the child isn't catching up.

Between 3 and 10% of all babies in the United States are born small-

for-gestational-age. However, 9 out of 10 of these same babies

achieve catch-up growth by the age of 2. It is the 1 out of 10 that

do not achieve catch-up growth that are usually diagnosed as RSS or

idiopathic SGA. Because of this chance for catch-up growth (because

as Pat wrote, growth before age 2 is not truly regulated by growth

hormone), most insurance companies would not pay for GH therapy.

HOWEVER, and this is most important for others reading this, I just

reread your email, and it says that Elijah is just 21 " long at 10

months of age. Is this correct? Was he by chance premature? 21

inches for a 10-month-old is very small even for an RSS child. I am

guessing this is why they may be rushing to start GH? Have they done

an MRI? And have you had him seen by a geneticist, to rule out any

other possible disorder (the reason I ask this is that GH can have

negative side effects with certain other disorders).

You are blessed in having an SGA child with a good appetite. They

are rare. My own daughter was the same way, but still struggled to

gain weight. Clearly, your son at 10 months and 10 pounds, is very

underweight. But in actuality, his weight for his length isn't so

bad! Make sure to join MAGIC and get their library articles on " How

to Prevent Nocturnal Hypoglycemia " and the " Letter to Parents of RSS

Infants. " These two documents have a lot of good information (and

the info is pertinent for RSS babies or SGA babies).

I can't wait to hear back from you! I am very interested in learning

more about Elijah. I love reading about other little ones that like

to eat as much as my daughter -- since most of these kids have little

to no appetite! Talk to you soon, and good luck!!!

> Hi everyone, I'm new here. My son Elijah is 10 months old and just

> started the process of treating all the RSS stuff going on with


> For months everyone has been telling me that his size and his soft

> spot are just normal for him but after his lack of growth at his 9

> month check up I knew some more had to be going on. When I brought

> all this up to my neurologist (he has to wear a helmet for his mis-

> shapened head) he agreed with my suspicion and got me into the

> endocrinologist within 20 minutes. We will start the growth


> in Aug. I feel pretty blessed that he has a desire to eat and that

> is about the only thing he does do. He eats none stop and has to

> feed himself, except the bottle is too heavy lol we have to give


> to him only part of the way full and rotate them through until he


> had enough.


> I am just looking for a place where other people know about this

> syndrome.


> thanks!


> amie momma of 3 kiddos youngest with RSS 10 months old 11 lbs and


> inches

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

you are not wrong in feeling this! I am going thru the same thing. I am 31 and

feel that way at times. I have my packet and I to go to see my doctor soon. This

is a great group and they have lots of experience and from what I can tell, they

have HUGE shoulders!!! They can listen.

Good luck and keep me posted.



I have been lurking for a couple of days and also researching everything

about the gastric bypass and also the lap band.

My name is Betsy, I am 39 years old. I have type II diabetes, hypertension,

acid reflux. You name it and it seems like I got it. :)

I have tried a few diets, paid a lot of money and I am still overweight. A

friend of my husband who is a nurse had given me an article to read. Well the

article and inservice that he had to attend was regarding gastric bypass. I


very offended at first. Would not talk to him for a while. This was two years

ago. He was not trying to hurt me I know that now but he just wanted to show

me that WLS is not bad.

I wasn't until recently that I have started to research this again. My

physical is on Tuesday, August 12th. I am armed with my information and


so I can ask for a referral but and this sounds stupid. I am scared to death


ask him. I am hoping that I get the nerve. My doctor is young and he is very

good at listening so I feel I have a very good chance but for some reason I am

scared to death to ask him. I guess you can say that maybe I have failed

myself because I am wanting to do the gastric bypass. Am I wrong in thinking


Well enough of me and sorry this is so long but I thank you for understanding

and reading.

Betsy :)


" The principle of competing is against yourself.

It's about self-improvement, about being better

than you were the day before. " — Steve Young


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you are not wrong in feeling this! I am going thru the same thing. I am 31 and

feel that way at times. I have my packet and I to go to see my doctor soon. This

is a great group and they have lots of experience and from what I can tell, they

have HUGE shoulders!!! They can listen.

Good luck and keep me posted.



I have been lurking for a couple of days and also researching everything

about the gastric bypass and also the lap band.

My name is Betsy, I am 39 years old. I have type II diabetes, hypertension,

acid reflux. You name it and it seems like I got it. :)

I have tried a few diets, paid a lot of money and I am still overweight. A

friend of my husband who is a nurse had given me an article to read. Well the

article and inservice that he had to attend was regarding gastric bypass. I


very offended at first. Would not talk to him for a while. This was two years

ago. He was not trying to hurt me I know that now but he just wanted to show

me that WLS is not bad.

I wasn't until recently that I have started to research this again. My

physical is on Tuesday, August 12th. I am armed with my information and


so I can ask for a referral but and this sounds stupid. I am scared to death


ask him. I am hoping that I get the nerve. My doctor is young and he is very

good at listening so I feel I have a very good chance but for some reason I am

scared to death to ask him. I guess you can say that maybe I have failed

myself because I am wanting to do the gastric bypass. Am I wrong in thinking


Well enough of me and sorry this is so long but I thank you for understanding

and reading.

Betsy :)


" The principle of competing is against yourself.

It's about self-improvement, about being better

than you were the day before. " — Steve Young


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Guest guest

you are not wrong in feeling this! I am going thru the same thing. I am 31 and

feel that way at times. I have my packet and I to go to see my doctor soon. This

is a great group and they have lots of experience and from what I can tell, they

have HUGE shoulders!!! They can listen.

Good luck and keep me posted.



I have been lurking for a couple of days and also researching everything

about the gastric bypass and also the lap band.

My name is Betsy, I am 39 years old. I have type II diabetes, hypertension,

acid reflux. You name it and it seems like I got it. :)

I have tried a few diets, paid a lot of money and I am still overweight. A

friend of my husband who is a nurse had given me an article to read. Well the

article and inservice that he had to attend was regarding gastric bypass. I


very offended at first. Would not talk to him for a while. This was two years

ago. He was not trying to hurt me I know that now but he just wanted to show

me that WLS is not bad.

I wasn't until recently that I have started to research this again. My

physical is on Tuesday, August 12th. I am armed with my information and


so I can ask for a referral but and this sounds stupid. I am scared to death


ask him. I am hoping that I get the nerve. My doctor is young and he is very

good at listening so I feel I have a very good chance but for some reason I am

scared to death to ask him. I guess you can say that maybe I have failed

myself because I am wanting to do the gastric bypass. Am I wrong in thinking


Well enough of me and sorry this is so long but I thank you for understanding

and reading.

Betsy :)


" The principle of competing is against yourself.

It's about self-improvement, about being better

than you were the day before. " — Steve Young


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Guest guest

Hi Betsy,

I hardly ever post in this group, but your words struck me! I felt

the same way when someone pulled me aside at a birthday party and

told me everyone in her office was having bypass surgery and I should

too! I was offended. But now a year later I'm trying to get myself

approved for it! I actually couldn't wait to see her in May at a

wedding to tell her I'm in the process, and you know what she said?

She was jelous (I can never spell that word) because now she wants to

do it and has no insurance! What I want to tell you is, don't be

afraid to ask your doctor!!!!!!!!!!!! I understand those feelings

too because when I went to my doc in April to ask him for a referral,

I thought he would tell me no because he has his own weight loss

clinic within his practice, and I thought he was going to tell me to

try that again! But he didn't, he was so happy that I came up with

the bypass idea on my own, he said he was going to mention it to me

soon because he saw that I wasn't losing any weight at all. So you

go girl and don't let anyone stand in your way! I also understand

your feelings of thinking you failed at weight loss. I feel that way

too sometimes but you know what, I'm just happy that I finally found

a solution that I know will work and I know I can make work and I

know I can live with! All my life people have told me " why can't you

just eat less, why can't you stick to a diet " etc, etc, etc. No one

understands what we go through and most people never will. We just

have to focus and not let comments get inside our heads! So some

people think having surgery to lose weight is drastic, oh well. My

coworker had bypass 5 years ago and her husband didn't want her to,

she told him sorry honey, I need to do this, and she did it and she

is healthy and happy now and he's still with her! So there will

probably be obstacles, but just jump over them and go for it!

Good luck in your journey! I wish you the best! Carol in Miami

> I have been lurking for a couple of days and also researching


> about the gastric bypass and also the lap band.


> My name is Betsy, I am 39 years old. I have type II diabetes,


> acid reflux. You name it and it seems like I got it. :)


> I have tried a few diets, paid a lot of money and I am still

overweight. A

> friend of my husband who is a nurse had given me an article to

read. Well the

> article and inservice that he had to attend was regarding gastric

bypass. I was

> very offended at first. Would not talk to him for a while. This was

two years

> ago. He was not trying to hurt me I know that now but he just

wanted to show

> me that WLS is not bad.


> I wasn't until recently that I have started to research this again.


> physical is on Tuesday, August 12th. I am armed with my information

and everything

> so I can ask for a referral but and this sounds stupid. I am scared

to death to

> ask him. I am hoping that I get the nerve. My doctor is young and

he is very

> good at listening so I feel I have a very good chance but for some

reason I am

> scared to death to ask him. I guess you can say that maybe I have


> myself because I am wanting to do the gastric bypass. Am I wrong in

thinking this?


> Well enough of me and sorry this is so long but I thank you for


> and reading.


> Betsy :)

> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

> " The principle of competing is against yourself.

> It's about self-improvement, about being better

> than you were the day before. " †" Steve Young

> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*





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Guest guest

Hi Betsy,

I hardly ever post in this group, but your words struck me! I felt

the same way when someone pulled me aside at a birthday party and

told me everyone in her office was having bypass surgery and I should

too! I was offended. But now a year later I'm trying to get myself

approved for it! I actually couldn't wait to see her in May at a

wedding to tell her I'm in the process, and you know what she said?

She was jelous (I can never spell that word) because now she wants to

do it and has no insurance! What I want to tell you is, don't be

afraid to ask your doctor!!!!!!!!!!!! I understand those feelings

too because when I went to my doc in April to ask him for a referral,

I thought he would tell me no because he has his own weight loss

clinic within his practice, and I thought he was going to tell me to

try that again! But he didn't, he was so happy that I came up with

the bypass idea on my own, he said he was going to mention it to me

soon because he saw that I wasn't losing any weight at all. So you

go girl and don't let anyone stand in your way! I also understand

your feelings of thinking you failed at weight loss. I feel that way

too sometimes but you know what, I'm just happy that I finally found

a solution that I know will work and I know I can make work and I

know I can live with! All my life people have told me " why can't you

just eat less, why can't you stick to a diet " etc, etc, etc. No one

understands what we go through and most people never will. We just

have to focus and not let comments get inside our heads! So some

people think having surgery to lose weight is drastic, oh well. My

coworker had bypass 5 years ago and her husband didn't want her to,

she told him sorry honey, I need to do this, and she did it and she

is healthy and happy now and he's still with her! So there will

probably be obstacles, but just jump over them and go for it!

Good luck in your journey! I wish you the best! Carol in Miami

> I have been lurking for a couple of days and also researching


> about the gastric bypass and also the lap band.


> My name is Betsy, I am 39 years old. I have type II diabetes,


> acid reflux. You name it and it seems like I got it. :)


> I have tried a few diets, paid a lot of money and I am still

overweight. A

> friend of my husband who is a nurse had given me an article to

read. Well the

> article and inservice that he had to attend was regarding gastric

bypass. I was

> very offended at first. Would not talk to him for a while. This was

two years

> ago. He was not trying to hurt me I know that now but he just

wanted to show

> me that WLS is not bad.


> I wasn't until recently that I have started to research this again.


> physical is on Tuesday, August 12th. I am armed with my information

and everything

> so I can ask for a referral but and this sounds stupid. I am scared

to death to

> ask him. I am hoping that I get the nerve. My doctor is young and

he is very

> good at listening so I feel I have a very good chance but for some

reason I am

> scared to death to ask him. I guess you can say that maybe I have


> myself because I am wanting to do the gastric bypass. Am I wrong in

thinking this?


> Well enough of me and sorry this is so long but I thank you for


> and reading.


> Betsy :)

> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

> " The principle of competing is against yourself.

> It's about self-improvement, about being better

> than you were the day before. " †" Steve Young

> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*





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Guest guest

Hi Betsy,

I hardly ever post in this group, but your words struck me! I felt

the same way when someone pulled me aside at a birthday party and

told me everyone in her office was having bypass surgery and I should

too! I was offended. But now a year later I'm trying to get myself

approved for it! I actually couldn't wait to see her in May at a

wedding to tell her I'm in the process, and you know what she said?

She was jelous (I can never spell that word) because now she wants to

do it and has no insurance! What I want to tell you is, don't be

afraid to ask your doctor!!!!!!!!!!!! I understand those feelings

too because when I went to my doc in April to ask him for a referral,

I thought he would tell me no because he has his own weight loss

clinic within his practice, and I thought he was going to tell me to

try that again! But he didn't, he was so happy that I came up with

the bypass idea on my own, he said he was going to mention it to me

soon because he saw that I wasn't losing any weight at all. So you

go girl and don't let anyone stand in your way! I also understand

your feelings of thinking you failed at weight loss. I feel that way

too sometimes but you know what, I'm just happy that I finally found

a solution that I know will work and I know I can make work and I

know I can live with! All my life people have told me " why can't you

just eat less, why can't you stick to a diet " etc, etc, etc. No one

understands what we go through and most people never will. We just

have to focus and not let comments get inside our heads! So some

people think having surgery to lose weight is drastic, oh well. My

coworker had bypass 5 years ago and her husband didn't want her to,

she told him sorry honey, I need to do this, and she did it and she

is healthy and happy now and he's still with her! So there will

probably be obstacles, but just jump over them and go for it!

Good luck in your journey! I wish you the best! Carol in Miami

> I have been lurking for a couple of days and also researching


> about the gastric bypass and also the lap band.


> My name is Betsy, I am 39 years old. I have type II diabetes,


> acid reflux. You name it and it seems like I got it. :)


> I have tried a few diets, paid a lot of money and I am still

overweight. A

> friend of my husband who is a nurse had given me an article to

read. Well the

> article and inservice that he had to attend was regarding gastric

bypass. I was

> very offended at first. Would not talk to him for a while. This was

two years

> ago. He was not trying to hurt me I know that now but he just

wanted to show

> me that WLS is not bad.


> I wasn't until recently that I have started to research this again.


> physical is on Tuesday, August 12th. I am armed with my information

and everything

> so I can ask for a referral but and this sounds stupid. I am scared

to death to

> ask him. I am hoping that I get the nerve. My doctor is young and

he is very

> good at listening so I feel I have a very good chance but for some

reason I am

> scared to death to ask him. I guess you can say that maybe I have


> myself because I am wanting to do the gastric bypass. Am I wrong in

thinking this?


> Well enough of me and sorry this is so long but I thank you for


> and reading.


> Betsy :)

> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

> " The principle of competing is against yourself.

> It's about self-improvement, about being better

> than you were the day before. " †" Steve Young

> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*





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Guest guest

welcome betsy. best of luck with the wls discussion. on asbs.org

there's some med literature you can print out, if i remember right.

have you been to any in-person support groups?

i spent quite a while " dealing " with the thoughts on " failing myself " ;

however, i've come to realize that wls is empowering & liberating

a.k.a success.

lori h.


> My name is Betsy, I am 39 years old. I have type II diabetes,


> acid reflux. You name it and it seems like I got it. :)

> I wasn't until recently that I have started to research this again.


> physical is on Tuesday, August 12th. I am armed with my information

and everything

> so I can ask for a referral but and this sounds stupid. I am scared

to death to

> ask him. I am hoping that I get the nerve. My doctor is young and he

is very

> good at listening so I feel I have a very good chance but for some

reason I am

> scared to death to ask him. I guess you can say that maybe I have


> myself because I am wanting to do the gastric bypass. Am I wrong in

thinking this?

> Betsy :)

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Guest guest

welcome betsy. best of luck with the wls discussion. on asbs.org

there's some med literature you can print out, if i remember right.

have you been to any in-person support groups?

i spent quite a while " dealing " with the thoughts on " failing myself " ;

however, i've come to realize that wls is empowering & liberating

a.k.a success.

lori h.


> My name is Betsy, I am 39 years old. I have type II diabetes,


> acid reflux. You name it and it seems like I got it. :)

> I wasn't until recently that I have started to research this again.


> physical is on Tuesday, August 12th. I am armed with my information

and everything

> so I can ask for a referral but and this sounds stupid. I am scared

to death to

> ask him. I am hoping that I get the nerve. My doctor is young and he

is very

> good at listening so I feel I have a very good chance but for some

reason I am

> scared to death to ask him. I guess you can say that maybe I have


> myself because I am wanting to do the gastric bypass. Am I wrong in

thinking this?

> Betsy :)

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Guest guest

welcome betsy. best of luck with the wls discussion. on asbs.org

there's some med literature you can print out, if i remember right.

have you been to any in-person support groups?

i spent quite a while " dealing " with the thoughts on " failing myself " ;

however, i've come to realize that wls is empowering & liberating

a.k.a success.

lori h.


> My name is Betsy, I am 39 years old. I have type II diabetes,


> acid reflux. You name it and it seems like I got it. :)

> I wasn't until recently that I have started to research this again.


> physical is on Tuesday, August 12th. I am armed with my information

and everything

> so I can ask for a referral but and this sounds stupid. I am scared

to death to

> ask him. I am hoping that I get the nerve. My doctor is young and he

is very

> good at listening so I feel I have a very good chance but for some

reason I am

> scared to death to ask him. I guess you can say that maybe I have


> myself because I am wanting to do the gastric bypass. Am I wrong in

thinking this?

> Betsy :)

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Guest guest

Welcome Betsy!

I was nervous about asking my doctor for a referral too, but I had

made the appointment specifically for that, so there was no backing

out for me! I took my husband with me for moral support, and to

help me out in case I drew a blank about anything. This doctor was

a new replacement for my doctor who had left, so he didn't know me,

I really didn't know him, and what I did know I wasn't too crazy

about, but I was there for ME. Anyway, you should have seen how he

looked at me when I said what I needed. I can't remember for sure,

but I think he said it wasn't a good idea. I know he told me, " It's

a very serious surgery. " I told him I knew that, but my weight was

a very serious problem. I spent the next 20-30 minutes going over

my health history with him. How much I weighed at different ages,

screwy periods, all the yo-yo dieting, not being able to get

pregnant, normal thyroid reading, blah, blah, blah. I knew a lot

about the surgery from all the research I had done, so I was able to

speak intelligently about it, and I think that made an impression.

He knew that I understood what I was in for. Finally, he looked at

me and said that he thought it was a good idea. What a relief! On

the other hand, if he hadn't given it to me, I was prepared to tell

him that I would be looking for a new doctor who would support me.

Bottom line, Betsy...know your stuff, and stand strong. You can do

it! Good luck!


> >

> > My name is Betsy, I am 39 years old. I have type II diabetes,

> hypertension,

> > acid reflux. You name it and it seems like I got it. :)

> > I wasn't until recently that I have started to research this


> My

> > physical is on Tuesday, August 12th. I am armed with my


> and everything

> > so I can ask for a referral but and this sounds stupid. I am


> to death to

> > ask him. I am hoping that I get the nerve. My doctor is young

and he

> is very

> > good at listening so I feel I have a very good chance but for


> reason I am

> > scared to death to ask him. I guess you can say that maybe I


> failed

> > myself because I am wanting to do the gastric bypass. Am I wrong


> thinking this?

> > Betsy :)

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Guest guest

Welcome Betsy!

I was nervous about asking my doctor for a referral too, but I had

made the appointment specifically for that, so there was no backing

out for me! I took my husband with me for moral support, and to

help me out in case I drew a blank about anything. This doctor was

a new replacement for my doctor who had left, so he didn't know me,

I really didn't know him, and what I did know I wasn't too crazy

about, but I was there for ME. Anyway, you should have seen how he

looked at me when I said what I needed. I can't remember for sure,

but I think he said it wasn't a good idea. I know he told me, " It's

a very serious surgery. " I told him I knew that, but my weight was

a very serious problem. I spent the next 20-30 minutes going over

my health history with him. How much I weighed at different ages,

screwy periods, all the yo-yo dieting, not being able to get

pregnant, normal thyroid reading, blah, blah, blah. I knew a lot

about the surgery from all the research I had done, so I was able to

speak intelligently about it, and I think that made an impression.

He knew that I understood what I was in for. Finally, he looked at

me and said that he thought it was a good idea. What a relief! On

the other hand, if he hadn't given it to me, I was prepared to tell

him that I would be looking for a new doctor who would support me.

Bottom line, Betsy...know your stuff, and stand strong. You can do

it! Good luck!


> >

> > My name is Betsy, I am 39 years old. I have type II diabetes,

> hypertension,

> > acid reflux. You name it and it seems like I got it. :)

> > I wasn't until recently that I have started to research this


> My

> > physical is on Tuesday, August 12th. I am armed with my


> and everything

> > so I can ask for a referral but and this sounds stupid. I am


> to death to

> > ask him. I am hoping that I get the nerve. My doctor is young

and he

> is very

> > good at listening so I feel I have a very good chance but for


> reason I am

> > scared to death to ask him. I guess you can say that maybe I


> failed

> > myself because I am wanting to do the gastric bypass. Am I wrong


> thinking this?

> > Betsy :)

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Welcome Betsy!

I was nervous about asking my doctor for a referral too, but I had

made the appointment specifically for that, so there was no backing

out for me! I took my husband with me for moral support, and to

help me out in case I drew a blank about anything. This doctor was

a new replacement for my doctor who had left, so he didn't know me,

I really didn't know him, and what I did know I wasn't too crazy

about, but I was there for ME. Anyway, you should have seen how he

looked at me when I said what I needed. I can't remember for sure,

but I think he said it wasn't a good idea. I know he told me, " It's

a very serious surgery. " I told him I knew that, but my weight was

a very serious problem. I spent the next 20-30 minutes going over

my health history with him. How much I weighed at different ages,

screwy periods, all the yo-yo dieting, not being able to get

pregnant, normal thyroid reading, blah, blah, blah. I knew a lot

about the surgery from all the research I had done, so I was able to

speak intelligently about it, and I think that made an impression.

He knew that I understood what I was in for. Finally, he looked at

me and said that he thought it was a good idea. What a relief! On

the other hand, if he hadn't given it to me, I was prepared to tell

him that I would be looking for a new doctor who would support me.

Bottom line, Betsy...know your stuff, and stand strong. You can do

it! Good luck!


> >

> > My name is Betsy, I am 39 years old. I have type II diabetes,

> hypertension,

> > acid reflux. You name it and it seems like I got it. :)

> > I wasn't until recently that I have started to research this


> My

> > physical is on Tuesday, August 12th. I am armed with my


> and everything

> > so I can ask for a referral but and this sounds stupid. I am


> to death to

> > ask him. I am hoping that I get the nerve. My doctor is young

and he

> is very

> > good at listening so I feel I have a very good chance but for


> reason I am

> > scared to death to ask him. I guess you can say that maybe I


> failed

> > myself because I am wanting to do the gastric bypass. Am I wrong


> thinking this?

> > Betsy :)

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Welcome to our group!

Hopefully I'll be able to answer a few of your questions and maybe

someone else has more in depth answers than I do.

Everyone who has this surgery has to take vitamins for the rest of their

life. Because the surgery causes our bodies to not absorb as many

vitamins and minerals you need the additional supplements so that you

don't get ill and what have you. You need those vitamins and minerals in

order to continue living that beautiful life.

Your hospital stay will vary with the type of surgery you have. I had

Lap RNY with surgery scheduled on Friday and I was home Sunday

afternoon. Some people have shorter stays and some longer. Your doctor

will give you HIS estimate of how long he thinks you will be in. It also

depends on if there are any other complications or not.

Also I know you didn't ask this but just to let you know, you will

receive a LOT of great advice from this site and any other you belong to

or check out but remember one thing above all else, only your doctor can

tell you what you need to do or not do. Doctors' recommended diets are

all different, the amount of exercise, whether or not you have to have

protein drinks, how often your lab work is performed, whether you have

to have calcium supplements and B12 supplements-they all vary by each

individual doctor. ALWAYS follow your doctor's advice about these


I hope that you have a great visit and that all goes well. Good luck in

your journey and again, welcome to the group!


Lap RNY 6/20/03

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Welcome to our group!

Hopefully I'll be able to answer a few of your questions and maybe

someone else has more in depth answers than I do.

Everyone who has this surgery has to take vitamins for the rest of their

life. Because the surgery causes our bodies to not absorb as many

vitamins and minerals you need the additional supplements so that you

don't get ill and what have you. You need those vitamins and minerals in

order to continue living that beautiful life.

Your hospital stay will vary with the type of surgery you have. I had

Lap RNY with surgery scheduled on Friday and I was home Sunday

afternoon. Some people have shorter stays and some longer. Your doctor

will give you HIS estimate of how long he thinks you will be in. It also

depends on if there are any other complications or not.

Also I know you didn't ask this but just to let you know, you will

receive a LOT of great advice from this site and any other you belong to

or check out but remember one thing above all else, only your doctor can

tell you what you need to do or not do. Doctors' recommended diets are

all different, the amount of exercise, whether or not you have to have

protein drinks, how often your lab work is performed, whether you have

to have calcium supplements and B12 supplements-they all vary by each

individual doctor. ALWAYS follow your doctor's advice about these


I hope that you have a great visit and that all goes well. Good luck in

your journey and again, welcome to the group!


Lap RNY 6/20/03

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Welcome to our group!

Hopefully I'll be able to answer a few of your questions and maybe

someone else has more in depth answers than I do.

Everyone who has this surgery has to take vitamins for the rest of their

life. Because the surgery causes our bodies to not absorb as many

vitamins and minerals you need the additional supplements so that you

don't get ill and what have you. You need those vitamins and minerals in

order to continue living that beautiful life.

Your hospital stay will vary with the type of surgery you have. I had

Lap RNY with surgery scheduled on Friday and I was home Sunday

afternoon. Some people have shorter stays and some longer. Your doctor

will give you HIS estimate of how long he thinks you will be in. It also

depends on if there are any other complications or not.

Also I know you didn't ask this but just to let you know, you will

receive a LOT of great advice from this site and any other you belong to

or check out but remember one thing above all else, only your doctor can

tell you what you need to do or not do. Doctors' recommended diets are

all different, the amount of exercise, whether or not you have to have

protein drinks, how often your lab work is performed, whether you have

to have calcium supplements and B12 supplements-they all vary by each

individual doctor. ALWAYS follow your doctor's advice about these


I hope that you have a great visit and that all goes well. Good luck in

your journey and again, welcome to the group!


Lap RNY 6/20/03

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welcome melissa. my basic thought is that there is no rush to

start " regular " food. check with your doc, or perhaps get another

opinion. & way to go on the w l!!

lori h.

> My name is and I would like to say Hi to all. I am 24

> years old and had my Open RNY July 8th. I started out at 348lbs,

> and one month after I am down to 318lbs. That is a bit much for


> first month, but I have been having problems, I can't seem to keep

> anything down, and haven't been able to for the past 2 weeks, this

> includes liquids. I was wondering if anyone else has had this

> problem and knows what it might be. My surgeon put me on a regular

> diet 2 weeks after my surgery was done, and I thought that was a

> little fast, but for the first week, it was great. I was having


> problems at all. Now, not even soup stays down. I didn't go crazy

> when he put me on the regular diet either. I stayed as fat and

> sugar free as possible. The only things that I have found to stay

> down is cereal spaghetti and popcicles. I go in for an upper GI

> tuesday, but I leave wednesday for competition in another state.


> if anyone has had this problem, I would greatly appreciate some

> hints as to how to deal with it...


> Thanks


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welcome melissa. my basic thought is that there is no rush to

start " regular " food. check with your doc, or perhaps get another

opinion. & way to go on the w l!!

lori h.

> My name is and I would like to say Hi to all. I am 24

> years old and had my Open RNY July 8th. I started out at 348lbs,

> and one month after I am down to 318lbs. That is a bit much for


> first month, but I have been having problems, I can't seem to keep

> anything down, and haven't been able to for the past 2 weeks, this

> includes liquids. I was wondering if anyone else has had this

> problem and knows what it might be. My surgeon put me on a regular

> diet 2 weeks after my surgery was done, and I thought that was a

> little fast, but for the first week, it was great. I was having


> problems at all. Now, not even soup stays down. I didn't go crazy

> when he put me on the regular diet either. I stayed as fat and

> sugar free as possible. The only things that I have found to stay

> down is cereal spaghetti and popcicles. I go in for an upper GI

> tuesday, but I leave wednesday for competition in another state.


> if anyone has had this problem, I would greatly appreciate some

> hints as to how to deal with it...


> Thanks


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Welcome! I'm sorry to hear you are having some problems. I am glad to

hear you are going in for an Upper GI. I don't know what it could be,

you may have a blockage, which they should fix right then and there,

and you will be feeling much better. Take tiny sips of water to keep

yourself hydrated.

At any rate, keep us posted and let us know what your doctor said and

how you're doing.


04/08/03 open rny


Dallas, TX

> My name is and I would like to say Hi to all. I am 24

> years old and had my Open RNY July 8th. I started out at 348lbs,

> and one month after I am down to 318lbs. That is a bit much for


> first month, but I have been having problems, I can't seem to keep

> anything down, and haven't been able to for the past 2 weeks, this

> includes liquids. I was wondering if anyone else has had this

> problem and knows what it might be. My surgeon put me on a regular

> diet 2 weeks after my surgery was done, and I thought that was a

> little fast, but for the first week, it was great. I was having no

> problems at all. Now, not even soup stays down. I didn't go crazy

> when he put me on the regular diet either. I stayed as fat and

> sugar free as possible. The only things that I have found to stay

> down is cereal spaghetti and popcicles. I go in for an upper GI

> tuesday, but I leave wednesday for competition in another state.


> if anyone has had this problem, I would greatly appreciate some

> hints as to how to deal with it...


> Thanks


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Welcome! I'm sorry to hear you are having some problems. I am glad to

hear you are going in for an Upper GI. I don't know what it could be,

you may have a blockage, which they should fix right then and there,

and you will be feeling much better. Take tiny sips of water to keep

yourself hydrated.

At any rate, keep us posted and let us know what your doctor said and

how you're doing.


04/08/03 open rny


Dallas, TX

> My name is and I would like to say Hi to all. I am 24

> years old and had my Open RNY July 8th. I started out at 348lbs,

> and one month after I am down to 318lbs. That is a bit much for


> first month, but I have been having problems, I can't seem to keep

> anything down, and haven't been able to for the past 2 weeks, this

> includes liquids. I was wondering if anyone else has had this

> problem and knows what it might be. My surgeon put me on a regular

> diet 2 weeks after my surgery was done, and I thought that was a

> little fast, but for the first week, it was great. I was having no

> problems at all. Now, not even soup stays down. I didn't go crazy

> when he put me on the regular diet either. I stayed as fat and

> sugar free as possible. The only things that I have found to stay

> down is cereal spaghetti and popcicles. I go in for an upper GI

> tuesday, but I leave wednesday for competition in another state.


> if anyone has had this problem, I would greatly appreciate some

> hints as to how to deal with it...


> Thanks


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Thank you Cindy! What area are you from?

Today, you may not see any sunbeams, but remember, the son is still there.

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Ta Ta For Now,

Rosie Losing In Cali!

200/188.6/180 (10%)

Next Weigh In 08/14/2003


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welcome tanja & congrats on your decision. your recovery time will

be shorter with the lap. perhaps a group members with young kids

can give you a better idea. my 2 furry kids (great dane &

greyhound) instinctly knew to keep away, their ma was looking like a

zombie after surgery, hehe.

lori h.

15 grateful months out

> Hi, I'm Tanja. I've been thinking about having surgery for almost


> year now. Finally convinced my husband (...he loves me the way I


> that I really do want it, that it's just not for loosing weight,


> for me to be a healthier person.


> On Monday I had an appointment with my new PCP to complaine about


> knees hurting, hoping to parlay that into talking about WLS.


> I could even mention it, he did. He asked me several questions


> said that with my heartburn, bmi, aching knees and blood pressure

> that as far as he was concerned I was the perfect canidate for

> gastric bypass. He wrote the reccomendation right there in front


> me. He even had me go to the lab and have some blood drawn.


> remember exactly what they were for except one, thyroid test.


> Tomorrow I call to set up an appointment to see the surgeon. It

> seems to be going so fast.....especially since I thought and


> about it for so long.


> My husband is in the Army and right now alot of the surgeons are

> deployed. Dr. McCarthy told me that if I wanted to have it done


> the hospital here on post there might me a long wait, but Tri-Care

> (our insurance) will pay to have it done by a civilian doctor.


> really sure what I want to do. I want to have it as soon as


> which may mean going to a different hospital, but our hospital on

> our post is one of the best in the military, and I've had nothing

> but great care while there. The other main factor is my husband

> deploys in 2 months and that would mean me having surgery while


> gone. My sister has offered to come stay with me for a week~is


> long enough or would I need somebody to help out longer.....I have


> kids, the youngest almost 2.


> ~Tanja

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