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Re: Re: addictions

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I thought it was a forum, not a distribution list and have asked to be removed

numberous times since I don't like getting my inbox filled everyday. Does

anyone know how to get removed - I've used the unsubscibe link several times

already to no avail. I'll just stick to the south beach diet forum. Here's the

url for anyone interested: http://www.southbeach-diet-plan.com/forum/index.php.


ann maryann127@...> wrote:

You are so right. That's why Camel used the cartoon character Joe

Camel on their products for years, to hook kids. Just like nobody

starts to taste food as an adult, the tobacco companies know that

almost nobody starts to sample cigarettes, alcohol or drugs as an

adult. It starts in the early teen years, when kids think they are

invincible and addiction " will not happen to them. "

So, the tobacco companies try to lure them to start smoking by their

advertising. By the time they reach adulthood and can make good

decisions, the addictions have already taken place and it is a

monumental struggle for them to stop, every bit as difficult as

losing weight.

As you said, the addiction is hereditary. Most of these kids who

start using substances early and get addicted were exposed to seeing

tobacco and alcohol use at home, and some are even exposed to seeing

drug use at home from the time they are a baby. Some parents or older

siblings even give it to them. It's no different from being exposed

to candy or cake as a child.

Like you said, there are some exceptions to the rule, but this is how

the majority get addicted. To suggest that they have an easier battle

than we do with food, or that they aren't worth our sympathy, is just


Yes, I rented Super Size Me. It was great. I was struck by the fact

that cheese is physically addictive, since I love cheese!



> As I said in previous reply...I'm not going to point fingers, it

was a culmination of things.

> While what you say does make some sense , and you , as well as

everyone else , certainly have a right to your own opinions , it's

not as simple as that.

> Most people who become addicted have been raised or were around

people that have issues with addiction and most people who are

addicted , start their addictions at an early age.... please note

that I said most people , not all, there are exceptions to every

rule. Early teens is when most addictions start, when kids are the

most easily affected by peer pressure , they're branching out, trying

to find their niche, maybe they get hooked up with the wrong crowd,

maybe mom and dad are drinking and smoking pot , or worse, maybe

they're being abused and they think it will make them feel better.

There is a definate pattern. Those that have addictive personalities

are most times raised by addicted people or have addicted people in

their families......that's the truth...and that's where heredity

comes in.

> The same goes for food, as you clearly stated. That's why it's

essential that we break the cycle with our own families and educate

ourselves and our families about proper nutrition. The food that a

lot of people eat these days is laden with chemicals and other things

that KEEP US ADDICTED to the food.

> Have you guys ever seen the movie " Super Size Me " ?

> If not, I strongly suggest doing so. It's a horrifying look at

what food can do to you.....

> Ok, I've said my piece.....

> peace and pretty dreams,

> Steph

Please send your recipes for inclusion in the Files to the Moderator at:


Reminder: The South Beach Diet is not low-carb. Nor is it low-fat. The South

Beach Diet teaches you to rely on the right carbs and the right fats-the good

ones - and enables you to live quite happily without the bad carbs and bad fats.

For more on this Way Of Eating please read " The South Beach Diet " by Arthur

Agatston, MD. ISBN 1-57954-814-8

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