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Hi Newbie!

Well, it's not often I read of someone from the Philadelphia area.

I'm right around the corner from where you attend college. I'm

in Exton.

I had upper, lower and genio a year ago. Doing fine but lingering

numbness is slow to go away in the bottom lip area. Care to share

who your surgeon is?

Best of luck with your upcoming surgery.


> Hey everyone!


> I'm new to the group and I wanted to introduce myself. I am an 18

year old

> student from Philadelphia, I attend West Chester University. When I


> younger I never really noticed that anything was wrong with my jaw

until some kids

> at school started to make fun of me.They started to jut out their

jaws and

> laugh at me. I told my mom about it and told her if I could get it

fixed but she

> didn't think there was any way of fixing it. Finally when I was in

tenth grade

> we transfered to a new dentist and I asked him about it. He

referred us to a

> great orthodontist. If anyone who lives in Philadelphia needs an


> I highly recommend Dr.Harold Slutsky. He immediately diagnosed my

problem and

> now after 3 years of long wait I am ready for surgery. On Monday I

have an

> appointment with my oral surgeon who I have met with two times

before. I am very

> excited for this operation and hopefully I'll be a new person in a

few weeks.


> Jo




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Hi Newbie!

Well, it's not often I read of someone from the Philadelphia area.

I'm right around the corner from where you attend college. I'm

in Exton.

I had upper, lower and genio a year ago. Doing fine but lingering

numbness is slow to go away in the bottom lip area. Care to share

who your surgeon is?

Best of luck with your upcoming surgery.


> Hey everyone!


> I'm new to the group and I wanted to introduce myself. I am an 18

year old

> student from Philadelphia, I attend West Chester University. When I


> younger I never really noticed that anything was wrong with my jaw

until some kids

> at school started to make fun of me.They started to jut out their

jaws and

> laugh at me. I told my mom about it and told her if I could get it

fixed but she

> didn't think there was any way of fixing it. Finally when I was in

tenth grade

> we transfered to a new dentist and I asked him about it. He

referred us to a

> great orthodontist. If anyone who lives in Philadelphia needs an


> I highly recommend Dr.Harold Slutsky. He immediately diagnosed my

problem and

> now after 3 years of long wait I am ready for surgery. On Monday I

have an

> appointment with my oral surgeon who I have met with two times

before. I am very

> excited for this operation and hopefully I'll be a new person in a

few weeks.


> Jo




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  • 2 weeks later...


A girl on one of my support groups got pregnant 2 weeks post op. She lost 100

pounds during her pregnancy. She had some bumps in the road, but nothing life

threatening. She now has a beautiful baby girl who is the light of her life.

She lost the rest of her weigh and just had a tummy tuck.

You will need to see you doctor ASAP and make sure you get in enough water

and protein, there are many great tasting protein supplements and get your


Good Luck,


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A girl on one of my support groups got pregnant 2 weeks post op. She lost 100

pounds during her pregnancy. She had some bumps in the road, but nothing life

threatening. She now has a beautiful baby girl who is the light of her life.

She lost the rest of her weigh and just had a tummy tuck.

You will need to see you doctor ASAP and make sure you get in enough water

and protein, there are many great tasting protein supplements and get your


Good Luck,


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Welcome the list.

Okay, I am going to ask this question because I am curious -- why are you

considering an abortion? Is it just because of the surgery? If so, you should

probably talk to your surgeon about carrying the baby and what it would take.

I can tell you this -- there have been women that have gotten pregnant soon

after surgery (one woman was actually pregnant when she had surgery) and carried

healthy happy babies full term. This is a personal decision HOWEVER if you are

only considering abortion because of the WLS please rethink it. As long as you

concentrate on proper nutrition and taking your vitamins and being diligent

about getting in enough calories, there is no reason why you can't carry to

term. The big problems arise if you are not eating or drinking enough as the

baby will act as a parasite and take from you. You will be the first one to

suffer the effects of dehydration and malnutrition. You will not likely lose as

quickly as someone who is not pregnant but the trade off is you will lose weight

and have a baby in nine months.


mailto: drasley@...

BTC, Columbus, 10/7/98

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Welcome the list.

Okay, I am going to ask this question because I am curious -- why are you

considering an abortion? Is it just because of the surgery? If so, you should

probably talk to your surgeon about carrying the baby and what it would take.

I can tell you this -- there have been women that have gotten pregnant soon

after surgery (one woman was actually pregnant when she had surgery) and carried

healthy happy babies full term. This is a personal decision HOWEVER if you are

only considering abortion because of the WLS please rethink it. As long as you

concentrate on proper nutrition and taking your vitamins and being diligent

about getting in enough calories, there is no reason why you can't carry to

term. The big problems arise if you are not eating or drinking enough as the

baby will act as a parasite and take from you. You will be the first one to

suffer the effects of dehydration and malnutrition. You will not likely lose as

quickly as someone who is not pregnant but the trade off is you will lose weight

and have a baby in nine months.


mailto: drasley@...

BTC, Columbus, 10/7/98

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I am one of those women who got pregnant way early after my RNY. 7 weeks

after! I lost 91 lbs during my pregnancy- not trying to of course.

was born weighing 7lbs 13oz and healthy. As said, I do remember a

hearing a woman was pregnant during surgery and had a healthy baby. Although

it's not ideal, there are MANY women who got pregnant early post-op and had

healthy children.


Re: Newbie

> Welcome the list.

> Okay, I am going to ask this question because I am curious -- why are you

considering an abortion? Is it just because of the surgery? If so, you

should probably talk to your surgeon about carrying the baby and what it

would take.

> I can tell you this -- there have been women that have gotten pregnant

soon after surgery (one woman was actually pregnant when she had surgery)

and carried healthy happy babies full term. This is a personal decision

HOWEVER if you are only considering abortion because of the WLS please

rethink it. As long as you concentrate on proper nutrition and taking your

vitamins and being diligent about getting in enough calories, there is no

reason why you can't carry to term. The big problems arise if you are not

eating or drinking enough as the baby will act as a parasite and take from

you. You will be the first one to suffer the effects of dehydration and

malnutrition. You will not likely lose as quickly as someone who is not

pregnant but the trade off is you will lose weight and have a baby in nine




> Rasley

> mailto: drasley@...

> BTC, Columbus, 10/7/98



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Okay responded to me responding to the newbie... sorry didn't catch

your name but I thought it was Jet? Anyway, now I am responding again.

One of the important things you will HAVE to do is to change your focus.

Concentrate on doing what is best for the baby and going from there. Do what

you are supposed to do -- protein, vitamins, exercise (walking) but do not

make weight loss your ultimate goal for the next nine months. Make your

ultimate goal the health of you and your unborn child. And let weight loss

if it happens (which it probably will) be secondary. But you are surrounded

here by hundreds of women that want to be pregnant, have been pregnant, and

are pregnant after WLS. We talk about everything and anything here. SOme of

us have miscarried (I did last month) and some more than once. Some of us

have had healthy babies after WLS (I did three years ago) and some of us

have had twins or delivered multiple singles (been pregnant more than once

after WLS). I am currently on my third pregnancy after WLS (1 miscarriage, 1

baby -- now toddler -- and a current pregnancy). It is a journey but a very

worthwhile one.

Definitely talk to your surgeon and get a good ob who will either try to

learn about the surgery or who already knows about the surgery. An OB who

doesn't know and doesn't want to learn can be a detriment. They should keep

in contact with your surgeon and work with you as a team on your pregnancy.

Stick around and ask a lot of questions -- anything you want.


mailto: drasley@...

BTC, Columbus, 10/7/98

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  • 4 weeks later...


Welcome to the group! :)



I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself. I had my open RNY

on August 26, 2003. As of December 4th, I had lost 58 lbs. In the

past (before surgery) I did try to become pregnant and never

succeeded. I had this surgery because I wanted to live a healthier

more normal life and because I wanted to get pregnant. My dr. says

6 - 12 months. Honestly, 6 is long enough for me.

I started reading earlier posts and one from 1999 really struck me.

It was from Kris and she said " .That's what we're here for, not to

chastise or berate each other but to support one another in our

decisions and to give helpful hints or discuss matters that don't

belong on the general OSSG list. "

This sounds like a great group to me.


Children are a blessing, and a gift from the Lord. -Psalm 127:3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know about getting prego on the depo but when I had my surgery my

cycle was all screwed up for a couple months. I was due to start the day I had

surgery and only spotted the whole week in the hospital and then spotted on and

off the next month or so...


Age- 41

Due Date- #4 July 27th, 2004






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 5

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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Breakthrough bleeding is one of the side effects of the Depo shot.

I was on the shot for over a year (4 shots). You should be covered

against pregnancy, but hey...it's probably not impossible.



edd 7.10.04

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In a message dated 1/12/04 5:00:20 PM Pacific Standard Time, Krisby10@...


> . I take 2

> flintstone complete, 2 calcium, 1 iron, 1 folic acid and 1 b12 each day -

> does

> this sound like enough?

Hi, Sounds like you are doing great so far. MY Ob also gave me prenatals on

top of this list :) Eat well and snack on healthy foods and you will do just

fine :) Good Luck and welcome to our group.


Age- 41

Due Date- #4 July 27th, 2004






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 5

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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  • 1 month later...

A Positive is a Positive girl. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I too ahd a

very faint line and asked my primary care doc for bllodwork and it was indeed

a positive as I am sure yours is, I even had called the number on the EPt box

and they told me the same thing, that it would not show up if there were not

traces of HCG in your body indicating pregnancy or previous use of fertility

hormones to try to conceive I drink both kinds of sweeteners but do not really

know if theya re harmful or not. I know eveyone has different opinions. i

would suggest reading up on them on the web and/or asking your doc. good Luck



God Bless,

Robin, NorthEastern, NY

EDD- July 27th, 2004

Mommy to:


(twin boys 7 1/2),

Madison, daughter, 5 years and

Wife to Pup 15 years (October 31, 1988)

Gastric Bypass Surgery-

October 18th 2002

Start-378, current- 246(pregnant)

goal 170 after baby :)

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Kim watch yourself on the vitamins IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET TOO MUCH! You will

need to talk to your surgeon about all of the ones you are taking and see if

it is too much at this point and if you are getting enough, too little of

one thing or too much of another. How much folic acid does all that give

you? Congrats though and welcome.


mailto: drasley@...

BTC, Columbus, 10/7/98

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Thanks , the nurse at my OB office told me to stop taking all

vitamins except for the prenatal and calcium until my appointment.

Thanks for the information, I appreciate it. Always, Kim

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Thanks Robin and yes a positive is a positive!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO! I

took two other hpt's the next morning and both confirmed it and were

much darker. I called the OB Dr. that I will going to and talked to

the nurse and she scheduled me for my first appointment two weeks

from then, but I got a call about an hour later and she rescheduled

me for this Monday morning. The Dr. wants to see me right away to do

my blood work, etc. She has never had an expecting wls patient, but I

am already pleased with the extra care she wants to give me. Thanks


Always, Kim

rny 4/17/03

edd 10/26/04

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Welcome to our group. It sounds like you are pregnant to me so I think

congratulations are in order for you and your husband. Best wishes to you!!


EDD#2 8/2/04

" Kim " keithkim@...> wrote:

>Hi everyone. I have been a member to this group for a while now, but

>have always lurked and never posted. I live in Northern Michigan and

>had open rny surgery April 17, 2003. I am 30 years old and happily

>married to my soul mate one year ago last October. The day of my

>surgery I weighed 272 pounds and 5'4 " , as of today I am down 85

>pounds (havent lost any in a month). We do not have any children yet

>but want them. We had planned on waiting until my one year check up

>to get the go ahead from my surgeon, but I am about 4 days late for

>my very regular period. I took a test(EPT) this morning and it came

>up as a faint positive. It is faint, but definately has a line in

>both windows which indicates positive. I don't want to get my hopes

>up, but it is kind of hard not to. I called an ob this morning and

>they want me to take another test in the morning and if it comes out

>positive to call and make an appointment. I am so excited, nervous,

>and scared. I have been taking 2 complete multi vitamins, 1 prenatal,

>2 b12, and trying to remember my calcium for about a month now. Any

>advice or suggestions will be appreciated and welcomed. I have so

>many questions but wont bombard you all at once. My one question is

>about splenda. Can I have it if I am pg? Also aspartame? Should I

>insist that my OB get me in for an exam asap? Thank you so much for

>your help. Always, Kim





Have a great day!!


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Thanks!!! It is definately a positive!!! I went to my OB/GYN today

for my first appointment and she confirmed it! I took in my January

bloodwork results and she said they were all at perfect levels and

she wasn't concerned enough to contact my surgeon. Of course she drew

blood for her own test, but that gave her an idea where I was when I

got pregnant. I didn't realize they count in the couple of weeks in

between when you last had your cycle and when you ovulate. So I am 5

weeks. Due October 25, 2003. I thought I was so prepared with

questions I had written down, but after we left I remembered a couple

others. Maybe you all could help? I live in northern michigan and we

have tons of snow!! Both my hubby and I ride snowmobiles. Is it safe

to ride now? It can get pretty bumpy out there, also I have a

membership at Curves (have not been there the last 2 weeks) can I

still workout there or should I stick to my treadmill at home? Thank

you in advance for your responses. Sorry this is so long:) Take Care,


> Kim,


> Welcome to our group. It sounds like you are pregnant to me so I

think congratulations are in order for you and your husband. Best

wishes to you!!



> DE

> EDD#2 8/2/04


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My husband and I also Snowmobile and I asked my OB and she said a

little around the yard with my 2 boys but NOT out on the trails where

something could happen I would just call your OB's office and ask them

Congrats to you


> > Kim,

> >

> > Welcome to our group. It sounds like you are pregnant to me so I

> think congratulations are in order for you and your husband. Best

> wishes to you!!

> >

> >

> > DE

> > EDD#2 8/2/04

> >

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Congratulations to you!! I think that going to the gym is still fine as long as

you don't exert yourself but as for the snowmobiles, I would check with your

doctor just in case since you could have an accident in them and hurt yourself

and the baby. Best wishes to you!!


EDD#2 8/2/04

" Kim " keithkim@...> wrote:

>Thanks!!! It is definately a positive!!! I went to my OB/GYN today

>for my first appointment and she confirmed it! I took in my January

>bloodwork results and she said they were all at perfect levels and

>she wasn't concerned enough to contact my surgeon. Of course she drew

>blood for her own test, but that gave her an idea where I was when I

>got pregnant. I didn't realize they count in the couple of weeks in

>between when you last had your cycle and when you ovulate. So I am 5

>weeks. Due October 25, 2003. I thought I was so prepared with

>questions I had written down, but after we left I remembered a couple

>others. Maybe you all could help? I live in northern michigan and we

>have tons of snow!! Both my hubby and I ride snowmobiles. Is it safe

>to ride now? It can get pretty bumpy out there, also I have a

>membership at Curves (have not been there the last 2 weeks) can I

>still workout there or should I stick to my treadmill at home? Thank

>you in advance for your responses. Sorry this is so long:) Take Care,





>> Kim,


>> Welcome to our group. It sounds like you are pregnant to me so I

>think congratulations are in order for you and your husband. Best

>wishes to you!!



>> DE

>> EDD#2 8/2/04






Have a great day!!


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Netscape. Just the Net You Need.

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Guest guest


I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I personally have not heard of anyone

miscarrying as a result of WLS, in fact, there are a few women on this list who

have had their WLS while they were in the very first few weeks of their

pregnancy and the hospital didn't pick up the pregnancy. These ladies, though

having some rough spots, ended up delivering healthy babies. There are tons of

reasons that a body will miscarry but I will let some of the more experienced

members speak on that. You hang in there and I'm glad you found us! :)



Hello everyone,

I resently experienced a miscarriage and was refered to this group by

a friend and have already gotten alot of questions answered.

I was 16.5 weeks and everything was going well according to how I felt

and reports from my Dr. My water just broke and that was the end of

it, I'm not a year out of surgery yet only nine months.

Can anyone tell me if there is a direct connection with pregnancy lose

and WLS surgery, I have a fifteen year old and would love to have another.

Looking forward to reading the emails and having more of my questions

answere. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your group.



276/(177)during pregnancy, not sure what the numbers are now

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


I'm sorry I don't have any advice for your issues but I definitely wanted to say

congrats on your special little miracle! :)



Hi There!

I've been lurking for about a week and thought I would introduce myself.

My name is Sharyn I had wls 11/26/2002. I've lost about 150lbs and I'm about

10lbs from my goal.

I've struggled my entire marriage w/fertility problems. I'm lucky I've been

blessed with my son, who is 9.

Last week I went in for an ultrasound because I havent had a period in so long

that they wanted to check the lining of my uterus before they started me on a

round of Provera to force a period. Well instead we found a 9week old baby w/ a

strong heartbeat waiting to be discovered. I'm so excited about having this baby

but I'm so worried.

I'm 36 and I had a shortmedial/distal wls. So I have issues w/malabsorbtion.

Is there others out there who have been in my shoes?

I'm also curious to know if anyone else has had a problem w/ vericose veins

since weightloss surgery. I have them pretty bad and even though I'm only

10weeks along I'm having horrible pain in my leg. They ruled out bloodclots

today. Has anyone else experience this?

I look forward to getting know everyone and hear about there little ones. :)


EDD 10/10/04

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Hi Sharyn, COngratulations on your Wonderful Surprise. That is ssooo

exciting. You will be fine. there are ssooo many of us prego's out there who

have gad

gastric bypass and are doing really well as have the ones who have already

delivered their very healthy babies, even twins. We eat the best we can, we

snack on good things in between, we get plenty of rest adn fluids, we take ALL


vitamins plus prenatals and folic acid too. We do well. I do not know much

about the vericose veins but i hope that they can do something for you. I ahve

heard support hose can help with the pain and discomfort. good luck with

everything, congrats and welcome aboard.

God Bless,

Robin, NorthEastern, NY

EDD- July 27th, 2004

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

Mommy to:


(twin boys 7 1/2),

Madison, daughter, 5 years and

Wife to Pup 15 years (October 31, 1988)

Gastric Bypass Surgery-

October 18th 2002

Start-378, current- 246(pregnant)

goal 170 after baby :)

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Guest guest

Hi Sharyn, COngratulations on your Wonderful Surprise. That is ssooo

exciting. You will be fine. there are ssooo many of us prego's out there who

have gad

gastric bypass and are doing really well as have the ones who have already

delivered their very healthy babies, even twins. We eat the best we can, we

snack on good things in between, we get plenty of rest adn fluids, we take ALL


vitamins plus prenatals and folic acid too. We do well. I do not know much

about the vericose veins but i hope that they can do something for you. I ahve

heard support hose can help with the pain and discomfort. good luck with

everything, congrats and welcome aboard.

God Bless,

Robin, NorthEastern, NY

EDD- July 27th, 2004

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

Mommy to:


(twin boys 7 1/2),

Madison, daughter, 5 years and

Wife to Pup 15 years (October 31, 1988)

Gastric Bypass Surgery-

October 18th 2002

Start-378, current- 246(pregnant)

goal 170 after baby :)

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